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· Pure water is pumped down to the rock salt through a pipe. · There are salt beds. · The water dissolves the salt. · Wells are drilled down to salt beds. · The brine is evaporated. · The brine, or salt water, is forced up to the surface through another pipe. · The grains are dried and graded. · The grains are formed. · Table salt has a very fine grain.
Unit V. Test Section (1) Выберите правильный вариант из приведенных в скобках. Объясните свой выбор.(or.) (2) Запишите предложение, подчеркнув выбранный Вами вариант.(wr.) (3) Переведите предложение на русский язык.(or./wr.)
1. Sedimentary rocks (originate/are originated) from other types of rocks by the processes of erosion. 2. Sedimentary rocks (are referred/referred) to as stratified rocks. 3. The tree main divisions of the earth(are/there are): the crust, the mantle, and the core. 4. Molten magma (contains/is contained) large (quantities/qualities) of both oxygen and hydrogen. 5. Hydrogen is the lightest element (known/is known). 6. The (phenomena/phenomenon) is rather complicated and the process (involves/involved) is not yet clear. 7. Rocks deep in the crust (brought/are brought) to the surface by volcanic action. 8. The component grains of sandstone (there are/are) chiefly quartz. 9. Some sandstones (forms/are formed) from particles of sand by wind. 10. Metamorphism (changes/is changed) the (original/origin) characteristics of the rocks and minerals. 11. (They are/There are) some other (hypothesis/hypotheses) dealing with the (origin/original) of the Earth. 12. Soils usually (contain/constitute) a great variety of minerals. 13. (There are/There is) a great variety of minerals which (comprise/constitute) rocks. 14. The variation of temperature (varies/various) with (high/height). 15. The (mean/means) temperature of surface water on the Earth (vary/varies) from region to region. 16. The earth is (comprised/composed) of three major zones. 17. Earthquakes are geological (phenomena/phenomenon). 18. Due (to/of) its high degree of activity oxygen (occurs/contains) in the magma only in (combination/composition) with other elements. 19. Limestone (consists/includes) of calcium carbonate. 20. Geology is a (science/since) which deals (with/within) the history of the earth. 21. Three quarters of the earth’s surface (contain/consist) of water. 22. Oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water; the (later/latter) is an extremely active agent in the interior lithosphere. 23. (Some/Same) magma crystallizes to rocks (composing/composed) of one mineral only. 24. In (composition/combination) with hydrogen an carbon oxygen forms very widely spread (compounds/constituents) – water and carbonic acid gas. 25. Chemical substances may be (divided/described) into 3 classes: mixtures, compounds and elements. 26. The process is (called/referred) to as oxidation. 27. The winds carry (much/many) sands and dust. 28. Seismic (analyze/analysis) is based on different techniques. 29. Rock is one of the (hard/difficult) materials of which the earth’s crust is mainly (consists/composed). 30. The chief (compounds/components) of the air are nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour and carbon dioxide. 31. (Most/Much) minerals (consist/contain) of the elements (combined/combining) as chemical (composition/compounds). 32. (Mineralogically/Mineralogical) emerald is beryl. 33. Three large groups of rocks are commonly recognized on the basis of their (original/origin). 34. Only about 20 minerals are abundant (constitution/constituents) of the earth’s crust. 35. Rock may come into existence (through/though) the deposition. 36. Specific gravity (varies/various) with chemical composition. 37. In the crust of the earth (there/this) is a great (vary/variety) of minerals and rocks. 38. (They/These) conclusions are (base/based) on X-ray analysis (datum/data). 39. The exact (composition/compound) of this gas is not known. 40. Rock is one of the (solid/solidify) materials of which the earth’s crust is mainly (composed/compose). 41. Green transparent beryl is (calls/called) emerald. 42. The pearl (consisted/consisting) of calcium carbonate is formed within an oyster. 43. (There is/It is) some water vapour in the air. 44. Oxygen (knows/is known) as a stable element. 45. Rocks are solid (natural/naturally) (formed/forming) substances (made/making) up of minerals. 46. The earth’s solid part (is known/known) as the lithosphere is mainly (consists/builds) up of rocks. 47. Usually magma (forms/is formed) minerals. 48. The rocks of the crust (are classified/classify) into three groups according to their (originate/origin). 49. Scientific data (is/are) analyzed by (scientists/sciences)/ 50. (Due to/because) (its/it’s) (high/height) (activity/action) oxygen (occur/occurrence) in magma only in (combination/composition) with (another/other) elements.
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