vinindyaivaṁ sa giriśam 

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vinindyaivaṁ sa giriśam


maitreya uvāca

vinindyaivaṁ sa giriśam

apratīpam avasthitam

dakṣo 'thāpa upaspṛśya

kruddhaḥ śaptuṁ pracakrame

Maitreya said: In this way criticizing Śiva, who remained there without hostility, Dakṣa, sipping water, began to curse him in anger.

Apratīpam means “without an enemy.”

|| 4.2.18 ||

ayaṁ tu deva-yajana

indropendrādibhir bhavaḥ

saha bhāgaṁ na labhatāṁ

devair deva-gaṇādhamaḥ

The lowest of the devatās, Śiva should not receive a portion of the sacrifice along with the devatās like Indra and Upendra.

His curse can also be taken as praise. At the sacrifice, he should not receive a share along with the devatās because the devatās are lower than he is. One should not eat with those who are in a lower position. Therefore, he will receive his share simply by letting them eat their share, since he is famous as the nourisher of all beings.

|| 4.2.19 ||

niṣidhyamānaḥ sa sadasya-mukhyair

dakṣo giritrāya visṛjya śāpam

tasmād viniṣkramya vivṛddha-manyur

jagāma kauravya nijaṁ niketanam

O Vidura! In spite of the opposition of the assembly, Dakṣa released his curse and filled with anger, left the place, and returned to his own house.

I do not see anyone except myself who has intelligence. He left in anger, thinking “I should not stay in an assembly of such irreligious people.” The others said, “Do not become angry. Please come back.”

|| 4.2.20 ||

vijñāya śāpaṁ giriśānugāgraṇīr

nandīśvaro roṣa-kaṣāya-dūṣitaḥ

dakṣāya śāpaṁ visasarja dāruṇaṁ

ye cānvamodaṁs tad-avācyatāṁ dvijāḥ

Upon understanding that Śiva had been cursed, Nandīśvara, Lord Śiva's principal follower, with red eyes of anger, cursed Dakṣa and all the brāhmaṇas who had tolerated Dakṣa's curse of Śiva.

“Contaminated with the ointment of anger” means his eyes became red. He also cursed those who tolerated the curse (avācyatām) of Śiva.

|| 4.2.21 ||


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