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III. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 45 из 45 Содержание книги
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57. A Master's Degree candidate must prepare a research paper called thesis. But some master's programs involve a great deal of independent study and individual research. a. some b. part of c. a lot of d. little
58. This package is apparently from overseas. a. perhaps b. obviously c. strangely d. really
59. Technology acts as a catalyst to bring about changes that energize learning environments. a. believe in b. cause c. carry out d. foresee
60. Teachers need to feel comfortable with technology. Furthermore, guidance in when and how to appropriately use technology is often needed. a. nevertheless b. in general c. in a nutshell d. moreover
61. My book is virtually finished. a. really b. almost c. appropriately d. eventually Final Test 227
62. We have 100$. That's plenty. a. too much b. enough c. not enough d. big money
63. The international character of the Institute gives it some important advantages. a. limitations b. activities c. merits d. linkages
64. The first of these new trends is to be seen in rapidly changing political environment. a. problems b. tendencies c. elements d. issues
65. The number of working women increases every year. a. grows b. decreases c. meets d. reorganizes
66. Some crops must be rotated periodically with other crops. a. constantly b. simultaneously c. regularly d. rarely
67. Scientists once thought that human origins were in Asia. a. decidedly b. always c. vaguely d. at one time
68. The Center was established to. stimulate and accelerate the use of computers and software tools in education. a. in order of b. as c. for d. in order to
69. He looked somewhat upset. a. not very b. a little c. as always d. very
70. People often use their first names rather than their family names when talking. a. together with b. sooner or later c. and also d. instead of 228 Final Test
71. At present the world population is doubling every 37 years. a. usually b. customarily c. currently d. universally
72. This popular conception is not supported by research. a. notion b. imagery c. misinterpretation d. reaction
73. Gravity works equally on all objects. a. objectively b. clearly c. energetically d. identically
74. Some differences between these two cultures are obvious. a. non-verbal b. verbal c. evident d. normal
75. Revolutions have always dramatically altered the course of historic events. a. changed b. reduced c. joined d. expanded
76. Although we know what these changes are due to, some gaps still exist in our knowledge of their nature. a. However b. Thus c. Even though d. Also
77. Another indicator is even more important. a. the other b. the only c. other d. one more
78. They've decided to treat the problem in full detail. a. discard b. predict c. deal with d. realize
79. He exerts all his power to get things done. a. gives away b. ignores c. avoids d. makes active use of Final Test 229
80. Their office is adjacent to the library. a. remote b. very close c. very far d. a long way
81. There is promise of yet greater advances, thanks to biotechnology. a. trying b. owing to c. grateful d. coming
82. I can't understand it because it's too complicated. a. because of b. rather c. since d. owing to
83. Biomedical research continues to provide scientists with new insights into the workings of human body. a. prevents b. liberates c. proclaims d. goes on
84. The flights were canceled because of bad weather conditions. a. due to b. because c. instead of d. despite
85. Shorthand methods enable people to write more rapidly. a. more legibly b. more decoratively c. at greater speed d. more precisely
86. The brief reports did not leave time for any details. a. short b. extended c. long d. weak
87. Your version of the report doesn't seem to agree with the facts. a. project b. aspect c. interpretation d. correlation
88. Notebook computers are swiftly replacing traditional ones. a. rapidly b. gradually c. finally d. previously 230 Final Test
89. George is a brilliant scientist. a. mediocre b. shining c. talented d. hard-working
90. You will learn English through intensive program. a. updated b. crash c. modern d. progressive
91. A barometer is a device for measuring changes in atmospheric pressure. a. method b. invention c. figure d. instrument
92. Nearly all weather occurs in the troposphere. a. almost b. entirely c. barely d. closely
93. Tides are a latent source of electric power. a. expensive b. important c. valuable d. potential
94. This method involved studying genuine material. a. genetic b. realistic c. authentic d. different
95. Tides are caused by the gravitational influence of the moon on ocean level. a. impact b. affluence c. superfluity d. reality
96. English physicist Henry Cavendish first confirmed that water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. a. explained b. verified c. thought d. proposed
97. In spite of these promising results, we need more training in this area. a. although b. so that c. despite d. in order to Final Test 231
98. In this respect we seem to be undergoing the combined effects of the process. a. appear b. prove c. happen d. have
99. This museum houses one of the finest collections in the world. a. promotes b. creates c. contains d. advertises
100. We were discussing the actual collection and processing of pertinent data. a. the latest b. relevant c. promising d. important
101. One of the ways of presenting findings is through publications. a. prognoses b. hypotheses c. analyses d. results
102. In the past decade, a number of trends have influenced educational policies. a. 10 days b. 10 months c. 10 weeks d. 10 years
103. Other trends, too, have emerged in the course of the last three or four years. a. disappeared b. appeared c. expressed d. turned out
104. He devoted himself completely to science. a. suddenly b. immediately c. entirely d. effectively
105. It is hard to cope with social problems in big cities. a. handle b. know c. witness d. find
106. Stars move in identifiable patterns in the heavens with regularity and precision. a. stability b. exactness c. provision d. accessibility
107. Mahatma Gandhi was an outstanding humanitarian. a. exhaustive b. remarkable c. charitable d. stable 232 Final Test
108. She completely disregarded all our objections. a. disliked b. ignored c. overestimated d. agreed with
109. This is undoubtedly true. a. vaguely b. certainly c. maybe d. alternatively
110. Many people are unaware of this fact. a. are capable of b. doubt c. realize d. don't know
111. The problems we witness are the consequences of former years. a. know b. observe c. disregard d. solve
112. Washington was the first city in history to be created solely for the purpose of governance. a. partly b. arbitrarily c. reasonably d. exclusively
113. In a way I can see what you mean, even though I don't share your point of view. a. I'm sure b. As a rule c. In a sense d. Rather
114. The first factor is speed of response. a. activity b. reaction c. appearance d. disappearance
115. These data are useful for forecasts. a. prognosis b. analyses c. prognoses d. discussion
116. They gave us quite a bit of help. a. a lot of b. very little c. very quiet d. not much
117. They've answered all the questions save two. a. and saved b. namely c. together with d. except Final Test 233
118. In other words, the simulator would serve as a training and research tool in place of the real one. a. rather b. instead of c. located on d. close to
119. We didn't realize that fact. a. understand b. follow c. foresee d. demonstrate
120. He attempted to figure out the problem. a. express b. solve c. discuss d. pose 234 Answer key ANSWER KEY CHAPTER 1 Ex. 2
I. l.F, 2.C, З.Е, 4.А, 5.H, 6.G, 7.D, 8.B. II. l.B, 2.D, 3.С, 4.А. Ex. 6
I.E. 2.G, 3.F, 4.A, 5.B, 6.D, 7.C, 8.J, 9.H, 10.1. Ex.7
1. the; 2.a; 3,_; 4.an, _; 5.the; 6._,_; 7._; 8.the; 9_,_; lO.the, Ex. 8.
the, _, the, _, __, the, the, the, __, the, _, _, _, _, the, the, the, _, _, the, _.
Ex. 9
l._; 2. _, (the), the; 3. the, the, the, the; 4. _, the; 5. the; 6,_; 7_, (the); 8. the; 9. the, the, the. Ex. 10
A. b; B. c; C. l.a, 2.b, 3.c. Ex.11
1. productive; 2. to produce; 3. product; 4. production, productivity; 5. producers; 6. produce; 7. predict; 8. predictable; 9. to predict; 10. prediction; 11. science; 12. scientist; 13. scientific; 14. apply; 15. applications; 16. applied; 17. require; 18. required; 19. requirements; 20. curiosity; 21. curious; 22. imagine; 23. imagination; 24. imaginative; 25. development; 26. to develop. Ex. 12
l.a; 2.b; 3.b; 4.c
Ex. 13
l.c; 2.b; 3 a; 4.c; 5.b; 6. с; 7.а; 8. с; 9.а; Ю.Ь; ll.b; 12.c; 13.a; 14.d; 15. b; 16. b; 17. b. CHAPTER 2 Ex. 3
1. many; 2. is; 3. the number of, is increasing; 4, much; 5. is; 6. is; 7. many; 8. were; 9. is; 10. are; 11. was; 12. was; 13. are; 14. have; 15. has; 16. are; 17. is; 18. is. Ex. 5
radii, crises, antennae (antennas), appendices, criteria, stimuli, encyclopedia, prognoses, sanatoria (sanatoriums), axes, aircraft, media, matrices, nebulae, phases, optima, syllabi (syllabuses), supernovae, syntheses, spectra, theses, equipment, maxima, hypotheses, equilibria, millennia, oases, curricula, phenomena, analyses. Ex. 7
l.G, 2.E, 3.1, 4.C, 5.H, 6.N, 7.J, 8.L, 9.K, 10.D, ll.A, 12.F, 13.B, 14.M, 15.P, 16.O. Answer key 235
Ex. 10
1. improvement; 2. improve; 3. improvement; 4. benefit; 5. beneficial; 6. to benefit; 7. technology; 8. technological; 9. a technologist; 10. technology. Ex. 11
l.d; 2.c; З.Ь; 4.d; 5.d. Ex. 12
La; 2.d; 3.b; 4.d; 5.a; 6.c; 7.b; 8.d; 9.a; lO.b; ll.d; 12.a; 13.c; 14.a; 15.d; 16.d; 1?.b; 18.d; 19.b. CHAPTER 3 Ex. 3
1.E, 2.C, 3.D; 4.A, 5.B Ex. 5
1. understand; 2. sounds; 3. goes; 4. smells; 5.phones Ex. 6
1. was studying; 2. was studying; 3. will be taking; 4. will call; 5. was reading, was watching. Ex. 7
1. bought; 2. has taken; 3. have read; 4. have translated; 5. haven't finished; 6. arrived; 7. haven't seen.
Ex. 8
l.a; 2.b; 3.a; 4.a; 5.b.
Ex. 9
1. will have studied; 2. said, had published; 3. have known; 4. has been; 5. has studied (has been studying); 6. have finished; 7.arrived. Ex. 10
1. My friend said that English and French are the two official languages in Canada. 2. Shakespeare once observed that love is blind. 3. Yesterday morning my teacher said that the results of our test would be there two days from then. 4. My father always told me that to learn is never too late. 5. Last week my cousin told me that he had already completed the essay for his classes that week. 6. When I saw Paula last month she told me that she had received John's letter two months earlier. 7. Elizabeth told me that she couldn't come earlier. 8. Michael said that he would get the tickets. Ex. 11
l.b; 2.b; 3.a; 4.d; 5.b; 6.a; 7.c; 8.d; 9.a. Ex. 13
1. increasingly; 2, increased; 3. competition; 4. competitors; 5. competitor(s); 6. competitive; 7. investments; 8. to invest; 9. invested; 10. prospers; 11. prosperity; 12, prosperous; 13. innovative; 14. innovations. Answer key Ex.14
l.d; 2.c; 3.c; 4.b; 5.a.
Ex. 15
l.b; 2.c; 3,d; 4,c; 5,a; 6.a; 7.b; 8.a; 9.d; lO.d; ll.c; 12.d; 13.a. CHAPTER 4 Ex. 2
l.D, 2.C, 3.E, 4.B, 5.A Ex. 5
1.b, 2. с, 3,d, 4.с, 5.с, 6.с, 7.b, 8.b
Ex. 6
2. intelligent, the least intelligent; 3. more (less) famous, the most (the least) famous; 4. bad, the worst; 5. more (less) comfortable, the most (the least) comfortable; 6. more (less) careful, the most (the least) careful; 7. bright, brighter; 8. more (less) useful, the most (the least) useful; 9. more (less) guilty, the most (the least) guilty; 10. hard, the hardest.
Ex. 8
like; while; by contrast; however
Ex. 9
A. La; 2. d; 3. a; 4. с; 5. а; В. 1. are; 2. as; 3. like; 4. are; 5. is. Ex. 10
l.fe; 2.b; 3.d; 4,c; 5,b; 6.d; 7.c. Ex. 13
1. creative; 2. creativity; 3. create; 4.creation; 5. capable of; 6. capability; 7. modifications, modify; 8. modified; 9. modify. Ex. 14
1 — b; 2 — с; 3 — а; 4 — d; 5 — b. Ex. 15
l.a; 2. b; 3.b; 4.d; 5,d; 6.d; 7.c; 8.d; 9. b; lO.d; ll.b; 12,b; 13.d; 14.b; 15.d; 16.a; 17.c; 18.b; 19.b; 20.d; 21.c. CHAPTER 5 Ex. 3
l.b; 2.b; 3.a; 4.b; 5.a; 6.a; 7.b; 8.a; 9.a; lO.a; ll.a; 12.b. Ex. 5
1. E; 2. В; 3. I; 4. К; 5. J; 6. А; 7. С; 8. L; 9. D; 10. F; 11. Н; 12. М; 13. G. Answer key 237
Ex. 6
l.c; 2.b; 3.d; 4.c; 5.d.
Ex. 9
A. 1. Secretaries should be familiar with their duties. 2. Members of congress will cast their votes. 3. When everyone contributes the ideas, the workshop will be very stimulating. 4. Professors should meet their students regularly. 5. A director will bring the draft. B. 1. humanity; 2. assistant; 3. has a career; 4. police officer; 5. the average person/ordinary people; 6. spouses; 7. chairperson; 8. lay people. Ex. 11
1. explain; 2. explanation; 3. explanatory; 4. intention; 5. intentional; 6. accurate; 7. accuracy; 8. to avoid; 9. avoidance; 10. theoretically; 11. theorist (theoretician); 12. to theorize; 13. theoretical; 14, theoretical. Ex. 12
l.c; 2.b; 3.b; 4.c; 5.c. Ex. 13
l.c; 2.b; 3.b; 4.d; 5.b; 6.a; 7.a; 8.c; 9.b; lO.d; ll.b; 12.b; 13.d; 14.d. CHAPTER 6 Ex. 5
l.b; 2.a; 3.c; 4.c; 5,a; 6.c; 7.b.
Ex. 9
1. D; 2. E; 3. А; 4. В; 5. С. Ex. 10
1. collects; 2. collection; 3. collective; 4. experiment; 5. experiment; 6. experimental; 7. experimentation; 8. to assess; 9. assessment. Ex. 11
l.d; 2.c; 3.b; 4.a; 5.d. Ex. 12
l.b; 2.d; 3.a; 4.c; 5.a; 6.d; 7.b; 8.b; 9.d; lO.c. Answer key CHAPTER 7 Ex. 2
1. D; 2. F; 3. А; 4. В; 5. С; 6. Е Ex. 3
1. J; 2. М; 3. Е; 4. К; 5. В; 6. Н; 7. D; 8. С; 9. F; 10. G;. 11. I; 12. А; 13. L Ex. 4
l.b; 2.c; 3.d; 4.d; 5.c; 6.d; 7.a; 8.b; 9.с; 10.а; ll.b Ex. 8 1. occurrence; leadership; fitness; absentee; reporter; designer; development (developer); freedom; tenderness; selection; dependence; agreement; requirement; 2. symbolize; falsify; strengthen; activate; soften; normalize; freshen; validate; signalize; legalize; individualize; 3. praiseworthy; affordable; presentable; washable; reusable; hazardous; noiseless; useful (useless); trustworthy; faithful; salty; adjustable; flawless.
Ex. 9
l.b; 2,d; 3.c; 4.b; 5,d. Ex. 10
l.b; 2.c; 3.a; 4.b; 5.d; 6.b; 7.d; 8.b; 9,c; Ю.а; ll.a; 12.d; 13.d. CHAPTER 8 Ex.6
l.c; 2.b; 3.a. Ex.7
l.b; 2.c; 3,a; 4.d; 5.d; 6.b; 7.b; 8.c; 9.a; lO.d; ll.a; 12.d; 13.c. Ex.9
1. recognition; 2. recognize; 3. recognized; 4. alterations; 5. altered; 6. add; 7. to add; 8. additions; 9. addition. Ex.10
l.d; 2,d; 3.c; 4.a; 5.b. Ex.11
La; 2.b; 3.d; 4.c; 5.b; 6.d; 7.a; 8.c; 9.c; lO.b; ll.c; 12.b; 13.d. Answer key 239
1. Е; 2. G; 3. I; 4. С; 5. Н; 6. В; 7.А; 8. D; 9. F. Ex. 6
l.a; 2.d; 3,b; 4.b; 5,c; 6.c; 7.a; 8.d; 9.b; lO.a; ll.d; 12.b.
Ex. 10
1. important; 2. importance; 3. important; 4. recycled; 5. to recycle; 6. recyclable; 7. reliable; 8. reliably; 9. reliable; 10. unrealibility; 11. possibilities; 12. possible; 13. possible; 14. possible; 15. possibly; 16. possibility; 17. possibility; 18. responsible; 19. responsible; 20. responsibility; 21. responsibility. Ex. 11
l.a; 2.b; 3.d; 4.d; 5.d.
Ex. 12
l.b; 2.c; 3.d; 4.b; 5,b; 6.a; 7.b; 8.d; 9.b; lO.d; ll.a; 12.d.
CHAPTER 10 Ex. 4
l.b; 2.b; 3.d; 4.b; 5.c; 6.a; 7.b; 8.c; 9.a; lO.d. Ex. 5
1. smoking; 2. to buy; 3. to bring; 4. waiting; 5. playing, seem, to prefer, playing; 6. to spend. Ex. 9
1. manufactures; 2. manufacturing; 3. manufacturer; 4. manufacturing; 5. organization; 6. organize; 7. organize; 8. oganized; 9. precise; 10. precision; 11. precisely; 12. precisely. Ex. 10
l.c; 2.d; 3.d; 4.b; 5.d. Ex. 11
l.b; 2.d; 3.c; 4.a; 5.c; 6.c; 7.b; 8.d; 9.a; lO.c; ll.c; 12.b. CHAPTER 11 Ex. 5
1. Under no circumstances will I go there. 2. Isn't he a great speaker! 3. In no case can we make an exception. Ex. 6
Answers will vary. Answer key
l.d; 2,c; 3.а; 4,с; 5.d; 6,c; 7.b; 8.d; 9.b; l0.c.
1. refused; 2. refuse(d); 3. refusal; 4. agreement; 5. agree; 6. agree(d); 7. agreement; 8. anxious; 9. anxiety; 10. anxious; 11.anxiously.
l.b; 2.a; 3.b; 4.b; 5.d. Ex.12
l.d; 2,c; 3.b; 4.b; 5.d; 6.a; 7.c; 8.c; 9.b; l0.d.
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TOEFL: Test and Score Manual. — Princeton, 1990. TOEFL Test of Written English Guide. — Princeton, 1989. TOEFL Institutional Testing Program, — Princeton, 1991. Reading for TOEFL. Listening to TOEFL. Understanding TOEFL. TOEFL Sample Test. — Princeton, 1901. Ronald E. Feare. Key to Success on the TOEFL. Oxford University Press, 1989. Milada Broukal, Enid Nolan-Woods. NTC's Preparation for the TOEFL. — Macmillan Publishers, 1992.
Leech G., Svartvik J. A Communicative Grammar of English. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1983. Swan M. Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980. Thompson A.J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar. Fourth edition. Oxford: Oxford University 1're.s.s, 1986. Celce-Murcia M., Larsen-Freeman D. The Grammar Book, Heinle and Heinlc Publishers, 1983. Levine D.R., Baxter J., McNulty P. The Culture Puzzle. Cross-Cultural Communication for English as a.Second Language. Prentice Hall Inc., 1987. Pasachoff J.M. Astronomy: From the Earth to the Universe. Saunders College Publishing, 1995.
Spectrum 1991—1995 The Sciences 1991—1995 The. Institute 1991—1995 The World & 1. March 1991. Словники
Большой англо-русский словарь: в 2-х т. / Под общ. рук. И.Р. Гальперина. М. — Русский язык, 1977. Русско-английский словарь / Под рук. Р.С. Даглиша. М. — Русский язык, 1990. Медведева Л.М., Медведева Н.Ю. Англо-українсько-росіїський словник усталених виразів. Хит — Тернопіль, 1992. Михеева А.В. и др. Словарь-минимум для чтения научной литературы на английском языке. — М. 1985. Справочник участника международных конференций (английский язык). М, — Наука, 1985 Hutchinson Pocket Encyclopaedia. London: Helicon, 1987. New Webster's Dictionary of English Language. College Edition. — Delhi: Surjeet Publications, 1988. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. — Oxford University Press, 1978. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman Group UK Limited, 1987. Longman Dictionary of Common Errors. M.— Русский язык, 1991. New Roget's Thesaurus. — Miami. — Florida, PS1 and Assosiates Inc, 1991. Urdang L. A Basic Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. Delhi, Vision books, 1983. Lehncrt M. Reverse Dictionary of Present-Day English. Leipzig: VEB Verlag Enzyclopadie, 1971. Навчальне видання
Ільченко Ольга Михайлівна
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