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Unit VIII. Glaciers.

Focus on:

1. общенаучная и терминологическая лексика

2. использование “like/unlike while” при сравнении объектов или процессов

3. употребление слов-заместителей

4. «trouble spot!»:




5. построение дефиниций


Text Study.

Glaciers are slowly moving aggregates of ice, which originate mostly through the accumulation of snow and its later transformation. Glaciers do not move with a velocity anything like that of water. The ice moves slowly: it is a matter of feet per year rather than feet per second as in streams. As the glacier moves downward, it tends to follow any irregularities along the surface. Commonly, glaciers follow pre-existing stream valleys down the mountain slope. These we call valley glaciers. The ice moves forward at all times, but the position of the edge depends on the rate of advance or retreat is dependent upon temperature and snowfall.

In addition to valley glaciers there are much larger masses of glacial ice called continental glaciers or ice-caps, which cover all elevations of the region. These ice-caps are much thicker at the centre than at the edges.

Glaciers, like rivers and wind, wear away the surface over which they move. Rock debris transported by glacial ice, and deposited either directly or in bodies of glacial melt water, is called glacial drift. Drift is separated into nonstratified drift, or tile, and stratified drift which is sometimes called washed drift. The latter comprises the deposits sorted by the action of melt water.



Найдите в тексте английские соответствия следующим словам и словосочетаниям.

Ø медленно двигающиеся скопления льда

Ø образовываться посредством скопления снега

Ø скорость, ничем не напоминающая скорость воды

Ø являться вопросом …, а не ….

Ø двигаться вниз по склону

Ø следовать (повторять) любым неровностям

Ø двигаться вперёд

Ø всегда, постоянно, во все времена

Ø зависеть от скорости

Ø наступание и отступание ледника

Ø скорость таяния

Ø в добавление к …, кроме

Ø покрывать все возвышенности

Ø подобно рекам, в отличие от рек

Ø фрагменты пород

Ø ледниковые отложения

Ø откладываться непосредственно или в талую воду

Ø сортированные и несортированные ледниковые отложения


Ex. 2.

Подберите пары слов, близких по значению.

  1. aggregates of ice
  2. velocity
  3. edge
  4. region
  5. rock debris
  6. glacial deposits
  7. advance
  8. retreat
  9. depend
  10. wear away
  11. mostly
  12. commonly
1. end 2. fragments of rock 3. usually 4. ice bodies 5. go forward 6. be dependent 7. weather 8. mainly 9. rate 10. go backward 11. area 12. drift




Ex. 3.

Подберите пары слов, противоположных по смыслу.

1. like 2. regular 3. directly 4. stratified 5. sorted 6. advance 7. dependent 8. elevation 1. indirectly 2. non-stratified 3. independent 4. unlike 5. highland 6. retreat 7. irregular 8. unsorted




Ex. 4.

Замените подчёркнутые слова словами из текста.

  1. Glaciers are slowly moving bodies of ice.
  2. Glaciers commonly originate through the accumulation of snow and its further transformation.
  3. Glaciers do not move with a rate anything like that of water.
  4. The ice moves forward all the time.
  5. The position of the end is influenced by the velocity of advance and the velocity of retreat.
  6. Besides valley glaciers there are continental glaciers or ice-caps.
  7. Glaciers weather the surface over which they move.
  8. Rock fragments are transported and deposited by glaciers.
  9. Drift is divided into stratified and non-stratified.
  10. Stratified drift includes the deposits sorted by the action of melt water.


Ex. 5.

Сравните действие ледников и потоков воды, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных в скобках.

  1. (Like/unlike) streams glaciers run downhill.
  2. Glaciers move slowly (like/unlike) streams of water.
  3. The effects of glaciations are erosion (like/unlike) those of water.
  4. (Like/unlike) water a glacier is an accumulation of solid ice.
  5. A glacier is a solid (like/unlike) water which is a liquid.
  6. Water can never run uphill (like/unlike) a glacier.
  7. (Like/unlike) a stream a glacier can transport and deposit fragmentary materials.


Ex. 6.

Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант.

1. Glaciers originate __________ the accumulation of snow.

a) though

b) through

c) thought

2. Glaciers accumulate snow with its __________ transformation.

a) late

b) latter

c) later

3. Accumulation of snow with __________ further transformation results in the formation of a glacier.

a) it’s

b) its

c) it is


Ex. 7.


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