In this world familiarity breeds contempt. For example, one who lives on the banks of the Ganges might travel to some other body of water to be purified. 

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In this world familiarity breeds contempt. For example, one who lives on the banks of the Ganges might travel to some other body of water to be purified.



Grasping their feet, Vasudeva spoke. The sandhi of babhāṣe with idaṁ (babhāṣedaṁ) is poetic license. Vasudeva thought, “Such sages are difficult to bring, even if invited. Without their help, I will never be able to destroy the doubts in my heart. Therefore now I should ask some questions to keep them from leaving.”


|| 10.84.29 ||

śrī-vasudeva uvāca

namo vaḥ sarva-devebhya ṛṣayaḥ śrotum arhatha

karmaṇā karma-nirhāro yathā syān nas tad ucyatām


Śrī Vasudeva said: Obeisances to you, the residence of all the demigods. Please hear me, O sages. Kindly tell us how the reactions of one’s work can be counteracted by further work.


Here Vasudeva addresses the sages as sarva-devebhya, “the residence of all the demigods.” His statement is confirmed in the śrutis, which declare, yāvatīr vai devatās tāḥ sarvā veda-vidi brāhmaṇe vasanti: “All the demigods reside in a brāhmaṇa who knows the Vedas.”


Vasudeva said, “Please tell me how I can destroy the bondage of karma? Since I am so attached to my wives, children and home, I am not qualified for jñāna or bhakti.”


|| 10.84.30 ||

śrī-nārada uvāca

nāti-citram idaṁ viprā vasudevo bubhutsayā

kṛṣṇam matvārbhakaṁ yan naḥ pṛcchati śreya ātmanaḥ


Śrī Nārada Muni said: O brāhmaṇas, it is not so amazing that in his eagerness to know, Vasudeva has asked us about his ultimate benefit, for he considers Kṛṣṇa a mere boy.


The sages, feeling astonished, said “Ah, even though Vasudeva is the Lord’s father, he thinks himself caught up in the cycle of material existence. And even if he is asking for the benefit of others, why is he ignoring Kṛṣṇa and asking us?”


Nārada Muni answers them in this verse: “It is not surprising that Vasudeva, thinking of Kṛṣṇa as his son (arbhakam) and not the Lord, asks us about his ultimate good, śreya ātmanaḥ.”


|| 10.84.31 ||

sannikarṣo ’tra martyānām anādaraṇa-kāraṇam

gāṅgaṁ hitvā yathānyāmbhas tatratyo yāti śuddhaye



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