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na mad-bhakta-dviṣām api
Содержание книги
- jñānaṁ yad etad adadhāt katamaḥ sa devas
- yenedṛśīṁ gatim asau daśa-māsya īśa
- so 'haṁ vasann api vibho bahu-duḥkha-vāsaṁ
- evaṁ kṛta-matir garbhe
- para-cchandaṁ na viduṣā
- tad-arthaṁ kurute karma. yad-baddho yāti saṁsṛtim. yo 'nuyāti dadat kleśam. avidyā-karma-bandhanaḥ. For his body he performs actions by which he becomes bound up and continues saṁsāra. That body conti
- na tathāsya bhaven moho. bandhaś cānya-prasaṅgataḥ. yoṣit-saṅgād yathā puṁso. yathā tat-saṅgi-saṅgataḥ. Man’s bondage and bewilderment is not due to attachment to objects as muc
- saṅgaṁ na kuryāt pramadāsu jātu
- paty-apatya-gṛhātmakam
- bhūtendriya-mano-mayaḥ
- tasmān na kāryaḥ santrāso
- sa cāpi bhagavad-dharmāt
- nirmamā nirahaṅkṛtāḥ. sva-dharmāptena sattvena. pariśuddhena cetasā. sūrya-dvāreṇa te yānti. puruṣaṁ viśvato-mukham. parāvareśaṁ prakṛtim. asyotpatty-an
- bhūtādibhiḥ parivṛtaṁ pratisañjihīrṣuḥ
- veda-garbhaḥ saharṣibhiḥ
- ye tv ihāsakta-manasaḥ
- pitṛ-lokaṁ vrajanti te
- janayaty āśu vairāgyaṁ
- samagreṇeha yoginaḥ
- yad asaṅgas tu kṛtsnaśaḥ
- tri-vṛt pañca-vidhaḥ svarāṭ
- jñāna-yogaś ca man-niṣṭho
- yathendriyaiḥ pṛthag-dvārair
- kriyayā kratubhir dānais
- prāvocaṁ bhakti-yogasya
- na mad-bhakta-dviṣām api
- raddhayā puruṣaḥ sakṛt
- athāpy ajo 'ntaḥ-salile śayānaṁ
- kathaṁ nu yasyodara etad āsīt
- yan-nāmadheya-śravaṇānukīrtanād
- taṁ tvām ahaṁ brahma paraṁ pumāṁsaṁ
- iti pradarśya bhagavān
- ramyaṁ bahv-amara-drumaiḥ
- O Vidura! Meditating on her son Kapila, the Supreme Lord, she quickly became detached from that opulent house.
- nityārūḍha-samādhitvāt
- kṣetraṁ trailokya-viśrutam
- kapilasya ca saṁvādo
- Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakura
- The Advent of Lord Kṛṣṇa
- Once when mother earth was overburdened by hundreds of thousands of military phalanxes of various conceited demons dressed like kings, she approached Lord Brahmā for relief.
- Mother earth assumed the form of a cow. Very much distressed, with tears in her eyes, she appeared before Lord Brahmā and told him about her misfortune.
- O great hero, one who takes birth is sure to die; for death is born with the body. One may die today or after hundreds of years, but death is sure for every living entity.
- After thus considering the matter as far as his knowledge would allow, Vasudeva submitted his proposal to the sinful Kaṁsa with great respect.
- Vasudeva agreed and took his child back home, but because Kaṁsa had no character and no self-control, Vasudeva knew that he could not rely on Kaṁsa’s word.
- By sacrifices of animals, ordinary human beings will worship you gorgeously, with various paraphernalia, because you are supreme in fulfilling the material desires of everyone.
- The Birth of Lord Kṛṣṇa
- When both of you were ordered by Lord Brahmā to create progeny, you first underwent severe austerities by controlling your senses.
- Thus you spent twelve thousand celestial years performing difficult activities of tapasya in consciousness of Me [Kṛṣṇa consciousness].
- After you received that benediction and I disappeared, you engaged yourselves in sex to have a son like Me, and I fulfilled your desire.
- O supremely chaste mother, I, the same personality, have now appeared of you both as your son for the third time. Take My words as the truth.
na gṛhārūḍha-cetase
nābhaktāya ca me jātu
na mad-bhakta-dviṣām api
One should not teach this knowledge to those who are extremely attached to material enjoyment, to those attached to family affairs, to those without devotion, and never to those who hate the devotees.
Some persons, though devoid of the previous faults, are strongly attached to material enjoyment (lolupāya). Others, though not overly involved in material enjoyment, are attached to sons, wife and wealth. Though one may not have any of the above faults or other faults not mentioned, one is disqualified from the teaching if one is not a devotee. Out of error or inattention one may instruct such persons sometimes. However, one should never teach those who hate the devotees.
The previous items are in the locative case and the last item is in the accusative case. This indicates that the other persons are secondary, and the last person must be completely avoided. It the others cannot be taught, then what to speak of the person who hates devotees.
|| 3.32.41 ||
śraddadhānāya bhaktāya
bhūteṣu kṛta-maitrāya
śuśrūṣābhiratāya ca
śānta-cittāya dīyatām
nirmatsarāya śucaye
yasyāhaṁ preyasāṁ priyaḥ
One should teach this to devotees having faith, to those with proper conduct, to those without hatred for any living being, who are friendly to all beings, who are eager to serve, to those who are detached from external objects, to those with peaceful minds, to those who are unselfish, to those who are pure, and to those for whom I am the most dear among all dear things.
Two verses list those who are qualified for instruction. Bahir-jāta-virāgāya means “to those who are detached from external objects.”
|| 3.32.43 ||
ya idaṁ śṛṇuyād amba