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In this world familiarity breeds contempt. For example, one who lives on the banks of the Ganges might travel to some other body of water to be purified.
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- The Lord Blesses Sudāmā Brāhmaṇa
- If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it.
- After saying this, the Supreme Lord ate one palmful and was about to eat a second when the devoted goddess Rukmiṇī took hold of His hand.
- Devotional service to His lotus feet is the root cause of all the perfections a person can find in heaven, in liberation, in the subterranean regions and on earth.
- Thinking “If this poor wretch suddenly becomes rich, he will forget Me in his intoxicating happiness,” the compassionate Lord did not grant me even a little wealth.
- With pleasure he took his wife with him and entered his house, where there were hundreds of gem-studded pillars, just as in the palace of Lord Mahendra.
- Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma Meet the Inhabitants of Vṛndāvana
- Knowing of this eclipse in advance, O King, many people went to the holy place known as Samanta-pañcaka in order to earn pious credit.
- Queen Kuntī said: My dear, respectable brother, I feel that my desires have been frustrated, because although all of you are most saintly, you forgot me during my calamities.
- Friends and family members—even children, brothers and parents—forget a dear one whom Providence no longer favors.
- ukadeva Gosvāmī said: Vasudeva, Ugrasena and the other Yadus honored the various kings, who became supremely blissful and content upon seeing Lord Acyuta.
- Raising their two sons onto their laps and holding Them in their arms, Nanda and saintly mother Yaśodā forgot their sorrow.
- Lord Kṛṣṇa said:] My dear girīfriends, do you still remember Me? It was for My relatives’ sake that I stayed away so long, intent on destroying My enemies.
- Do you perhaps think I’m ungrateful and thus hold Me in contempt? After all, it is the Supreme Lord who brings living beings together and then separates them.
- Draupadī Meets the Queens of Kṛṣṇa
- Feeling greatly honored, King Yudhiṣṭhira and the others, freed of all sinful reactions by seeing the feet of the Lord of the universe, gladly answered His inquiries.
- My father, Bṛhatsena, was by nature compassionate to his daughter, and knowing how I felt, O saintly lady, he arranged to fulfill my desire.
- Kettledrums resounded in the sky, and on the earth people shouted “Jaya! Jaya!” Overjoyed, demigods showered flowers.
- The leading kings there could not tolerate my having chosen the Supreme Personality of Godhead, O Draupadī. Burning with lust, they became quarrelsome.
- Dāruka drove the Lord’s gold-trimmed chariot as the kings looked on, O Queen, like small animals helplessly watching a lion.
- My father honored his friends, family and in-laws with priceless clothing and jewelry and with royal beds, thrones and other furnishings.
- Thus, by renouncing all material association and practicing austere penances, we queens have all become personal maidservants of the self-satisfied Supreme Lord.
- The Sages’ Teachings at Kuruksetra
- The Supreme Lord said: Now our lives are indeed successful, for we have obtained life’s ultimate goal: the audience of great yoga masters, which even demigods only rarely obtain.
- Seeing that they were about to leave, the renowned Vasudeva approached the sages. After bowing down to them and touching their feet, he spoke to them with carefully chosen words.
- In this world familiarity breeds contempt. For example, one who lives on the banks of the Ganges might travel to some other body of water to be purified.
- ukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] The sages then spoke again, O King, addressing Vasudeva while all the kings, along with Lord Acyuta and Lord Rāma, listened.
- This is the most auspicious path for a religious householder of the twice-born orders—to selflessly worship the Personality of Godhead with wealth honestly obtained.
- O most respectful one, may a person who wants the highest benefit in life never gain kingly opulence, for it leaves him blind to the needs of his own family and friends.
- Unable to withdraw their minds from Lord Govinda’s lotus feet, where they had surrendered them, Nanda and the cowherd men and women returned to Mathurā.
- Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadrā, and Kṛṣṇa Blesses His Devotees
- One day Lord Balarāma brought him to His home as His invited dinner guest, and Arjuna ate the food the Lord respectfully offered him.
- There he saw the wonderful maiden Subhadrā, who was enchanting to heroes. His eyes opened wide with delight, and his mind became agitated and absorbed in thoughts of her.
- Lord Balarāma then happily sent the bride and groom very valuable wedding gifts consisting of elephants, chariots, horses and male and female servants.
- By the will of Providence he obtained each day just what he needed for his maintenance, and no more. Satisfied with this much, he properly executed his religious duties.
- Hearing that Lord Acyuta had arrived, O King, the residents of the cities and villages of Videha joyfully came forth to receive Him with offerings in their hands.
- Both the King of Mithilā and Śrutadeva fell at the Lord’s feet, each thinking that the spiritual master of the universe had come there just to show him mercy.
- What person who knows this truth would ever abandon Your lotus feet, when You are ready to give Your very self to peaceful sages who call nothing their own?
- Appearing in the Yadu dynasty, You have spread Your glories, which can remove all the sins of the three worlds, just to deliver those entrapped in the cycle of birth and death.
- Please stay a few days in our house, along with these brāhmaṇas, O all-pervading one, and with the dust of Your feet sanctify this dynasty of Nimi.
- With the wash water, the virtuous Śrutadeva copiously sprinkled himself, his house and his family. Overjoyed, he felt that all his desires had now been fulfilled.
- The Lord is like a sleeping person who creates a separate world in his imagination and then enters his own dream and sees himself within it.
- O Lord, You are that Supreme Soul, and we are Your servants. How shall we serve You? My Lord, simply seeing You puts an end to all the troubles of human life.
- Prayers by the Personified Vedas
- Thus the ancient saints who travel in the upper heavens distilled this nectarean and confidential essence of all the Vedas and Purāṇas.
- Lord Śiva Saved from Vṛkāsura
- When he becomes frustrated in his attempts to make money and instead befriends My devotees, I bestow My special mercy upon him.
- The demon named Vṛka, a son of Śakuni’s, once met Nārada on the road. The wicked fellow asked him which of the three chief gods could be pleased most quickly.
- To test Lord Śambhu’s benediction, the demon then tried to put his hand on the Lord’s head. Thus Śiva was frightened because of what he himself had done.
- O mighty one, please tell Us what you intend to do, if We are qualified to hear it. Usually one accomplishes his purposes by taking help from others.
Grasping their feet, Vasudeva spoke. The sandhi of babhāṣe with idaṁ (babhāṣedaṁ) is poetic license. Vasudeva thought, “Such sages are difficult to bring, even if invited. Without their help, I will never be able to destroy the doubts in my heart. Therefore now I should ask some questions to keep them from leaving.”
|| 10.84.29 ||
śrī-vasudeva uvāca
namo vaḥ sarva-devebhya ṛṣayaḥ śrotum arhatha
karmaṇā karma-nirhāro yathā syān nas tad ucyatām
Śrī Vasudeva said: Obeisances to you, the residence of all the demigods. Please hear me, O sages. Kindly tell us how the reactions of one’s work can be counteracted by further work.
Here Vasudeva addresses the sages as sarva-devebhya, “the residence of all the demigods.” His statement is confirmed in the śrutis, which declare, yāvatīr vai devatās tāḥ sarvā veda-vidi brāhmaṇe vasanti: “All the demigods reside in a brāhmaṇa who knows the Vedas.”
Vasudeva said, “Please tell me how I can destroy the bondage of karma? Since I am so attached to my wives, children and home, I am not qualified for jñāna or bhakti.”
|| 10.84.30 ||
śrī-nārada uvāca
nāti-citram idaṁ viprā vasudevo bubhutsayā
kṛṣṇam matvārbhakaṁ yan naḥ pṛcchati śreya ātmanaḥ
Śrī Nārada Muni said: O brāhmaṇas, it is not so amazing that in his eagerness to know, Vasudeva has asked us about his ultimate benefit, for he considers Kṛṣṇa a mere boy.
The sages, feeling astonished, said “Ah, even though Vasudeva is the Lord’s father, he thinks himself caught up in the cycle of material existence. And even if he is asking for the benefit of others, why is he ignoring Kṛṣṇa and asking us?”
Nārada Muni answers them in this verse: “It is not surprising that Vasudeva, thinking of Kṛṣṇa as his son (arbhakam) and not the Lord, asks us about his ultimate good, śreya ātmanaḥ.”
|| 10.84.31 ||
sannikarṣo ’tra martyānām anādaraṇa-kāraṇam
gāṅgaṁ hitvā yathānyāmbhas tatratyo yāti śuddhaye