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Влияние общества на человека
Приготовление дезинфицирующих растворов различной концентрации Практические работы по географии для 6 класса Организация работы процедурного кабинета Изменения в неживой природе осенью Уборка процедурного кабинета Сольфеджио. Все правила по сольфеджио Балочные системы. Определение реакций опор и моментов защемления |
Exercise 2. Render the following passages into Ukrainian. Discuss the points with your colleagues.Содержание книги
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The age of the so-called information highway is beginning. This highway starts with computer operators in the 50s who begin to communicate among themselves using specialized languages and protocols. Today we think that electronic communications world (since it is digital) must be accurate, reliable, and low cost. Perhaps. In some cases. At times. Yes, e-mail is transferred across the Internet in seconds. However, if it crosses a boundary between the Internet and a relatively restricted network there can be delays of seconds, minutes or hours — just like leaving a superhighway and encountering road construction or customs checkpoint. Perhaps, your e-mail is delivered promptly. Who will read it? Maybe that person is busy, out of town, or simply doesn't know what is needed to answer you. We need to distinguish between our expectations of the communications technology and our expectations of the people with whom we communicate.
Historians of technology often tell us how long it takes for technological innovations to enter widespread use. They say that 25 years is the expected interval. The telephone, television, and fax machine, for example, all took 25 years to reach popularity. But what about the Web? It became ubiquitous all of a sudden, and this ubiquity is growing, changing our view of *all of a sudden == suddenly information, society, and business. Is another Web-like thing on its way?
Chapter 6 101 Exercise 3. Translate the following table. Chapters GRAMMAR: MODAL VERBS AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS (PHRASAL MODALS)
Modal verbs are used when we say that we expect things to happen, or that events are possible (necessary, improbable, impossible), or when we say that things did not happen, or when we are not sure whether they happened. Modal verbs have no -s ending for the third person singular, they are followed by the infinitive WITHOUT to (except for ought to). Modal verbs can be used with perfect infinitives to talk about things that did not happen, or which we are not sure about in the past. Modal verbs make questions and negative forms WITHOUT using do/did. Modal verbs are: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to, dare. In British English need can be both a modal verb and an ordinary verb. In American English it is NOT used as a modal.
Chapter 6 103
104 Chapter 6
Chapter 6 105
106 Chapter 6 Chapter 6 107
Exercise 4. What does it mean to be «a fluent speaker of a foreign language»? Decide ____what a person must/should/can/may/might be able to do. Then study the numerical rating system developed by one of the departments of U.S. State Department. How would you rate your own abilities in English? If you speak other languages, rate yourself as well.
Elementary proficiency ü able to satisfy routine travel needs (hotels, prices etc.); ü able to ask, answer, and understand questions and statements about simple topics related to daily life; ü frequent errors in grammar and vocabulary.
Limited working proficiency ü able to satisfy routine social demands and basic work requirements; ü able to speak with confidence, but not easily, on such topics as current events, personal information, daily job requirements; ü can understand the general meaning of most conversations and speak clearly enough to be understood by all native speakers; ü can use simple basic grammar accurately, but may require help to express more complex ideas.
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