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kālo vai dhriyamāṇayoḥ
Содержание книги
- Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakura
- The Descendents of Manu’s Daughters
- prajāpatiḥ sa bhagavān
- Manu gave Devahūti the second daughter to Kardama. You have heard from me almost everything about them already.
- tmeśa-brahma-sambhavān
- siddha-vidyādharoragaiḥ
- astāvīt saṁhatāñjaliḥ
- iti tasya vacaḥ śrutvā
- pratijagmuḥ sureśvarāḥ
- O Vidura! Gati, the wife of the sage Pulaha, gave birth to three pure sons, named Karmaśreṣṭha, Varīyān and Sahiṣṇu.
- kaviś ca bhārgavo yasya
- yogaṁ kriyonnatir darpam
- yo māyayā viracitaṁ nijayātmanīdaṁ
- bhāra-vyayāya ca bhuvaḥ
- sāgnayo 'nagnayas teṣāṁ
- dakṣo duhitṛ-vatsalaḥ
- Maitreya said: In a former time, great sages, devatās, other sages and fire gods assembled with their followers at a sacrifice of the creators of the universe.
- yaśo-ghno nirapatrapaḥ
- pratyutthānābhivādārhe
- preta-sraṅ-nrasthi-bhūṣaṇaḥ
- vinindyaivaṁ sa giriśam
- ya etan martyam uddiśya. bhagavaty apratidruhi. druhyaty ajñaḥ pṛthag-dṛṣṭis. tattvato vimukho bhavet. He who, identifying with the mortal body, offends Śiva, who is non-violent, will become a fool, seeing in
- karmamayyām asau jaḍaḥ
- rutvā dvija-kulāya vai
- satāṁ vartma sanātanam
- kālo vai dhriyamāṇayoḥ
- khe-carāṇāṁ prajalpatām
- tatra svasṝr me nanu bhartṛ-sammitā
- py alaṅkṛtāḥ kānta-sakhā varūthaśaḥ
- evaṁ giritraḥ priyayābhibhāṣitaḥ
- tvayoditaṁ śobhanam eva śobhane
- gṛhān pratīyād anavasthitātmanām
- pāpacyamānena hṛdāturendriyaḥ
- sattvaṁ viśuddhaṁ vasudeva-śabditaṁ
- dakṣo mama dviṭ tad-anuvratāś ca ye
- suhṛd-didṛkṣā-pratighāta-durmanāḥ
- vetātapatra-vyajana-srag-ādibhiḥ
- saudarya-sampraśna-samartha-vārtayā
- na yasya loke 'sty atiśāyanaḥ priyas
- nāścaryam etad yad asatsu sarvadā
- lokasya yad varṣati cāśiṣo 'rthinas
- jihvām asūn api tato visṛjet sa dharmaḥ
- na dhārayiṣye śiti-kaṇṭha-garhiṇaḥ
- karma pravṛttaṁ ca nivṛttam apy ṛtaṁ
- naitena dehena hare kṛtāgaso
- kṛtvā samānāv anilau jitāsanā
- tat paśyatāṁ khe bhuvi cādbhutaṁ mahad
- dṛṣṭvāsu-tyāgam adbhutam
- kruddhaḥ sudaṣṭauṣṭha-puṭaḥ sa dhūr-jaṭir
- anvīyamānaḥ sa tu rudra-pārṣadair
Chapter Three
Śiva Warns Satī
|| 4.3.1 ||
maitreya uvāca
sadā vidviṣator evaṁ
kālo vai dhriyamāṇayoḥ
jāmātuḥ śvaśurasyāpi
sumahān aticakrame
Considerable time passed as the father-in-law and son –in-law continued their enmity.
In the Third Chapter, Satī, desiring to see the sacrifice performed by her father Dakṣa, is forbidden by Śiva, who cites words concerning proper conduct.
Dhriyamāṇayoḥ means continued. They did not beg pardon from each other. Dhṛ means “to continue to exist.”
|| 4.3.2 ||
yadābhiṣikto dakṣas tu
brahmaṇā parameṣṭhinā
prajāpatīnāṁ sarveṣām
ādhipatye smayo 'bhavat
When Dakṣa was appointed by Brahmā to be the chief of all the Prajāpatis, who were the progenitors of population, he became proud.
The wealth of Dakṣa, enemy of Śiva, was a cause of his offense in ruling, and became a further cause of offense. That is made clear by saying that he became proud.
|| 4.3.3 ||
iṣṭvā sa vājapeyena
brahmiṣṭhān abhibhūya ca
bṛhaspati-savaṁ nāma
samārebhe kratūttamam
Dakṣa, performing a sacrifice named vājapeya, then began the best of sacrifices called bṛhaspati-sava, surpassing the followers of Śiva.
Out of pride, surpassing the followers of Śiva, he performed the bṛhaspati-sava. Śruti says vājapeyeneṣṭvā bṛhaspatisavena yajeta: after performing the vājapeya, sacrifice one should perform the bṛhaspati-sava.
|| 4.3.4 ||
tasmin brahmarṣayaḥ sarve
āsan kṛta-svastyayanās
tat-patnyaś ca sa-bhartṛkāḥ
At that sacrifice all the brahmarṣis, devarṣis, Pitrṣ and devatās were present along with their wives. They were worshipped, and then they worshipped along with their wives.
Kṛtasvatyayanāḥ means “who were worshipped.” They were worshipped and then again worshipped along with their wives.
|| 4.3.5-7 ||
tad upaśrutya nabhasi