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kriyayā kratubhir dānais


kriyayā kratubhir dānais



sannyāsena ca karmaṇām

yogena vividhāṅgena

bhakti-yogena caiva hi


yaḥ pravṛtti-nivṛttimān


vairāgyeṇa dṛḍhena ca

īyate bhagavān ebhiḥ

saguṇo nirguṇaḥ sva-dṛk

By pious actions, sacrifices, charities, by austerity, by study and discussion of the Vedas, by control of the senses and mind, by renunciation of all duties,

by practice of the various aṅgas of yoga, by the addition of bhakti to all these processes, by sakāma and niṣkāma varṇāśrama duties which are for enjoyment and liberation, by understanding the nature of ātmā, and by firm detachment, the Lord is perceived as Svarga, Brahman, Paramātmā and Bhagavān.

In three verses, the scriptural paths are explained. Pious actions, sacrifices and charity are actions for the householder. Austerity is for the vānaprastha. Study and discussion (marśanaiḥ) of the Vedic texts is for the brahmacāri. Controlling the mind and senses and renouncing all duties is for the sannyāsi. Bhakti-yogena, with the word ca, in the context, means bhakti-miśra duties, sacrifices and charities of the householder, since without mixing those actions with bhakti, those actions cannot give their desired results. The words eva and hi, indicating limitation and certainty, indicate that only (eva) by including bhakti can the results definitely (hi) be accomplished. Just as Bhagavān is the chief form of the Lord, bhakti is the chief among all processes.


Dharmeṇobhaya-cihnena means “by sakāma and niṣkāma dharma.” That is then clarified by saying pravṛtti-nivṛttimān. Saguṇa means attainment of Svarga by duties, sacrifice and charities. Nirguṇa means Brahman and Paramātmā attained by sannyāsa and yoga. Sva-dṛk means “the lord who sees only his own (sva) pure devotees because of attachment.” Or it can mean “the Lord in whom there is realization (dṛk) of his own form (sva), not partial forms like Paramātmā.” It means Bhagavān who is attained by pure bhakti.


|| 3.32.37 ||


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