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O supremely chaste mother, I, the same personality, have now appeared of you both as your son for the third time. Take My words as the truth.



In the next millennium, I again appeared from the two of you, who appeared as My mother, Aditi, and My father, Kaśyapa. I was known as Upendra, and because of being a dwarf, I was also known as Vāmana.


“He who appeared as Vāmana to Aditi and Kaśyapa has now appeared as your son, Myself.”


|| 10.3.43 ||

tṛtīye ’smin bhave ’haṁ vai tenaiva vapuṣātha vām

jāto bhūyas tayor eva satyaṁ me vyāhṛtaṁ sati


O supremely chaste mother, I, the same personality, have now appeared of you both as your son for the third time. Take My words as the truth.


“In the present birth I have been born with four arms. I was born in the first birth as Pṛśnigarbha, in the second birth as Vāmana, and now in the third birth I am born.”


This indicates that the birth as Kṛṣṇa is the full, complete form and the previous two are His aṁśās, partial expansions. In verse 31 of this chapter, Kṛṣṇa told Devakī, “You were previously Pṛśni” but He did not say “Pṛśni is you.” In verse 45 Kṛṣṇa says, “By knowing I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and by constantly thinking of Me with love as your son, you will go to My spiritual abode.” By these evidences it is shown that Pṛśni and Sutapā are expansions of Devakī and Vasudeva.


|| 10.3.44 ||

etad vāṁ darśitaṁ rūpaṁ prāg-janma-smaraṇāya me

nānyathā mad-bhavaṁ jñānaṁ martya-liṅgena jāyate


I have shown you this form of Viṣṇu just to remind you of My previous births. Otherwise, if I appeared like an ordinary human child, you would not believe that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, has indeed appeared.


“I have appeared in a four armed Viṣṇu form because you would not recognize Me as God if I appeared in My complete, original two armed human-like form.”


|| 10.3.45 ||

yuvāṁ māṁ putra-bhāvena brahma-bhāvena cāsakṛt

cintayantau kṛta-snehau yāsyethe mad-gatiṁ parām


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