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pāpacyamānena hṛdāturendriyaḥ
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- iti tasya vacaḥ śrutvā
- pratijagmuḥ sureśvarāḥ
- O Vidura! Gati, the wife of the sage Pulaha, gave birth to three pure sons, named Karmaśreṣṭha, Varīyān and Sahiṣṇu.
- kaviś ca bhārgavo yasya
- yogaṁ kriyonnatir darpam
- yo māyayā viracitaṁ nijayātmanīdaṁ
- bhāra-vyayāya ca bhuvaḥ
- sāgnayo 'nagnayas teṣāṁ
- dakṣo duhitṛ-vatsalaḥ
- Maitreya said: In a former time, great sages, devatās, other sages and fire gods assembled with their followers at a sacrifice of the creators of the universe.
- yaśo-ghno nirapatrapaḥ
- pratyutthānābhivādārhe
- preta-sraṅ-nrasthi-bhūṣaṇaḥ
- vinindyaivaṁ sa giriśam
- ya etan martyam uddiśya. bhagavaty apratidruhi. druhyaty ajñaḥ pṛthag-dṛṣṭis. tattvato vimukho bhavet. He who, identifying with the mortal body, offends Śiva, who is non-violent, will become a fool, seeing in
- karmamayyām asau jaḍaḥ
- rutvā dvija-kulāya vai
- satāṁ vartma sanātanam
- kālo vai dhriyamāṇayoḥ
- khe-carāṇāṁ prajalpatām
- tatra svasṝr me nanu bhartṛ-sammitā
- py alaṅkṛtāḥ kānta-sakhā varūthaśaḥ
- evaṁ giritraḥ priyayābhibhāṣitaḥ
- tvayoditaṁ śobhanam eva śobhane
- gṛhān pratīyād anavasthitātmanām
- pāpacyamānena hṛdāturendriyaḥ
- sattvaṁ viśuddhaṁ vasudeva-śabditaṁ
- dakṣo mama dviṭ tad-anuvratāś ca ye
- suhṛd-didṛkṣā-pratighāta-durmanāḥ
- vetātapatra-vyajana-srag-ādibhiḥ
- saudarya-sampraśna-samartha-vārtayā
- na yasya loke 'sty atiśāyanaḥ priyas
- nāścaryam etad yad asatsu sarvadā
- lokasya yad varṣati cāśiṣo 'rthinas
- jihvām asūn api tato visṛjet sa dharmaḥ
- na dhārayiṣye śiti-kaṇṭha-garhiṇaḥ
- karma pravṛttaṁ ca nivṛttam apy ṛtaṁ
- naitena dehena hare kṛtāgaso
- kṛtvā samānāv anilau jitāsanā
- tat paśyatāṁ khe bhuvi cādbhutaṁ mahad
- dṛṣṭvāsu-tyāgam adbhutam
- kruddhaḥ sudaṣṭauṣṭha-puṭaḥ sa dhūr-jaṭir
- anvīyamānaḥ sa tu rudra-pārṣadair
- yas tv anta-kāle vyupta-jaṭā-kalāpaḥ
- tāvat sa rudrānucarair mahā-makho
- bhṛguṁ babandha maṇimān
- chindann api tad uddhartuṁ
- The Devatās Approach Śiva
- athāpi yūyaṁ kṛta-kilbiṣā bhavaṁ
- samanvitaḥ pitṛbhiḥ sa-prajeśaiḥ
pāpacyamānena hṛdāturendriyaḥ
samṛddhibhiḥ pūruṣa-buddhi-sākṣiṇām
akalpa eṣām adhiroḍhum añjasā
paraṁ padaṁ dveṣṭi yathāsurā harim
His senses suffering and heart burning because of the powers of persons like me, who have the Lord as the witness of our intelligence, Dakṣa is unable to attain such a high position, and thus hates me just as demons hate the Lord.
“Śiva! You must have mentally been somewhat hostile to Dakṣa.” Denying this, Śiva swears, “Dakṣa is envious and continually hates me. Manufacturing offense to me, he has displayed hatred at this time.” Dakṣa, with suffering senses, with heart burning because of powers of yoga (samṛddhibhiḥ) possessed by persons like myself, displays hatred to me, just as demons hate the Lord. He is unable to ascend to that high position (param padam) that I have. But I do not have any hatred for your father Dakṣa. Making this oath, Śiva explains. Persons like me have the Lord as the witness of our intelligence, to judge whether our decisions are good or bad. O Satī, if you do not believe this, contact the Lord directly by samādhi for a moment, and ask him about my good and bad qualities.
|| 4.3.22 ||
vidhīyate sādhu mithaḥ sumadhyame
prājñaiḥ parasmai puruṣāya cetasā
guhā-śayāyaiva na deha-mānine
O thin-waisted wife! Rising from one’s seat, acting affectionately and offering mutual respects should actually be done by the wise with the thought that one is offering respects to the Supreme Lord dwelling within that person, not thinking of the person’s body.
“I believe that you do not hate Dakṣa. However, you should rise from your seat and act humbly in front of your father-in-law.” The mutual exchange of greetings that are performed by ignorant people should be performed by intelligent people with their minds directed to the Supreme Lord. One should think “The Supreme Lord exists in my father-in-law and my husband. Therefore I offer respects to him.” One should not think of the bodies. The unintelligent people greet each other with bodily consciousness only, since they never remember the Supreme Lord. That is not proper. Because I was absorbed in the lotus feet of the Lord when Dakṣa arrived, even if I did not glance at Dakṣa, by my respect for the Lord, Dakṣa was respected. But Dakṣa is ignorant and became angry without cause.
|| 4.3.23 ||