kevalena hy adharmeṇa
yāti jīvo 'ndha-tāmisraṁ
caramaṁ tamasaḥ padam
Eager to maintain his family by sinful actions alone, the person goes to the final destination of andha-tāmisram, a region of hell.
He goes to a place of hell (tamasaḥ padam).
|| 3.30.34 ||
adhastān nara-lokasya
yāvatīr yātanādayaḥ
kramaśaḥ samanukramya
punar atrāvrajec chuciḥ
After successively going through many births below the human form and becoming purified, he returns to this earth as a human again.
Yāvatīḥ yātanā (so many punishments) means that after attaining births as dog and pig gradually and experiencing those lives, he becomes purified of his sin. Then he takes birth again on earth as a human.
Thus ends the commentary on Thirtieth Chapter of the Third Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.
Chapter Thirty-one
Entering the Human Body
|| 3.31.1 ||
śrī-bhagavān uvāca
karmaṇā daiva-netreṇa
jantur dehopapattaye
striyāḥ praviṣṭa udaraṁ
puṁso retaḥ-kaṇāśrayaḥ
The Lord said: The jīva about to receive a human body by the law of karma, under the supervision of the Lord, taking shelter of a particle of semen from a man, enters the womb of a woman.
In the Thirty-first Chapter the pains in the womb, at birth, as an infant, and as a child, as well as bhakti of the jīva as it speaks in the womb are explained.
Now Kapila shows how the living entity again returns to the human species. The jīva enters a human body by previous karmas, which are put into action (netra) by the Lord.
|| 3.31.2 ||
kalalaṁ tv eka-rātreṇa
pañca-rātreṇa budbudam
daśāhena tu karkandhūḥ