kālo vai dhriyamāṇayoḥ 

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kālo vai dhriyamāṇayoḥ


Chapter Three

Śiva Warns Satī

|| 4.3.1 ||

maitreya uvāca

sadā vidviṣator evaṁ

kālo vai dhriyamāṇayoḥ

jāmātuḥ śvaśurasyāpi

sumahān aticakrame

Considerable time passed as the father-in-law and son –in-law continued their enmity.

In the Third Chapter, Satī, desiring to see the sacrifice performed by her father Dakṣa, is forbidden by Śiva, who cites words concerning proper conduct.


 Dhriyamāṇayoḥ means continued. They did not beg pardon from each other.  Dhṛ means “to continue to exist.”

|| 4.3.2 ||

yadābhiṣikto dakṣas tu

brahmaṇā parameṣṭhinā

prajāpatīnāṁ sarveṣām

ādhipatye smayo 'bhavat

When Dakṣa was appointed by Brahmā to be the chief of all the Prajāpatis, who were the progenitors of population, he became proud.

The wealth of Dakṣa, enemy of Śiva, was a cause of his offense in ruling, and became a further cause of offense. That is made clear by saying that he became proud.

|| 4.3.3 ||

iṣṭvā sa vājapeyena

brahmiṣṭhān abhibhūya ca

bṛhaspati-savaṁ nāma

samārebhe kratūttamam

Dakṣa, performing a sacrifice named vājapeya, then began the best of sacrifices called bṛhaspati-sava, surpassing the followers of Śiva.

Out of pride, surpassing the followers of Śiva, he performed the bṛhaspati-sava.  Śruti says vājapeyeneṣṭvā bṛhaspatisavena yajeta: after performing the vājapeya, sacrifice one should perform the bṛhaspati-sava.

|| 4.3.4 ||

tasmin brahmarṣayaḥ sarve


āsan kṛta-svastyayanās

tat-patnyaś ca sa-bhartṛkāḥ

At that sacrifice all the brahmarṣis, devarṣis, Pitrṣ and devatās were present along with their wives. They were worshipped, and then they worshipped along with their wives.


Kṛtasvatyayanāḥ means “who were worshipped.” They were worshipped and then again worshipped along with their wives.

|| 4.3.5-7 ||

tad upaśrutya nabhasi


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