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Virtual reality is a combination of various interface technologies that enables a user to intuitively interact with an immersive and dynamic computer-generated enviroment. Some people prefer the term virtual environment. Virtual reality (VR) has an ability to immerse users in the interactive three-dimensional (3-D) world. Another approach, called augmented reality is the use of computer-generated visuals to enhance a perception of his or her physical environment, providing a combination of the virtual and real world. In general, a VR system consists of a display, a tracking device for interactivity, a computer image generator, a three-dimensional database, and application software. There exist several types of displays.
| virtual reality — віртуальна (уявна) реальність to immerse — to cause (oneself) to enter deeply into activity; absorb укр. занурюватися, заглиблюватися environment — physical, social and natural conditions in which people live Synonyms: surrounding(s), milieu укр;
навколишній (оточуючий) світ; середовище
to augment — (to cause to) become bigger, more
valuable, better укр. збільшувати
to enhance — to increase in strength or amount
укр. посилювати
to perceive — to have knowledge of (something)
through one of the senses or through the mind, to
perception — укр. сприйняття, відчування
| The greatest sense of immersion is provided by the head-mounted display (HMD) that blocks out the real world. A head-coupled display (HCD) is like а huge pair of binoculars supported by a movable robot-like arm; HCD can offer better resolution, a wider field of view, and a benefit of
| quick entry and exit. Of the various input devices used in VR, the wired glove (a glove wired 'with sensors and connected to a computer for gesture recognition enabling interaction with objects in three-dimensional virtual enviroments) is often the most useful. Its user can touch both virtual and real objects without difficulty.
VR has all sorts of entertainment; possibilities, like immersive video games, and many practical ones, too. VR has the potential of revolutionizing design and manufacturing. Some predict savings in time and money, better market response, and better products. Virtual prototyping may reduce or eliminate the need for costly mock-ups. Moreover, it will permit the direct involvement of human beings in performance and ergonomic studies, providing immediate feedback. For instance, passengers will be able to comment on the convenience and look of a virtual car's interior. Engineering analysis will become
| huge — extremely large
Synonyms: enormous, tremendous, gigantic
укр. величезний
to reduce — to make less in size, amount, price,
degree. еtс.'укр. зменшувати
to eliminate — to remove or get rid of completely
укр. ліквідовувати
mock-up — a full-size model of something planned
to be made or built укр. макет, модель
involvement — укр. залучення
simulation — representation, imitation, model укр.
імітація, відтворення, моделювання
to alter — to make or become different, but without
changing into something else укр. змінювати
probe — укр. зонд
mature — fully grown and developed укр. зрілий
to assess — to judge the quality, importance or
worth of; Synonym: to evaluate укр. оцінювати
| more efficient through the integration of simulation results with virtual prototypes. Eventually, it will be possible to alter designs and see the immediate effects. Virtual simulation of assembly, production and maintenance tasks will reveal possible problems at an early stage of the design process. There are numerous scientific VR visualizations, from atoms to galaxies that may be used for educational and research purposes. Virtual reality applications in medicine include at least two trends in health care: the extensive use of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and minimally invasive surgery (such as endoscopic procedures, in which the doctor looks not at the patient but at a video screen to guide an optical fiber, light probe. Entertainment uses for VR have received the most attention, and experts agree that this large market will be a driving force in VR technology development.
Mature enough, virtual reality still needs a lot of work and assessment before it can become a
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common tool for industry. Building synthetic enviroment usually means hard work. When perfected, virtual reality systems may enhance people's activities, enliven and accelerate education and scientific modeling, in addition to devising new forms of recreation.
| to enliven — to make more active, cheerful, or interesting
укр. пожвавлювати
to devise — to plan or invent cleverly укр. вигадувати,
recreation — way of spending free time
Also: leisure, free time укр. відпочинок, дозвілля
| 1. What is specific about virtual reality?
2. What are principal parts of a VR system?
3. What are possible applications of virtual reality?
Exercise 1. Give English equivalents of:
поєднання різних технологій; віртуальне (уявне) середовище; візуальний; посилювати сприйняття; широке використання; складання, виробництво та обслуговування;
комп'ютерне зображення; змінювати конструкцію; макет; оцінювати; моделювання; рушійна сила; пожвавлювати навчання.