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Вставьте нужный пропущенный предлог.


1) Many minerals from – depth

a. at

b. in

c. on

d. under

2) Some minerals crystallize – high temperature and pressure

a. on

b. at

c. under

d. above

3) Clay minerals form – the surface

a. under

b. above

c. at

d. in

4) Most minerals become unstable – new conditions

a. at

b. on

c. in

d. under



Выберите варианты, соответствующие подчеркнутому слову. Обратите внимание на употребление much, little, a little с неисчисляемыми существительными и many, few, a few – с исчисляемыми.

1) (Много) minerals form at depth. (many/much)

2) (Некоторые) minerals occur as native elements. (few/a few)

3) (Мало) minerals remain stable under high temperature and pressure. (little/few)

4) There is very (мало) free hydrogen present in the earth now. (few/little)

5) To understand the origin of minerals we must know (много) of their composition. (much/many)

6) We have (мало) information as to the origin of these minerals. (little/few)



Переведите предложения. Выберите наиболее подходящее значение слова “most”

a) самый;

b) весьма, крайне;

c) б о льшая часть, большинство;


1. Most minerals consist of elements, combined as chemical compounds.

2. Mineralogy is a most interesting branch of geology.

3. Oxygen is the most abundant element.

4. Most of minerals are not stable under high temperature and pressure.

5. The most fundamental combination of elements is their union with oxygen.

6. The topmost layers of the earth are called the Earth’s crust.


1. Геофизика – весьма важная область геологической науки.

2. Происхождение Земли – самый трудный вопрос естественных наук.

3. Большинство минералов изменяют свои первоначальные свойства под воздействием высокой температуры и давления.



Составьте ряды однокоренных слов, заполнив таблицу.

прилагательное наречие существительное глагол
to widen


high, to widen, deeply, wide, bredth, widely, depth, height, broad, deep, to broaden, to deepen, highly, to heighten, broadly, width.



Выберите правильный, на Ваш взгляд, вариант. Переведите предложение.

1. Most minerals consist of elements ______ there are a few which occur as native elements.

a. because

b. since

c. although

d. if

2. ______ a mineral is exposed to high temperature and pressure, it often changes its structure.

a. however

b. although

c. because of

d. if

3. Some minerals are stable under a range of conditions ______ most minerals are not.

a. however

b. consequently

c. since

d. because

4. Many minerals change their form ______ crustal movements.

a. because

b. because of

c. if

d. however

5. Change, not stability is the rule ______ the Earth is constantly changing.

a. consequently

b. however

c. because of

d. because

6. ______ conditions at different places on the Earth commonly change, the minerals change too.

a. although

b. since

c. because of

d. consequently

7. The conditions at specific places on the Earth’s surface commonly change ______ the minerals change too.

a. although

b. since

c. because

d. consequently

1. … 2. … 3. … 4. … 5. … 6. … 7. …



На основании информации текста дайте развернутые определения следующим веществам:

1) Olivine is ______ which ______

2) ______ which ______ is referred to as olivine

3) Clay minerals are ______

4) ______ are referred to as clay minerals

5) Micas are ______

6) ______ are referred to as micas



Познакомьтесь со следующей информацией о бриллиантах.

A diamond is composed of nothing but carbon. Though its chemical element is carbon, like graphite, it has a regular and isometric crystal form and is usually colourless and transparent, unlike other minerals composed of carbon. It is the hardest known natural substance.



Скажите, какие высказывания соответствуют содержанию текста, а какие нет.


1) a diamond consists only of carbon

2) a diamond is never composed of carbon

3) graphite does not have a regular isometric crystal form

4) graphite is usually colourless

5) a diamond is usually transparent


Обобщите информацию об алмазах и графитах, сравните их характеристики, используя связки “like/unlike”. Дайте наиболее полное определение алмазам.

A diamond is ______.



Познакомьтесь с информацией о рубинах, сапфирах и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1) Отличаются ли с минералогической точки зрения рубины и сапфиры?

2) Какой минерал тверже алмаз или корунд?

3) Корунд имеет постоянный состав?

4) Почему сапфиры и рубины разного цвета?

5) Что общего и в чем различия между рубинами и сапфирами?

Rubies and Sapphires. Mineralogically rubies and sapphires are the same mineral corundum, which is the hardest mineral next to diamond. When this corundum includes chromium, which gives it a redness, it becomes ruby; when it contains titanium and iron instead, and so is blue, it becomes sapphire.



Познакомьтесь с информацией об изумрудах и аквамаринах и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1) Каким минералом представлен изумруд?

2) В чем разница между “beryl” и “beryllium”?

3) Какого цвета изумруд и почему?

4) Какого цвета аквамарин?

5) Что общего и в чем различия между изумрудом и аквамарином?

Emeralds and Aquamarine. Mineralogically emerald is beryl, which contains a metal called beryllium. The green colour of beryl is due to an extremely small amount of chromium; green transparent beryl is called emerald; beryl which is transparent, pale water-blue is called aquamarine. So, aquamarine, a beryl, like emerald, is, unlike emerald, pale water-blue.




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