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Text I


Oceans Subduct and Continents Rift


Why Pangaea formed and subsequently dispersed is not known with certainly. It has been suggested that these events were due to changes in the circulation pattern within Earth’s mantle. At the time of Pangaea, 300 million years ago, three-quarters of the globe was covered by a vast ocean. If massive subduction of oceanic plates brought Pangaea together — as India has recently been brought together with Asia — then mid-ocean ridges must have been a dominant feature on the floor of the ocean at that time. As the continents locked into place, the buoyancy of the continental lithospheres resisted subduction, and the process ceased at those points. New subduction zones formed in the oldest oceanic lithosphere; subsequently, subduction in the ocean became an important plate force, which, along with plumes, began the job of tearing the supercontinent apart.

When a plate is pulled by oceanic lithosphere sinking into a subduction zone, it will be stressed and may break, or rift, along the weakest part of the plate. If continental lithosphere forms part of the plate, the rift will form there because it is weakest.

From the reconstruction of the plates of Pangaea, scientists have concluded that most oceanic rifts actually started as continental rifts. We can think of this behavior as “oceans subduct, continents rift.” Oceanic rifts provide a line of weakness about which new ocean floor forms, but their origins can ultimately be traced back to the splitting of a continent. Once formed and cooled, a new oceanic plate tends not to rift but to sink back into Earth at subduction zones. Oceanic rifts propagate into new areas of oceanic lithosphere, and the ridge system is an ever-changing pattern, but older ocean floor appears to resist rifting. Evidence from rock record of the continents indicates that ancient rifting and continental collisions have taken place for at least the past 1000 million years, and possibly longer.



Text II

Submarine Topography

According to the hydrothesic of continental drift there have always been continents and oceans, but patterns of distribution have varied through time. Such changes have been accomplishe d by the drift of continents through oceans much in the way icebergs drift through seawater. The block composing the sea floor is assumed to be relatively weak with respect to the more rigid blocks constituting the continents.

However, the existence of submarine mountain ranges seem to conflict with the assumption that the crust of the earth beneath the ocean is weak right up to the surface.

Regardless of how weak the ocean crust is presumed to be, the existence of topographic forms in the oceans suggests that there is an oceanic layer of some thickness which has been deformed to produce the observed submarine topography.



Text III

The origin of the oceans

The obvious things are often the most remarkable; one of them is the constancy of the total volume of water through the ages.

The mechanism of this equilibrium is unknown; it might have been expected that water would be expected gradually from the interior of the earth and that the seas would grow steadily larger, or that water would be dissociated into hydrogen and oxygen in the upper atmosphere and that the hydrogen would escape, leading to a gradual drying up of the seas. These things either do not happen or they balance each other.

Al the speculations about the early history of the earth are open to many doubts. The evidence is almost nonexistent, and all one can say is, «it might have been that…».



Text IV.

Petroleum and natural oil

Most petroleum and natural gas have been derived from organic remains deposited in a marine sedimentary environments a modern example of the conditions is believed to have been most favourable is the Black Sea, where there islittle circulation of water, and where bottom sediments have been found to contain as much as 35 percent of organic matter, in contrast with the 25 percent which is normal for marine sediments.

Petroleum and natural gas are believed to develop from these organic materials througha seri es of transformation not unlike those by which coal develops from peat.

The most important source beds are generally believedto be marine shales.

The present location of accumulation of petroleum and natural gas obviously depends on the laws that govern their migration. Unfortunately, these laws are not known, althoughanumber of empirical relationships have been established.

A simple gravitational theory seems to explain many known occurrences. According to this theory, if oil, gas and water are present in a reservoir bed, the oil and gas, which are lighter than water, will rise to the highest point, with the gas being on top of the oil.



Text V.

Origins of oil and gas.

Off all the fossil fuels, oil is the one that tends to make the headlines. It has become so important to the global economy that wars have been fought over it. Oil and natural gas have the same origin, and are often found in association. Moreover they are both hydrocarbons, so we will consider them together.

The raw material for hydrocarbons is dead organic matter, chiefly the remains of microorganisms and land plants. For enough of this material to collect, it is necessary to have an environment where there is a large supply of dead organic matter coupled with a lack of oxygen to stop it decaying to water and carbon dioxide These conditions are met in those areas of the sea floor where the surface waters have a high rate of production (and mortality) of planktonic plants, which upon death sink to the bottom to be buried in fine-grained, shaley, sediment. More rarely, the floors of lakes provide a suitable environment.

Once an organic-rich shale has accumulated, it is a potential source rock for hydrocarbons. For this potential to be realized, burial must occur to allow heat, pressure and chemical conditions to cause diagenetic changes in the organic matter. The conversion from dead organic matter to a hydrocarbon is described as maturation.



Text VI.


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