The celestial sages, Pitās and Gandharvas rained down flowers to celebrate the killing of sinful Vṛkāsura. Now Lord Śiva was out of danger. 

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The celestial sages, Pitās and Gandharvas rained down flowers to celebrate the killing of sinful Vṛkāsura. Now Lord Śiva was out of danger.



[Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] Thus bewildered by the Personality of Godhead’s enchanting, artful words, foolish Vṛka, without realizing what he was doing, placed his hand on his head.



Forgetting about (vismṛtiḥ) Śiva’s benediction, the demon touched his own head.


|| 10.88.36 ||

athāpatad bhinna-śirāḥ vajrāhata iva kṣaṇāt

jaya-śabdo namaḥ-śabdaḥ sādhu-śabdo ’bhavad divi


Instantly his head shattered as if struck by a lightning bolt, and the demon fell down dead. From the sky were heard cries of “Victory!” “Obeisances!” and “Well done!”


|| 10.88.37 ||

mumucuḥ puṣpa-varṣāṇi hate pāpe vṛkāsure

devarṣi-pitṛ-gandharvā mocitaḥ saṅkaṭāc chivaḥ


The celestial sages, Pitās and Gandharvas rained down flowers to celebrate the killing of sinful Vṛkāsura. Now Lord Śiva was out of danger.


|| 10.88.38-39 ||

muktaṁ giriśam abhyāha bhagavān puruṣottamaḥ

aho deva mahā-deva pāpo ’yaṁ svena pāpmanā

hataḥ ko nu mahatsv īśa jantur vai kṛta-kilbiṣaḥ

kṣemī syāt kim u viśveśe kṛtāgasko jagad-gurau


The Supreme Personality of Godhead then addressed Lord Giriśa, who was now out of danger: “Just see, O Mahādeva, My lord, how this wicked man has been killed by his own sinful reactions. Indeed, what living being can hope for good fortune if he offends exalted saints, what to speak of offending the lord and spiritual master of the universe?”


This statement of Lord Viṣṇu’s implies a mild scolding: “My dear possessor of unlimited vision, O you of clear intelligence, benedictions should not be given to wicked demons in this way. You could have been killed! But you were only concerned about saving this poor soul, so you disregarded what would happen to you as a result.” By this mild rebuke, Lord Nārāyaṇa is also highlighting the exceptional compassion of the powerful Lord Śiva.


|| 10.88.40 ||

ya evam avyākṛta-śakty-udanvataḥ parasya sākṣāt paramātmano hareḥ

giritra-mokṣaṁ kathayec chṛṇoti vā vimucyate saṁsṛtibhis tathāribhiḥ


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