There he saw the wonderful maiden Subhadrā, who was enchanting to heroes. His eyes opened wide with delight, and his mind became agitated and absorbed in thoughts of her. 

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There he saw the wonderful maiden Subhadrā, who was enchanting to heroes. His eyes opened wide with delight, and his mind became agitated and absorbed in thoughts of her.



There he saw the wonderful maiden Subhadrā, who was enchanting to heroes. His eyes opened wide with delight, and his mind became agitated and absorbed in thoughts of her.


That wonderfully, attractive maiden was enchanting to heroes (vīra-mano-harām) like Arjuna. In some editions the phrase is written dhīra manoharam, which means “enchanting to a sober, self-controlled saint.”


|| 10.86.7 ||

sāpi taṁ cakame vīkṣya nārīṇāṁ hṛdayaṁ-gamam

hasantī vrīḍitāpaṅgī tan-nyasta-hṛdayekṣaṇā


Arjuna was very attractive to women, and as soon as Subhadrā saw him, she wanted to have him as her husband. Smiling bashfully with sidelong glances, she fixed her heart and eyes upon him.


Upon seeing Arjuna, who was very attractive to women, Subhadrā confirmed in her mind by his characteristics that Arjuna was not a sannyāsī, and thus she fell in love with him.


|| 10.86.8 ||

tāṁ paraṁ samanudhyāyann antaraṁ prepsur arjunaḥ

na lebhe śaṁ bhramac-cittaḥ  kāmenāti-balīyasā


Meditating only on her and waiting for the opportunity to take her away, Arjuna had no peace. His heart trembled with passionate desire.


Waiting for the right opportunity (antaraṁ) to take her away, Arjuna had no peace (śam).


|| 10.86.9 ||

mahatyāṁ deva-yātrāyāṁ ratha-sthāṁ durga-nirgatāṁ

jahārānumataḥ pitroḥ kṛṣṇasya ca mahā-rathaḥ


Once, on the occasion of a great temple festival in honor of the Supreme Lord, Subhadrā rode out of the fortresslike palace on a chariot, and at that time the mighty chariot warrior Arjuna took the opportunity to kidnap her. Subhadrā’s parents and Kṛṣṇa had sanctioned this.


Arjuna kidnapped Subhadrā during the annual Ratha-yātrā for Lord Viṣṇu on the occasion of His rising from mystic sleep at the end of Cāturmāsya. Arjuna did this with the permission of Kṛṣṇa and Subhadrā’s parents, Vasudeva and Devakī.


|| 10.86.10 ||

ratha-stho dhanur ādāya śūrāṁś cārundhato bhaṭān

vidrāvya krośatāṁ svānāṁ sva-bhāgaṁ mṛga-rāḍ iva


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