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janayaty āśu vairāgyaṁ
janayaty āśu vairāgyaṁ
jñānaṁ yad brahma-darśanam
Bhakti directed to the Supreme Lord Vāsudeva quickly produces detachment and knowledge from which one realizes Brahman.
Even the person desiring jñāna should perform bhakti. Brahma-darśanam means realization of Brahman
|| 3.32.24-25 ||
yadāsya cittam artheṣu
sameṣv indriya-vṛttibhiḥ
na vigṛhṇāti vaiṣamyaṁ
priyam apriyam ity uta
sa tadaivātmanātmānaṁ
niḥsaṅgaṁ sama-darśanam
ārūḍhaṁ padam īkṣate
When the mind of a person with some bhakti does not perceive differences such as good or bad in material objects which are equally accepted by the senses, by intelligence he then experiences himself as jīva endowed with detachment, with equal vision, devoid of conceptions of good or bad, and then realizes Vaikuṇtha or Brahman, which is almost achieved.
By what symptoms should jñāna and vairāgya produced by bhakti be understood? This verse answers. Jñāna occurs when the mind of a person with some bhakti, being fixed in the Lord by attraction to his qualities, does not accept inequality in material objects to be seen, heard or touched, which are actually all equal as far as being received by the senses. Inequality means “This is good to hear, this is not good to hear.” He treats equally stone and gold which may be criticized or praised by others. By intelligence he experiences the jīva, and by its detachment, he experiences Vaikuṇtḥa (padam) or Brahman, which is almost achieved.
|| 3.32.26 ||
jñāna-mātraṁ paraṁ brahma
paramātmeśvaraḥ pumān
dṛśy-ādibhiḥ pṛthag bhāvair