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Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и выражениям.

  • возрастать с каждым годом
  • возрастающая популярность катания на лыжах
  • заснеженные горные склоны
  • возрастающие сети средств связи
  • пересечения различных средств связи в горах
  • озабоченность проблемой снежных лавин
  • никоим образом
  • за последние годы
  • способы контроля угрозы
  • разрабатывать полезные методики
  • находиться в стадии разработки
  • приводить в движение
  • представлять собой главную угрозу
  • с одной стороны … с другой стороны
  • сила сцепления между кристаллами в пределах слоя
  • связь между частицами
  • играть роль
  • скорее искусство, нежели наука
  • получать информацию
  • непредсказуемость различных природных и человеческих факторов
  • провоцировать возникновение трещины в снежном массиве



Замените выделенные слова словами из текста.

  1. The hazard of snow avalanche rises from year to year.
  2. Loose-slow slides occur often, but rarel y cause much damage.
  3. Investigations are focused mainly on the nature of snow itself
  4. The nature of snow crystals change considerably in form.
  5. The characteristics of a sample can change quickly.
  6. The second method must be used many times each winter.



Какие из приведенных предложений содержат усилительную конструкцию. Дайте перевод.

  1. It is enchanced by the general rise of population which places more structures in the hazardous areas.
  2. It is the general rise of population which enchanced the hazard of snow avalanches.
  3. It is difficult to measure the mechanical properties of snow samples which are under study.
  4. It is the mechanical properties of snow samples which are difficult to measure.
  5. It is the slab type of avalanche that is the main object of control efforts.
  6. It is not possible to forecast the various natural and man-maid shocks that can trigger the avalanche.
  7. It is the various natural and man-maid shocks that are difficult to forecast.


Ex. 4.

Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильную видо-временную форму глагола.

  1. In recent years there (are/have been) an intensification of studies.
  2. Recently several useful techniques (were/have been) developed.
  3. Now some interesting ideas (are/have been) under study.
  4. Today there (are/have been) a number of techniques for control of avalanche.
  5. It is difficult to measure mechanical properties of a snow sample because characteristics can change rapidly while it (is being/has been) handled.




Заполните пропуски нужными предлогами из колонки справа.

Concern........ the avalanche problem is ……. -under

no means new. Several interesting ideas -within

are ……. study. -about

Investigations are focused on the nature ……. -on

snow itself and the strength of bonding ……. -in

the crystals ……. a layer. -by

Cohesion between the snow particles -between

depends ……. large part ……. the nature of -of

snow crystals.


Употребите вместо выделенных слов заменяемые ими существительные.

  1. Another category of geologic hazards is that of man-induced hazards.
  2. Volcanic eruptions do not spread over areas as large as those involved in tectonic earthquakes.
  3. The separation of subsidence phenomena due to fluid withdrawal into those caused by exploration of oil and gas fields and those caused by pumping of ground water seems highly arbitrary.
  4. The length of time of known human history is very short as compared to that of known geologic time.



Составьте пары слов близких по смыслу.

1. to account for 1. various

2. adverse 2. lead to

3. hazardous 3. to explain

4. to result in 4. harmful

5. to result from 5. to be caused by

6. to effect 6. to happen

7. to occur 7. to influence

8. to reduce 8. to eliminate


1- 3- 5- 7-
2- 4- 6- 8-



Трансформируйте следующие словосочетания в предложения.

7. the fluid removed

8. the principles involved

9. the affected mass

10. debris deposited by water

11. the term appried by geologists

12. areas involved in tectonic earthquakes





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