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na mad-bhakta-dviṣām api


na gṛhārūḍha-cetase

nābhaktāya ca me jātu

na mad-bhakta-dviṣām api


One should not teach this knowledge to those who are extremely attached to material enjoyment, to those attached to family affairs, to those without devotion, and never to those who hate the devotees.


Some persons, though devoid of the previous faults, are strongly attached to material enjoyment (lolupāya). Others, though not overly involved in material enjoyment, are attached to sons, wife and wealth. Though one may not have any of the above faults or other faults not mentioned, one is disqualified from the teaching if one is not a devotee. Out of error or inattention one may instruct such persons sometimes. However, one should never teach those who hate the devotees.

The previous items are in the locative case and the last item is in the accusative case. This indicates that the other persons are secondary, and the last person must be completely avoided. It the others cannot be taught, then what to speak of the person who hates devotees.


|| 3.32.41 ||

śraddadhānāya bhaktāya


bhūteṣu kṛta-maitrāya

śuśrūṣābhiratāya ca


śānta-cittāya dīyatām

nirmatsarāya śucaye

yasyāhaṁ preyasāṁ priyaḥ


One should teach this to devotees having faith, to those with proper conduct, to those without hatred for any living being, who are friendly to all beings, who are eager to serve, to those who are detached from external objects, to those with peaceful minds, to those who are unselfish, to those who are pure, and to those for whom I am the most dear among all dear things.


Two verses list those who are qualified for instruction. Bahir-jāta-virāgāya means “to those who are detached from external objects.”



|| 3.32.43 ||

ya idaṁ śṛṇuyād amba


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