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kṣetraṁ trailokya-viśrutam


tad vīrāsīt puṇyatamaṁ

kṣetraṁ trailokya-viśrutam

nāmnā siddha-padaṁ yatra

sā saṁsiddhim upeyuṣī

O Vidura! That place, called Siddha-pada, where she attained perfection, is most pure and famous in the three worlds.

Vīra means “O Vidura!”

|| 3.33.32 ||

tasyās tad yoga-vidhuta-

mārtyaṁ martyam abhūt sarit

srotasāṁ pravarā saumya

siddhidā siddha-sevitā

Devahūti’s body, purified of material dhātus by bhakti-yoga, became a river. That river is the best of rivers, bestowing perfection and worshipped by perfected souls.


O Vidura! Her body (martyam) because the river. How? That body became purified of contamination of dhātus by yoga (yoga-vidhūta-mārtyam).

|| 3.33.33 ||

kapilo 'pi mahā-yogī

bhagavān pitur āśramāt

mātaraṁ samanujñāpya

prāg-udīcīṁ diśaṁ yayau

The great yogī Kapila, the Supreme Lord, taking permission from his mother, departed from his father’s hermitage and went first north and then east.

Previously it was said that Kapila left. Now he is described further in three verses. Taking permission, he went east. According to sadācara, he first went north. Later, he took up permanent residence at Gaṅga-sāgara.


|| 3.33.34 ||


munibhiś cāpsaro-gaṇaiḥ

stūyamānaḥ samudreṇa


Praised by the Siddhas, Cāraṇas, Gandharvas, sages and Apsarās, he was given a place as an offering by the ocean personified.

|| 3.33.35 ||

āste yogaṁ samāsthāya

sāṅkhyācāryair abhiṣṭutaḥ

trayāṇām api lokānām

upaśāntyai samāhitaḥ

Taking shelter of bhakti-yoga and worshiped by the teachers of Sāṅkhya, he still remains there, fixed in samādhi, for the peace of the three worlds.

|| 3.33.36 ||

etan nigaditaṁ tāta

yat pṛṣṭo 'haṁ tavānagha


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