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na sasmāra tadātmānaṁ

svapne dṛṣṭam ivotthitaḥ

Because of attaining continuous samādhi, and being free of wandering towards sense objects, she did not remember her body, just as a person on waking does not remember what happened in a dream.

According to the devotees, samādhi means bewilderment caused by the bliss of meditation. Because of attaining constant samādhi, wandering (bhramaḥ) towards material sense objects ceased (parāvṛtta). Ātmānam means body.


|| 3.33.28 ||

tad-dehaḥ parataḥ poṣo

'py akṛśaś cādhy-asambhavāt

babhau malair avacchannaḥ

sadhūma iva pāvakaḥ

Her body was cared for the maidens created by Kardama and because of no anxieties, she was not thin. Though covered by dirt, her body shone like a fire covered by smoke.

This verse describes her condition at that time. He body was cared for by the maidens created by Kardama. Because she had no mental anxieties, because of being absorbed in the Lord, she was not thin. The doctors say that happiness makes the body stout.

|| 3.33.29 ||

svāṅgaṁ tapo-yogamayaṁ

mukta-keśaṁ gatāmbaram

daiva-guptaṁ na bubudhe


Completely absorbed in Vāsudeva, she was not aware that her body, engaged in austerity and yoga, with unbound hair and absence of clothing, was protected by the Lord.

Daiva-guptam means “protected by the Lord.”


|| 3.33.30 ||

evaṁ sā kapiloktena

mārgeṇācirataḥ param

ātmānaṁ brahma-nirvāṇaṁ

bhagavantam avāpa ha

By the method taught by Kapila, she quickly attained the Supreme Lord, Bhagavān, the supreme soul. This attainment included liberation.

She attained the Lord of Vaikuṇṭha, Bhagavān, the best of souls (param). “Did she not attain liberation?” Attainment of Bhagavān was also attainment of liberation (brahma-nirvāṇam).


adhokṣajālambham ihāśubhātmanaḥ

śarīriṇaḥ saṁsṛti-cakra-śātanam

tad brahma-nirvāṇa-sukhaṁ vidur budhās

tato bhajadhvaṁ hṛdaye hṛd-īśvaram


The wise know that direct contact with the Lord, which includes the happiness of Brahman, destroys saṁsāra for the sinful persons possessing material bodies in this world. Therefore worship the Paramātmā in your heart.SB 7.7.37


In this verse brahma-nirvāṇa-sukham refers to the Supreme Lord. Therefore the verse can mean that Devahūti attained Kapila, her son, in Kapila Vaikuṇṭha.

|| 3.33.31 ||


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