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taṁ tvām ahaṁ brahma paraṁ pumāṁsaṁ


taṁ tvām ahaṁ brahma paraṁ pumāṁsaṁ

pratyak-srotasy ātmani saṁvibhāvyam

sva-tejasā dhvasta-guṇa-pravāhaṁ

vande viṣṇuṁ kapilaṁ veda-garbham

I offer respects to you Kapila, who are Viṣṇu, Brahman, the supreme person, the destroyer of material existence by your appearance in this world, the shelter of the Vedas, who should be the object of meditation for the mind which has withdrawn from material objects.

I, being ignorant cannot really praise you. I simply offer respects. Prayak-srotasi means “for the mind which has withdrawn from material objects.”

|| 3.33.9 ||

maitreya uvāca

īḍito bhagavān evaṁ

kapilākhyaḥ paraḥ pumān

vācāviklavayety āha

mātaraṁ mātṛ-vatsalaḥ

Maitreya said: The Lord called Kapila, the supreme person, praised thus, spoke to his mother out of affection for her, with choked voice.

With choked voice because of affection for his mother, Kapila replied.

|| 3.33.10 ||

kapila uvāca

mārgeṇānena mātas te

susevyenoditena me

āsthitena parāṁ kāṣṭhām

acirād avarotsyasi

Kapila said: By this path of bhakti explained by me, which is easy to perform, you will quickly attain the supreme goal of prema.

Susevyena (easily performed) means bhakti-yoga. Āshitena means performed. You will attain the supreme goal of prema. Though his mother is a nitya-siddha, he speaks to her in this way to teach the world.

|| 3.33.11 ||

śraddhatsvaitan mataṁ mahyaṁ

juṣṭaṁ yad brahma-vādibhiḥ

yena mām abhayaṁ yāyā

mṛtyum ṛcchanty atad-vidaḥ

Have faith in my instructions which are practiced by those who know the truth, and which will give yon fearlessness. Those who do not know this attain death.

Mahyam means me. Yāyāḥ means “you will attain.”

|| 3.33.12 ||

maitreya uvāca


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