iti pradarśya bhagavān 

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iti pradarśya bhagavān


iti pradarśya bhagavān

satīṁ tām ātmano gatim

sva-mātrā brahma-vādinyā

kapilo 'numato yayau

Maitreya said: Having shown his mother the path of the soul, Kapila, taking permission from his mother who knew the truth about her son, departed.

The reason for his mother giving permission is stated. She was a brahma-vādi, one who speaks about or knows that her son was Brahman. Thus she considered that she would be protected by his will.

|| 3.33.13 ||

sā cāpi tanayoktena

yogādeśena yoga-yuk

tasminn āśrama āpīḍe

sarasvatyāḥ samāhitā

By following the instructions on bhakti spoken by her son, absorbed in bhakti, she became engaged in samādhi in that hermitage, which was like a flower crown on the Sarasvatī River,

Āpiḍe means “like a flower crown.”

|| 3.33.14 ||


jaṭilān kuṭilālakān

ātmānaṁ cogra-tapasā

bibhratī cīriṇaṁ kṛśam

Her locks of hair became matted and grey from repeated bathing. Her body, clothed in rags, became thin because of severe austerities.

She took bath three times a day. Her hair became matted. And her body (ātmānam) was clothed in rags (cīriṇam).

|| 3.33.15 ||

prajāpateḥ kardamasya


sva-gārhasthyam anaupamyaṁ

prārthyaṁ vaimānikair api

The house Kardama produced through the austerities of yoga was unequalled and desired by the devatās.

|| 3.33.16 ||

payaḥ-phena-nibhāḥ śayyā

dāntā rukma-paricchadāḥ

āsanāni ca haimāni

susparśāstaraṇāni ca

The ivory beds resembling the foam of milk had gold coverings. The chairs were made of gold with soft cushions.

|| 3.33.17 ||


mahā-mārakateṣu ca

ratna-pradīpā ābhānti

lalanā ratna-saṁyutāḥ

Jewel lamps shone on clear crystal walls decorated with large emeralds. The women were decorated with jewels.

|| 3.33.18 ||

gṛhodyānaṁ kusumitai


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