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Prayers by the Personified Vedas
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- The leading kings there could not tolerate my having chosen the Supreme Personality of Godhead, O Draupadī. Burning with lust, they became quarrelsome.
- Dāruka drove the Lord’s gold-trimmed chariot as the kings looked on, O Queen, like small animals helplessly watching a lion.
- My father honored his friends, family and in-laws with priceless clothing and jewelry and with royal beds, thrones and other furnishings.
- Thus, by renouncing all material association and practicing austere penances, we queens have all become personal maidservants of the self-satisfied Supreme Lord.
- The Sages’ Teachings at Kuruksetra
- The Supreme Lord said: Now our lives are indeed successful, for we have obtained life’s ultimate goal: the audience of great yoga masters, which even demigods only rarely obtain.
- Seeing that they were about to leave, the renowned Vasudeva approached the sages. After bowing down to them and touching their feet, he spoke to them with carefully chosen words.
- In this world familiarity breeds contempt. For example, one who lives on the banks of the Ganges might travel to some other body of water to be purified.
- ukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] The sages then spoke again, O King, addressing Vasudeva while all the kings, along with Lord Acyuta and Lord Rāma, listened.
- This is the most auspicious path for a religious householder of the twice-born orders—to selflessly worship the Personality of Godhead with wealth honestly obtained.
- O most respectful one, may a person who wants the highest benefit in life never gain kingly opulence, for it leaves him blind to the needs of his own family and friends.
- Unable to withdraw their minds from Lord Govinda’s lotus feet, where they had surrendered them, Nanda and the cowherd men and women returned to Mathurā.
- Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadrā, and Kṛṣṇa Blesses His Devotees
- One day Lord Balarāma brought him to His home as His invited dinner guest, and Arjuna ate the food the Lord respectfully offered him.
- There he saw the wonderful maiden Subhadrā, who was enchanting to heroes. His eyes opened wide with delight, and his mind became agitated and absorbed in thoughts of her.
- Lord Balarāma then happily sent the bride and groom very valuable wedding gifts consisting of elephants, chariots, horses and male and female servants.
- By the will of Providence he obtained each day just what he needed for his maintenance, and no more. Satisfied with this much, he properly executed his religious duties.
- Hearing that Lord Acyuta had arrived, O King, the residents of the cities and villages of Videha joyfully came forth to receive Him with offerings in their hands.
- Both the King of Mithilā and Śrutadeva fell at the Lord’s feet, each thinking that the spiritual master of the universe had come there just to show him mercy.
- What person who knows this truth would ever abandon Your lotus feet, when You are ready to give Your very self to peaceful sages who call nothing their own?
- Appearing in the Yadu dynasty, You have spread Your glories, which can remove all the sins of the three worlds, just to deliver those entrapped in the cycle of birth and death.
- Please stay a few days in our house, along with these brāhmaṇas, O all-pervading one, and with the dust of Your feet sanctify this dynasty of Nimi.
- With the wash water, the virtuous Śrutadeva copiously sprinkled himself, his house and his family. Overjoyed, he felt that all his desires had now been fulfilled.
- The Lord is like a sleeping person who creates a separate world in his imagination and then enters his own dream and sees himself within it.
- O Lord, You are that Supreme Soul, and we are Your servants. How shall we serve You? My Lord, simply seeing You puts an end to all the troubles of human life.
- Prayers by the Personified Vedas
- Thus the ancient saints who travel in the upper heavens distilled this nectarean and confidential essence of all the Vedas and Purāṇas.
- Lord Śiva Saved from Vṛkāsura
- When he becomes frustrated in his attempts to make money and instead befriends My devotees, I bestow My special mercy upon him.
- The demon named Vṛka, a son of Śakuni’s, once met Nārada on the road. The wicked fellow asked him which of the three chief gods could be pleased most quickly.
- To test Lord Śambhu’s benediction, the demon then tried to put his hand on the Lord’s head. Thus Śiva was frightened because of what he himself had done.
- O mighty one, please tell Us what you intend to do, if We are qualified to hear it. Usually one accomplishes his purposes by taking help from others.
- O best of the demons, if you have any faith in him because he is the spiritual master of the universe, then without delay put your hand on your head and see what happens.
- The celestial sages, Pitās and Gandharvas rained down flowers to celebrate the killing of sinful Vṛkāsura. Now Lord Śiva was out of danger.
- Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna Retrieve a Brāhmaṇa’s Sons
- Bhṛgu then went to Mount Kailāsa. There Lord Śiva stood up and happily came forward to embrace his brother.
- O King, Bhṛgu then returned to the sacrificial arena of the wise Vedic authorities and described his entire experience to them.
- The brāhmaṇa took the corpse and placed it at the door of King Ugrasena’s court. Then, agitated and lamenting miserably, he spoke the following.
- Citizens serving such a wicked king, who takes pleasure in violence and cannot control his senses, are doomed to suffer poverty and constant misery.
- The rulers of a kingdom in which brāhmaṇas lament over lost wealth, wives and children are merely imposters playing the role of kings just to earn their livelihood.
- Thus convinced by Arjuna, O tormentor of enemies, the brāhmaṇa went home, satisfied by having heard Arjuna’s declaration of his prowess.
- The brāhmaṇa’s wife then gave birth, but after the newborn infant had been crying for a short time, he suddenly vanished into the sky in his selfsame body.
- Having thus advised Arjuna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead had Arjuna join Him on His divine chariot, and together they set off toward the west.
- Summary of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s Glories
- O Malayan breeze, what have we done to displease you, so that you stir up lust in our hearts, which have already been shattered by Govinda’s sidelong glances?
- While fulfilling the highest standards of religious householder life, Lord Kṛṣṇa maintained more than 16,100 wives.
- Among these jewellike women were eight principal queens, headed by Rukmiṇī. I have already described them one after another, O King, along with their sons.
- The great warrior Pradyumna married Rukmī’s daughter [Rukmavatī], who gave birth to Aniruddha. He was as strong as ten thousand elephants.
- To subdue these demons, Lord Hari told the demigods to descend into the dynasty of Yadu. They comprised 101 clans, O King.
- Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakura
“Please instruct (śādhi:anuśikṣaya) me.”
|| 10.86.50 ||
śrī-śuka uvāca
tad-uktam ity upākarṇya bhagavān praṇatārti-hā
gṛhītvā pāṇinā pāṇiṁ prahasaṁs tam uvāca ha
Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: After hearing Śrutadeva speak these words, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who relieves His surrendered devotees’ distress, took Śrutadeva’s hand in His own and, smiling, spoke to him as follows.
The phrase grhītvā pāṇinā pāṇiṁ, “taking his hand in His own” implies that Kṛṣṇa intended, by making Śrutadeva hear His clever words, to drown him in sakhya-rasa. Kṛṣṇa smiled broadly (prahasaṁs) to indicate, “Yes, you know the truth about Me, and I also know all about you. So now I will tell you something special.”
|| 10.86.51 ||
śrī-bhagavān uvāca
brahmaṁs te ’nugrahārthāya samprāptān viddhy amūn munīn
sañcaranti mayā lokān punantaḥ pāda-reṇubhiḥ
The Supreme Lord said: My dear brāhmaṇa, you should know that these great sages have come here just to bless you. They travel throughout the worlds with Me, purifying them with the dust of their feet.
Śrī Kṛṣṇa said, “I have heard you praise Me but not the brāhmaṇas accompanying Me. Being favorable to the brāhmaṇas, I will perso-nally praise them in order to teach devotion to the brāhmaṇas.” By saying this Kṛṣṇa implies, “Even though I am Your object of praise, the brāhmaṇas are Mine.” By addressing Śrutadeva with brahmams, “O brāhmaṇa” Kṛṣṇa indicates that since Śrutadeva himself is a brāhmaṇa, he need not show as much respect as He does.
|| 10.86.52 ||
devāḥ kṣetrāṇi tīrthāni darśana-sparśanārcanaiḥ
śanaiḥ punanti kālena tad apy arhattamekṣayā
One can gradually become purified by seeing, touching and worshiping temple deities, places of pilgrimage and holy rivers. But one can attain the same result immediately simply by receiving the glance of exalted sages.
“Moreover, the brāhmaṇas, who immediately purify one just by their darśana, are even greater than temple deities who slowly purify one.” This is confirmed in the words of the sons of King Prācīnabarhi:
teṣāṁ vicaratāṁ padbhyāṁ tīrthānāṁ pāvanecchayā
bhītasya kiṁ na roceta tāvakānāṁ samāgamaḥ
“Dear Lord, Your devotees wander all over the world to purify even the holy places of pilgrimage. Is not such activity pleasing to those who are actually afraid of material existence?” (SB 4.30.37)
|| 10.86.53 ||
brāhmaṇo janmanā śreyān sarveṣām prāṇinām iha
tapasā vidyayā tuṣṭyā kim u mat-kalayā yutaḥ
By his very birth, a brāhmaṇa is the best of all living beings in this world, and he becomes even more exalted when he is endowed with austerity, learning and self-satisfaction, what to speak of devotion to Me.
Kṛṣṇa continued, “By birth, austerity, peace and knowledge the brāhmaṇa is the best of all living entities. He is even more so when he has attained direct realization of Me by intensely worshiping Me.”
|| 10.86.54 ||
na brāhmaṇān me dayitaṁ rūpam etac catur-bhujam
sarva-veda-mayo vipraḥ sarva-deva-mayo hy aham
Even My own four-armed form is no dearer to Me than a brāhmaṇa. Within himself a learned brāhmaṇa comprises all the Vedas, just as within Myself I comprise all the demigods.
The phrase sarva-veda-mayo vipraḥ means that the brāhmaṇa sages, who are the Vedas personified, can reveal Kṛṣṇa who embodies all the demigods and viṣṇu-tattva expansions of Nārāyana.
|| 10.86.55 ||
duṣprajñā aviditvaivam avajānanty asūyavaḥ
guruṁ māṁ vipram ātmānam arcādāv ijya-dṛṣṭayaḥ
Ignorant of this truth, foolish people neglect and enviously offend a learned brāhmaṇa, who, being nondifferent from Me, is their spiritual master and very self. They consider worshipable only such obvious manifestations of divinity as My Deity form.
Kṛṣṇa said, “Foolish people who are ignorant of this truth find fault (asūyavaḥ) with brāhmaṇas, and think that deities are worshipable but not brāhmaṇas.”
|| 10.86.56 ||
carācaram idaṁ viśvaṁ bhāvā ye cāsya hetavaḥ
mad-rūpāṇīti cetasy ādhatte vipro mad-īkṣayā
Because he has realized Me, a brāhmaṇa is firmly fixed in the knowledge that everything moving and nonmoving in the universe, and also the primary elements of its creation, are all manifest forms expanded from Me.
This verse describes the qualities of the brāhmaṇa. Kṛṣṇa said, “Special brāhmaṇas like Nārada Muni, who are endowed with direct realization of Me (mad-īkṣayā), know that this universe and its causes (hetavah), the primary elements (bhāvāḥ) such as mahat-tattva, are all manifest forms expanded from Me.”
|| 10.86.57 ||
tasmād brahma-ṛṣīn etān brahman mac-chraddhayārcaya
evaṁ ced arcito ’smy addhā nānyathā bhūri-bhūtibhiḥ
Therefore you should worship these brāhmaṇa sages, O brāhmaṇa, with the same faith you have in Me. If you do so, you will worship Me directly, which you cannot do otherwise, even with offerings of vast riches.
|| 10.86.58 ||
śrī-śuka uvāca
sa itthaṁ prabhunādiṣṭaḥ saha-kṛṣṇān dvijottamān
ārādhyaikātma-bhāvena maithilaś cāpa sad-gatim
Śrī Śuka said: So instructed by his Lord, with single-minded devotion Śrutadeva worshiped Śrī Kṛṣṇa and the topmost brāhmaṇas accompanying Him, and King Bahulāśva did the same. Thus both Śrutadeva and the King attained the ultimate transcendental destination.
Śrutadeva then worshiped Kṛṣṇa and the sages with undivided attention (aikātma-bhāvena). Or another meaning is: he worshiped Kṛṣṇa and the sages with the understanding that they were non-different.
|| 10.86.59 ||
evaṁ sva-bhaktayo rājan bhagavān bhakta-bhaktimān
uṣitvādiśya san-mārgaṁ punar dvāravatīm agāt
O King, thus the Personality of Godhead, who is devoted to His own devotees, stayed for some time with His two great devotees Śrutadeva and Bahulāśva, teaching them the behavior of perfect saints. Then the Lord returned to Dvārakā.
Kṛṣṇa stayed with these two devotees and taught them the path of devotion (mārgam) practiced by the realized souls (sat), and then returned to Dvārakā.
Thus ends the commentary on the Eighty-sixth Chapter of the Tenth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.
Chapter Eighty-seven
|| 10.87.1 ||
śrī-parīkṣid uvāca
brahman brahmaṇy anirdeśye nirguṇe guṇa-vṛttayaḥ
kathaṁ caranti śrutayaḥ sākṣāt sad-asataḥ pare