khe-carāṇāṁ prajalpatām
Содержание книги
- The Descendents of Manu’s Daughters
- prajāpatiḥ sa bhagavān
- Manu gave Devahūti the second daughter to Kardama. You have heard from me almost everything about them already.
- tmeśa-brahma-sambhavān
- siddha-vidyādharoragaiḥ
- astāvīt saṁhatāñjaliḥ
- iti tasya vacaḥ śrutvā
- pratijagmuḥ sureśvarāḥ
- O Vidura! Gati, the wife of the sage Pulaha, gave birth to three pure sons, named Karmaśreṣṭha, Varīyān and Sahiṣṇu.
- kaviś ca bhārgavo yasya
- yogaṁ kriyonnatir darpam
- yo māyayā viracitaṁ nijayātmanīdaṁ
- bhāra-vyayāya ca bhuvaḥ
- sāgnayo 'nagnayas teṣāṁ
- dakṣo duhitṛ-vatsalaḥ
- Maitreya said: In a former time, great sages, devatās, other sages and fire gods assembled with their followers at a sacrifice of the creators of the universe.
- yaśo-ghno nirapatrapaḥ
- pratyutthānābhivādārhe
- preta-sraṅ-nrasthi-bhūṣaṇaḥ
- vinindyaivaṁ sa giriśam
- ya etan martyam uddiśya. bhagavaty apratidruhi. druhyaty ajñaḥ pṛthag-dṛṣṭis. tattvato vimukho bhavet. He who, identifying with the mortal body, offends Śiva, who is non-violent, will become a fool, seeing in
- karmamayyām asau jaḍaḥ
- rutvā dvija-kulāya vai
- satāṁ vartma sanātanam
- kālo vai dhriyamāṇayoḥ
- khe-carāṇāṁ prajalpatām
- tatra svasṝr me nanu bhartṛ-sammitā
- py alaṅkṛtāḥ kānta-sakhā varūthaśaḥ
- evaṁ giritraḥ priyayābhibhāṣitaḥ
- tvayoditaṁ śobhanam eva śobhane
- gṛhān pratīyād anavasthitātmanām
- pāpacyamānena hṛdāturendriyaḥ
- sattvaṁ viśuddhaṁ vasudeva-śabditaṁ
- dakṣo mama dviṭ tad-anuvratāś ca ye
- suhṛd-didṛkṣā-pratighāta-durmanāḥ
- vetātapatra-vyajana-srag-ādibhiḥ
- saudarya-sampraśna-samartha-vārtayā
- na yasya loke 'sty atiśāyanaḥ priyas
- nāścaryam etad yad asatsu sarvadā
- lokasya yad varṣati cāśiṣo 'rthinas
- jihvām asūn api tato visṛjet sa dharmaḥ
- na dhārayiṣye śiti-kaṇṭha-garhiṇaḥ
- karma pravṛttaṁ ca nivṛttam apy ṛtaṁ
- naitena dehena hare kṛtāgaso
- kṛtvā samānāv anilau jitāsanā
- tat paśyatāṁ khe bhuvi cādbhutaṁ mahad
- dṛṣṭvāsu-tyāgam adbhutam
- kruddhaḥ sudaṣṭauṣṭha-puṭaḥ sa dhūr-jaṭir
- anvīyamānaḥ sa tu rudra-pārṣadair
- yas tv anta-kāle vyupta-jaṭā-kalāpaḥ
khe-carāṇāṁ prajalpatām
satī dākṣāyaṇī devī
vrajantīḥ sarvato digbhya
vimāna-yānāḥ sa-preṣṭhā
niṣka-kaṇṭhīḥ suvāsasaḥ
dṛṣṭvā sva-nilayābhyāśe
lolākṣīr mṛṣṭa-kuṇḍalāḥ
patiṁ bhūta-patiṁ devam
autsukyād abhyabhāṣata
Hearing from the mouth of the gossiping Khecaras in the sky about the great sacrifice being held by her father, and seeing near her house the wives of the upadevas, with darting eyes, fine cloth, attractive earrings and niṣkas on their throats, mounted on their airplanes, going there from all directions along with their husbands, she spoke with longing to her husband, lord of the ghosts.
Hearing from the mouth of the gossiping Khecaras about the great sacrifice being held by her father, and seeing the wives of the upadevas going, she spoke to her husband.
|| 4.3.8 ||
saty uvāca
prajāpates te śvaśurasya sāmprataṁ
niryāpito yajña-mahotsavaḥ kila
vayaṁ ca tatrābhisarāma vāma te
yady arthitāmī vibudhā vrajanti hi
Satī said: A great sacrifice has been undertaken by your father-in-law Dakṣa. Since the devatās are going there, let us also go there, my noble lord! This is my request.
Niryāpitaḥ means undertaken. If the famous devatās are going, then we also should go there. O noble lord (vāma)! This is my request (arthitā).
|| 4.3.9 ||
tasmin bhaginyo mama bhartṛbhiḥ svakair
dhruvaṁ gamiṣyanti suhṛd-didṛkṣavaḥ
ahaṁ ca tasmin bhavatābhikāmaye
sahopanītaṁ paribarham arhitum
My sisters along with their husbands will certainly go to the sacrifice. Desiring to see my friends, along with you I also desire to accept gifts offered by my parents.
What is the purpose of you or I going? Just as they are worshipped with their husbands, let me be worshipped with my husband. This is my desire. I desire to accept along with you the gifts such as cloth and ornaments given by my parents.
|| 4.3.10 ||