astāvīt saṁhatāñjaliḥ 

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astāvīt saṁhatāñjaliḥ


astāvīt saṁhatāñjaliḥ

ślakṣṇayā sūktayā vācā


Concentrating upon them, with folded hands, he began to praise the most praiseworthy in all the worlds with verses with sweet words.

Ślakṣṇayā means sweet.


|| 4.1.27 ||

atrir uvāca

viśvodbhava-sthiti-layeṣu vibhajyamānair

māyā-guṇair anuyugaṁ vigṛhīta-dehāḥ

te brahma-viṣṇu-giriśāḥ praṇato 'smy ahaṁ vas

tebhyaḥ ka eva bhavatāṁ ma ihopahūtaḥ

Atri said: In every kalpa Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva accept bodies with guṇas divided up for creating, maintaining and destroying the universe. I offer respects to you. Whom among you have I called?

You have accepted bodies for creation, maintenance and destruction of the universe, by the division of guṇas in every kalpa. I recognize you. Or you have accepted bodies by the material guṇas. This is a statement made out of ignorance concerning the position of Viṣṇu, since it is impossible for the Supreme Lord to have a body of material sattva. I offer respects to you. By mercy you should destroy my doubt. Who among you did I call by my sādhana? He had indicated one person when he said “I surrender unto the Lord of the universe.” (verse 20) Among you, who is the Lord of the universe? By your mercy, you should say. 



|| 4.1.28 ||

eko mayeha bhagavān vividha-pradhānaiś

cittī-kṛtaḥ prajananāya kathaṁ nu yūyam

atrāgatās tanu-bhṛtāṁ manaso 'pi dūrād

brūta prasīdata mahān iha vismayo me

I fixed my mind upon one Lord with articles of worship, for creating progeny. Why have three of you come here, from far beyond the minds of men? Please be merciful and tell me. I am filled with bewilderment.


They remained silent. Thus he clarifies his statement. I have fixed one person in my mind, with various articles of worship (pradhānaiḥ), for creating progeny. Another version has vibhudha-pradhāna (chief among the devatās). Why have three of you come?


|| 4.1.29 ||


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