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Exercise 2. Discuss the following point with your colleagues.



One cannot deny the positive impact that personal computers with elaborate graphical environments have had on modern engineering practice. However, one unfortunate result has been the encouragement of a type of engineering characterized as «cosmetic». «Cosmetic» engineering is more concerned with appearance than substance. It is performed by engineers whose first priority is to create things that look good: content and performance are of Secondary importance. In other words, an engineering effort is «cosmetic» if it produces pleasing and professional-looking outputs whose content is, however, trivial or invalid. «Cosmetic» engineers enjoy their work. They produce things that look good and make the customer feel happy. Real engineering involves complex and intellectually demanding tasks. «Cosmetic» engineering, by

contrast, is relatively easy. Prerequisites for the job include knowledge of how to use a PC plus familiarity with one or more graphics packages. This is not to deny appearance, but an automatic washing machine should be able to wash clothes in addition to attractive surface smoothness. Still many people are good at making money with gimmicks! Cosmetic engineering jeopardizes the success of any project to which if is applied and corrupts the intellectual integrity of the people in organizations that foster it. Just imagine a demonstrable project that has only one fault: it produces erroneous results. elaborate — full of detail, carefully worked out and with a large number of parts gimmick — a trick or object which is used only to attract people's attention, especially, in. attempt to sell something to jeopardize — to put at risk or in danger to foster — to help to develop; to nurture. erroneous — incorrect, mistaken


Chapter 8

GRAMMAR: VERBALS (Non-Finite Forms of the Verbs) PARTICIPLE


There exist the following types of verbs in English:


— notional verbs смислові Theystudy English.
— auxiliary verbs допоміжні — modal verbs модальні — link-verbs дієслова-зв'язки — substitutes дієслова-замісники — emphatic do дієслово-підсилювач Do you like the book? Ihaven't decided yet. Wewill see you later. I can do it.   He is a scientist.   He likes physics, and sodoI.   I do need this information.


English notional verbs are characterized by a great variety of forms that can be divided into two main groups: finite and non-finite (verbals).

Особові (finite) форми виражають особу, число, час, стан, спосіб дії, i виступають у реченні присудком.

Безособові (non-finite) форми не мають звичайних форм особи, числа, способу, та не виступають у ролі присудка, хоча и можуть входити до його складу.


— Participle

— Infinitive

— Gerund




Tenses Active Passive
Simple (indefinite) doing (being) done
Perfect having done having been done


Participle I moving object предмет, що рухається Participle II theinstalled machines or the machinesinstalled встановлені машини (машини, що встановлені)


Perfect Participle

Having made* the experiment he left the laboratory.

Зробивши експеримент, він залишив лабораторію.



* Перфектні форми дієприкметника вказують на завершеність дії по відношенню до дії, яку виражає присудок


Chapters 135

Participles in a Sentence (A,B,C)

A. Attributes Означення The projectproposed by professor is very promising. Проект,запропонований професором, має великі перспективи. The paperpresented attracted a great deal of attention. Прочитана доповідь привернула багато уваги. This is the articleso much spoken about. Ось стаття,про яку так багато говорять. The scientistinvestigating this problem works at our Institute. Вчений,що (який, котрий) досліджує цю проблему, працює у нашему інституті. This is the best methodknown. Це найкращий середвідомих методів.


NOTE A fewParticiples II change their meaning according to their position the peopleinvolved = the peopleconcerned the people who were affected by what was happening люди, про яких йде мова (можливі варіанти перекладу: те/ті, що розглядаються/аналізуються, дані, пов'язані з)
BUT: aninvolved explanation = acomplicated explanation складне пояснення BUT: a concerned expression= aworried expression стурбований вираз
Mind the meaning of the verbs:
to involve включати, залучати The experiment involves three stages. involved   Експеримент включає три стадії. включав   This is the paper involving the latest data. Ось доповідь, яка залучає останні дані. to concern стосуватися The problems concern all of us. concerned   Ці проблеми стосуються ycix нас. стосувалися   This is the article concerning the new method. Ось стаття, що стосується нового метода.
*ALSO: I didn't realize that this experiment would involve so much concern.   Я не усвідомлював, що цей експеримент здатний викликати таку тривогу. * ALSO: I concern myself with history = I am interested in history   Я цікавлюся історією.   *all concerned yci зацікавлені особи




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