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Підготуватися до семестрового оцінювання з говоріння.



Semester test on speaking

Мета: контроль сформованості навичок говоріння.

Обладнання: матеріали до тесту.



Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T. Today is semester test on speaking.


Повідомлення результатів семестрового оцінювання з письма

Учитель повідомляє про результати виконання тесту з письма

Й аналізує типові помилки.

Перевірка сформованості навичок говоріння

Учні обирають одну з карток.

UNIT 5. TIME FOR DISCOVERY. Lesson 4. Plans for summer. L101 209

Card 1

Give a 1–1.5 minute talk on your daily life.

Remember to say:

ƒ.when your day begins

ƒ.what you do in the morning

ƒ.what you do in the daytime

ƒ.what you do in the evening

You have to talk for 1–1.5 minutes.

Give a 1–1.5 minute talk on your school life.

Remember to say:

ƒ. the information about your school

ƒ.what subjects interests you most of all

ƒ. about relationships with your classmates

You have to talk for 1–1.5 minutes.

Give a 1–1.5 minute talk on your family.

Remember to say:

ƒ.where and who you live with

ƒ.what your parents are

ƒ. about your family interests

You have to talk for 1–1.5 minutes.

Give a 1–1.5 minute talk on your friend.

Remember to say:

ƒ. some details about your friend (name and age)

ƒ. about your common interests

ƒ. about some traits of his/her character

ƒ.what he / she likes / dislikes / or interested in

You have to talk for 1–1.5 minutes.

Give a 1–1.5 minute talk on your school life.

Remember to say:

ƒ. the information about your school

ƒ.what subjects interests you most of all

ƒ. about relationships with your classmates

You have to talk for 1–1.5 minutes.

Give a 1–1.5 minute talk on your hobby.

Remember to say:

ƒ.what it is a hobby

ƒ.what hobby people have

ƒ. about your hobby

ƒ.who shares your interest

You have to talk for 1–1.5 minutes.

Усі уроки англійської мови. 5 клас (за підручником О. Д. Карп’юк)

Give a 1–1.5 minute talk on your free time.

Remember to say:

ƒ. how people can spend their spare time

ƒ.where you and your friends like to go

ƒ. about entertainment places in your town

ƒ. about the last film you saw

You have to talk for 1–1.5 minutes.

Give a 1–1.5 minute talk on healthy way of life.

Remember to say:

ƒ.why it is important to think about your health

ƒ.what people should do to be healthy

ƒ. about sport in your life

You have to talk for 1–1.5 minutes.

Give a 1–1.5 minute talk on travelling.

Remember to say:

Ff why people travel

Ff means of transport

Ff where and how you would prefer to travel

You have to talk for 1–1.5 minutes.

Card 2

TT Утворіть вищий та найвищий ступені від наведених прикметни-

Ків. Складіть два речення з будь-якими з них.

Наприклад: I am brighter than my brother.

Bright —

Big —

Lazy —

Good —

Comfortable —

Card 3

Each pair gets the paper with two sentences. I want you to ask each

Other as many questions as it would be possible to find out more information.

And of course, you have to answer them, using your sentences.

I like summer holidays because I don’t have to go to school.

I like winter holidays because we go to the mountains (гори) and ski

(кататися на лижах) there.

I like spring holidays because it’s warm and we can play football


I like going to the country in summer because I visit my granny and

Meet my friends there.

I enjoy going to a camp in summer because we play lots of games

And meet new friends there.

UNIT 5. TIME FOR DISCOVERY. Lesson 4. Plans for summer. L102 211

I would like to stay in the city in summer because I like going to the

Swimming pool every day and at the weekend my parents take me

To the disco.

I miss school in summer because I don’t see my friends.

In summer I would like to go to an English summer school to improve

(покращити) my English.

I want to travel next summer because I like discovering (досліджувати)

New places and learning about different countries.

I like New Year holidays most of all because it’s magic time and we

All get lots of presents.


Домашнє завдання


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