ya etan martyam uddiśya. bhagavaty apratidruhi. druhyaty ajñaḥ pṛthag-dṛṣṭis. tattvato vimukho bhavet. He who, identifying with the mortal body, offends Śiva, who is non-violent, will become a fool, seeing in 

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ya etan martyam uddiśya. bhagavaty apratidruhi. druhyaty ajñaḥ pṛthag-dṛṣṭis. tattvato vimukho bhavet. He who, identifying with the mortal body, offends Śiva, who is non-violent, will become a fool, seeing in


ya etan martyam uddiśya

bhagavaty apratidruhi

druhyaty ajñaḥ pṛthag-dṛṣṭis

tattvato vimukho bhavet

He who, identifying with the mortal body, offends Śiva, who is non-violent, will become a fool, seeing in terms of different bodies and rejecting the Supreme Lord.

Three verses explain his curse of Dakṣa. He, who identifying with his body, subject to death (etat martyam), hates Śiva, will become ignorant. That ignorant person is further explained. He sees in terms of different living beings, such as both, children and wife. He will be opposed to the Lord (tattvataḥ). This is the first curse.



|| 4.2.22 ||

gṛheṣu kūṭa-dharmeṣu

sakto grāmya-sukhecchayā

karma-tantraṁ vitanute


That person, attached to cheating rules of household life with a desire for material happiness, his intelligence spoiled by misleading followers of the Vedas, will become totally absorbed in karma-khāṇda.

“Followers of the Vedas” means those whose intelligence is spoiled by statements such asakṣayyaṁ ha vai cāturmāsya-yājinaḥ sukṛtaṁ bhavati: the performer of four months of austerity achieved immortality. (Āpastamba Śrauta Sūtra, Kṛṣṇa Yajur Veda 8.1.1)

|| 4.2.23 ||

buddhyā parābhidhyāyinyā

vismṛtātma-gatiḥ paśuḥ

strī-kāmaḥ so 'stv atitarāṁ

dakṣo basta-mukho 'cirāt

Let Dakṣa who has forgotten the spiritual goal because of accepting his body as the self, who is excessively attached to women like an animal, immediately take a head like a goat’s.

By having intelligence which thinks the body (para) to be the self, he has forgotten the goal of life. Desiring women excessively, he is like an animal. That is the second curse. That he should have a head like a goat’s is the third curse.

|| 4.2.24 ||

vidyā-buddhir avidyāyāṁ


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