Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Regarding the level of papers

ORIGINALITY     TECHNICAL/SCIENTIFIC VALUE     CLARITY AND SUITABILITY Does the paper present a new idea or development which has not previously been published?   Docs the paper present an important step in the process of going from an idea or concept into an industrial product?   Is the subject well presented? Does it clearly state what results have been obtained? Is it suitable for presentation at this particular conference?


Appendix IV 203



To pre-register complete this form and return it to the organisers.


□ I am interested in the conference. Please send me a conference program and registration form


□ I am unable to attend but would like to remain on your mailing list


Please complete in block letters (type or print)


Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms):


First name:


Last name:


Job title:


Position held:










Spouse's name (if attending)








Signature: Date:



Appendix V




The traditional academic curriculum vitae (c.v.) highlights your education. A resume highlights experience and abilities. It includes:


a) personal data (leave out such personal data as age and marital status).




Telephone number

FAX, e-mail number


b) educational background (mention your degree, college or university attended, areas of special





c) work experience


d) references.

Appendix VI 205





General questions


Загальні запитання — це запитання, на які можна відповісти «так» чи «ні». Присудок ставиться перед підметом, якщо він виражений дієсловом to be (або to have у British English) в Simple Present та Simple Past:


Are you here?


Перед підметом ставиться допоміжне або модальне дієслово, якщо це дієслово входить до складу присудка:


Can you speak Italian? Are you writing a letter? Will you do this research?


Якщо присудок виражений дієсловом у Simple Present або Simple Past, (крім дієслів to be (to have — British English), перед підметом ставиться допоміжне слово do (does, did):


    MIND: Do you know this rule? Did he come yesterday? Do you have this book? (American English) Have you got this book? (British English)


У заперечній форм заперечна частка not ставиться перед смисловим дієсловом, або зливається з допоміжним або модальним дієсловом. Такі запитання в українській мові перекладаються «невже». В англійські мові ствердна відповідь на запитання у заперечній формі завжди починаеться словом yes:


— Don't you want to join us?

— Yes, I do.

— Didn't you see him?

— Yes, I did.

— Won't you come later?

— Yes, I will.


Special question


Спеціальні запитання починаються словами who? what? when? why? where? which? whose? how much/many?


— Who wrote this article?

— I did.


What did you do yesterday?


Alternative questions


Альтернативні запитання стосуються одного з двох явищ, речей, i завжди вживаються зі сполучником or:


Shall I read or translate this passage? What test is more difficult: TOEFL or GRE? Did Bill or did Laura enter the university?


Appendix VI

Disjunctive questions


Роз'єднувальні запитання складаються з двох частин: перша — стверджувальне або запитальне речення з прямим порядком слів, друга — коротке загальне запитання. Якщо перша частина запитання є стверджувальним реченням, то дієслово у другій частині стоїтъ у заперечнії формі i навпаки:


You have already translated the text, haven't you?

He cannot (can't) understand it, can he?

There is a solution to the problem, isn't there?

He visited Canada last year, didn't he?




Everyone {someone) has read the announcement, haven't they?



Rhetorical questions — риторичні запитання


a. Direct rhetorical questions often introduce a topic:


What do we know about...?

What is the nature of...?


b. The leading rhetorical questions are used to focus on the main points of a topic:


with positive implication:

Isn't Chinese hard to learn? (Implication: it is hard to learn Chinese)


with negative implication:

Who was more interested in the project than John? (Implication: no one was more interested in the project).


Appendix VII 207


Verbs MAKE and DO


MAKE   create or produce something   ALSO used with food and meals, and nouns related to verbs:   They discovered a new star — they made an important discovery. I phoned him — I made a quick phone call.   MAKE   an agreement an announcement an attempt a change a decision   a meal (prepare a meal) dinner   a comment remark   an effort an estimate an impression (on someone) mistake money progress request DO action     DO   a degree research (work) experiment business engineering (etc.)   one's best one's duty   good harm   the homework the housework the dishes (мити посуд)


Appendix VIII



Present cost cut hit hurt let put set split   build lend send spend   hold lead read /ri:d/ understand   deal feel mean leave meet lose sleep   get win sell tell sit stand strike make say hear   come become run   begin drink swim sink ring   break choose give freeze Past cost cut hit hurt let put set split   built lent sent spent   held led read /red/ understood   dealt felt meant left met lost slept   got won sold told sat stood struck made said heard   came became ran   began drank swam sank rang   broke chose gave froze Past Participle cost cut hit hurt let put set split   built lent sent spent   held led read /red/ understood   dealt felt meant left met lost slept   got (gotten — American English) won sold told sat stood struck made said heard   come become run   begun drunk swum sunk rung   broken chosen given frozen


Appendix VIII 209

steal take rise speak write   grow know throw draw   bring buy seek catch teach think   eat fall do go forget see draw   hide stole took rose spoke wrote   grew knew threw drew   brought bought sought caught taught thought   ate fell did went forgot saw drew   hid stolen taken risen spoken written   grown known thrown drawn   brought bought sought caught taught thought   eaten fallen done gone forgotten seen drawn   hidden (hid)




find found found founded found founded



feel fall felt fell felt fallen



lay lie laid lay laid lain



to learn — learnt/learned — learnt/learned

to dream — dreamt/dreamed — dreamt/dreamed

to burn — burnt/burned — burnt/burned


Appendix IX, X






nearly always, almost always

usually, generally, normally, regularly («on most occasions»)

frequently, often («on many occasions»)

sometimes («on some occasions»)

rarely, seldom («on few occasions»)

hardly (scarcely) ever («almost never»)






It is highly probable

There is high probability

In all probability

It is probable

In all likelihood

It is very likely

More than likely

It is likely

It is very possible

It is possible

It is not impossible

It is not unlikely

It is not very probable

It is not very likely

It is unlikely


Appendix XI 211





The TOEFL test, developed in 1964 is intended to evaluate the English proficiency of nonnative speakers who wish to study in colleges or universities in English- speaking countries.

Over 600000 students take the test each year in more than 170 countries.

Section 1 — Listening Comprehension measures the ability to recognize and understand English as it is spoken in North America.

Section 2 — Structure and Written Expression measures the ability to recognize important grammatical points in English.

Section 3 — Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension measures the ability to understand the meaning of words and phrases in written English as well as reading comprehension of passages from various academic subjects.


Tips on Section 1


The problems tested include vocabulary and structures that are most frequently used in English as it is spoken in North America.

Part А складається з питань, половина яких передає інформацію прямо та недвозначно. Проте друга половина питань може передавати непряму пораду, пропозицто i т.і, або містити фразеологічний (ідіоматичний) зворот. Такі більш складні структури складають уже 2/3 у Part В. Головною складністю Part С є обсяг текстів. Наведемо декілька прикладів:


Part A.

Приклад 1


Ви почуете: Не tasted the coffee. Вам треба вибрати одну з відповідей:

(A) Не took the whole fee

(B) Не tried the beverage

(C) The coffee was hot

(D) He had a test last week


Правильна відповідь — В. Не tried the beverage є власне перефразуванням:

to taste — to try; coffee як один з видів beverages.

Приклад 2


Ви почуете: What are you going to do tomorrow? Відповіді:

(A) What are your plans for tomorrow?

(B) Will it rain tomorrow?

(C) What are you doing in the morning?

(D) Will you close the door?


Правильна відповідь — А, зворот to be going to передає плани на майбутне.


Приклад 3


Ви почуете: Isn't it an incredible journey! Відповіді:

(A) The journey is not very interesting.

(B) The journey is really amazing.

(C) I can't believe it's George.

(D) I don't like traveling.


Правильна відповідь — В, зазначена фраза — своєрідне риторичне питання (за змістом) та вигук (за формою).

Appendix XI

Ще калька прикладів перефразування —

every other year — every two years;

in a day — the day after tomorrow;

as soon as you graduate — after your graduation:

There was a two-fold increase — the increase doubled. Перевіряється знання таких зворотів, як, наприклад,


used to та to be used to...ing:

Janis used to work hard — she worked hard in the past:

Janis isn't used to working so hard — she isn't accustomed to hard work (she has no habit)


умовних речень (звороти I wish..., If only...),

емфатичних зворотів (типу She herself didn't know what to do — she didn't know what to do, she had no idea what to do, або Never have you done such a thing - this is tlie first time you have done it.)

Part B.

Приклад 1


— What a nice picture! Did you paint it yourself, Sue?

— Well, it was my mother's idea, but I had John do it.

Who painted the picture?


(A) John's brother

(B) Sue's mother

(C) John

(D) Sue


Аби дата правильну відповідь — С — необхідно знати зворот to have / get something done. someone do something.

Приклад 2


— I'm thirsty.

— Could you bring some cold water? What does the woman offer the man to do?

(A) Bring some water (правильна в1дпов1дь)

(B) Close the door

(C) Bring some wine

(D) Call her on Thursday


Також можливі запитання типу:

What is the woman's (man's) occupation?

Where does this conversation (most probably) take place/occur?


— We'd like something for dessert.

— How about our house specialty — raspberry pie?

Where does the conversation (most probably) take place/occur?:

(A) In a supermarket

(B) In the garden

(C) In a restaurant (правильна відповідь)

(D) In the street


Певну складність становлять питания типу «What does the woman / man mean?» «What do we learn from the conversation?», «What could be inferred from this conversation?», «What does the woman/man imply?», коли питають про те, що мається на увазі, про що непрямо йдеться.

Appendix XI 213

— The weather is perfect. Will you go to the beach?

— I guess so.

What does the woman mean?

(A) She doesn't like the weather

(B) She will probably go to the beach

(C) She doesn't agree with the man

(D) She thinks it's too hot


Правильна відповідь — В, вирази І guess so, I think so, I wouldn't say no to... передають непряму згоду.


Окремо слід наголосити на розрізненні фразеологічних зворотів:

— I don't know whether Mark is kidding or not.

— He is always pulling my leg, too. What do we learn from a man's response?

(A) He thinks Mark is a good kid

(B) He has long legs

(C) He doesn't know if it is true

(D) He says Mark makes playful fun of him as well


Аби дати правильну відповідь D треба знати значення виразів to make fun, to kid, to pull someone's leg (обманювати).

Наведемо декілька типових фразеолопчних зворотів:

— Can we postpone this test? — That is out of the question!   — Do you often cry? — Once in a blue moon!   — Are you here on vacation? — Actually, I'm going to stay here for good.   — Why are you learning Spanish? — I think it will be useful in the long run.   — Will you come to dance tonight? — I'm looking forward to it!   — Sorry, I'm late. — Never mind.   — It was a swell party! — It sure was! або — You bet!   — Boy, it's hot! — You can say that again.   — I do like your room! — I still need some chairs to fit the bill.   — Do you live on campus? — No, I don't.     — I can't concentrate on this work! — Take your time.   — I would rather not do it. — It 's up to you.   i.e. impossible     i.e. almost never     i.e. permanently, forever     i.e. in the distant future     i.e. want it happen in future     i.e. don't worry, it's OK   i.e. Sure! Of course! Ще б пак! Авжеж!     i.e. I completely agree with you.     i.e. really i.e. to match   to live on campus — жити у студентському мiстечку to live off campus — жити за його межами i.e. don't hurry   i.e. prefer i.e. The decision is yours

Appendix XI

— Will you go jogging? — I'm afraid, not. I'm a little bit under the weather today.   — It took so much time to write this article! — But it was well worth the trouble.   — I'm so tired. — Can I lend you a hand?   — Wish me good luck, — I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!   — Thanks for your help! — Anytime!   jogging — біг підтюпцем i.e. slightly ill (but not seriously)     i.e. it deserved difficulty     i.e. Can 1 help you?     i.e. wish me well i.e. I wish that nothing goes wrong     i.e. My pleasure. You're welcome. Don't mention it.


Для аудіювання пропонуються більш довгі бесіди та тексти науково-популярного характеру (уривки з лекцій, діалоги з життя студентів тощо). Наприклад:


The regulations of the Graduate School provide for two plans of study for the Master's degree. Plan A requires 24 hours of course work plus a written thesis. Plan В requires 30 hours of course work and submission of the more modest Master's essay.

It should be noted that, by devoting a third year to the Master's Program, it's usually possible for a student to complete both the Master's Program and the requirements for Secondary teaching certification. The coordinator of secondary teaching major will advise Master's Students interested in certification, and there is a checklist of requirements for the combined programs available in the department office.


What is the (main) topic of the text?




(A) Two plans for M.A. studies (правильна відповідь)

(B) Teaching certification

(C) A new course

(D) Regulations for undergraduate students


Who is the speaker addressing?


(A) Educational specialists

(B) Pupils

(C) Students (правильна відповідь)

(D) Professors


(Можливе запитання: «Who is the speaker?»)


Which program demands a more serious thesis?


(A) Plan В

(B) Plans A and В

(C) Plan А (правильна відповідь)

(D) Secondary Teaching Certification


Where a checklist of the requirements for the combined programs can be found?


(A) Behind the department office.

(B) Near the department office

(C) At the dean's office

(D) In the department office (правильна відповідь)

Appendix XI 215

Tips on Section 2

The language tested is formal, rather than conversational. The topics of the sentences are of a general academic nature.

Section 2 складається з двох частин, у першій треба додати частину речення, якої не вистачає, у другій — знайти слово, конструкцію або зворот з помилкою. Корисно повторити такі сполучення як neither... nor, either... or, both... and, in spite of, despite, to approve of, to be aware of, to differ from, to be capable oL to interfere with. to be opposed to, to refer ta, to worry about, to distinguish between, to be known for. to be satisfied with, possibility of, exception to та iн.


Checklist for Section 2


1. Missing subject


... spend the winter in a state of hibernation.

(A) That many animals

(B) Because animals

(C) Many animals (правильна в1дпов1дь)

(D) While animals

Repeated subject

The students they will have to take the test.


Відповідь — В

Chemicals used in the home they should be stored out of reach of children.


Відповідь — В


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