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Text A Read the text and be ready to answer the questions about it.

The computer is becoming more fun and more useful the less abstractly it can represent things. Television is becoming more entertaining and educational thanks to microprocessors and compact-disc ROMs (CD ROMs). Multimedia is another technology that is sure to boost personal computers. This technology combines the usual text and graphics with digitized voice and music.
With multimedia programs computers will be able to handle files of sound and full-motion video images as easily as they handle text. The computers will play voice and music in high-fidelity digital audio stereo, and will show movie-quality images. In a nutshell, multimedia is the perfect marriage of print and broadcast news. What makes it possible is rapidly evolving digital technology, and the efficiency it offers in manipulating, storing, and retrieving information. Multimedia can mean various things. It can be an encyclopedia on a CD ROM, a multimedia electronic mail sent over the Internet. Standard reference books on computer are becoming more accessible and livelier: dictionaries pronounce words, and historical figures deliver quotes. Multimedia repository — the library of the future exists in Madison Building of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. This «library without walls» collections are the original multimedia. The library keeps the largest stockpile of knowledge in the world, the nearest thing to the library of Alexandria, CD ROM — compact disc read-only memory, a laser encoded disc that stores megabytes of randomly accessible text, imagery, and/or sound data.
to boost — to help to advance or improve укр. удосконалювати, покращувати, підтримувати to handle — to deal with, control укр. поводитися з, керувати (управляти), маніпулювати to store — to put or keep something while not in use for future use укр. зберігати, накопичувати to retrieve — to find and bring back, to regain укр. шукати, поновлювати lively — full of activity укр. жвавий repository — a place where things are stored укр. сховище stockpile — a large store of something укр. запас, резерв
which held the knowledge of the time in antiquity. Among the library's 100 million items are books in 470 languages, movies, television shows, maps, cartoons, and software. Some 1.8 million items are added each year — and the rate is accelerating. The library has foreign offices around
the world, and document exchange with all foreign countries that have diplomatic relations with United States. Some believe that text may become a more important force because of many multimedia applications^ Although no comprehensive study exists on the effect of interactive multimedia on learning, some claim that interactive technologies speed up learning, and often test scores rize, too. The reasons may be self-paced personalized instruction, immediate interaction and feedback. One-on-one instruction can mean that a student is not embarrassed about asking questions. Or consider built-in tests — when a user makes a mistake, s/he is taken directly back to the passage involved (all the mistakes can be monitored, too). Some studies suggest that multimedia can improve learning. The history of educational reform, though, has shown that «innovative» technologies that use different from paper medium, have done little to comprehensive — thorough, broad, including a lot of everything укр. вичерпний, всебічний, всеосяжний to claim — to declare to be true, to maintain укр. твердити, заявляти feedback — remarks about or an answer to an action, process, etc.; response укр. зворотній зв'язок, відгук to embarrass — to cause to feel anxious and uncomfortable укр. непокоити, бентежити to suggest — to indicate, to make clear (perhaps indirectly) укр. наводити на думку
NOTE Also: to suggest — to propose, to mention as possibility, state as an idea for consideration. Any suggestions? Чи є ще пропозиції? укр. пропонувати


Chapter7 119


benefit learning. Critics claim that such fads include radio in the 1940s, TV and audio tapes in the 1960s, and computer-assisted instruction in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The content of instruction, not the means of its conveyance, such researchers claim, is what influences performance results. The study performed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) demonstrated that the medium — computer or paper — did not significantly influence overall aptitude scores, although those students who used computers had significantly higher scores in such area as analogical reasoning. Women and novices who used the computer got somewhat higher overall scores than their counterparts who used text. For men and experienced students, text or computer was not a significant factor. In a post-test questionnaire, however, majority of students reported they preferred the computer medium to paper. Although interactive multimedia may teach certain portion fad — an interest or activity that is followed very keenly but usually only for a short time укр. швидкоплинне захоплення content(s) — the subject matter укр. зміст to convey — to make (ideas, thoughts) known укр. передавати, повідомляти; виражати aptitude — natural ability or skill, especially in learning укр. здібність, обдарованість novice — a person with no experience in a skill or subject, beginner укр. початківець, новачок curriculum — a course of study offered in a school, college, etc. укр. курс навчання, учбовий план to appreciate — to recognize and enjoy the good qualities or worth of укр. оцінювати, цінувати

of a curriculum well and others poorly, it might help us solve some educational problems. We should keep one thing in mind: to be appreciated, interactive multimedia must be experienced.

1.What is the subject of this passage?

2. What is specific about interactive multimedia?

3. Why are multimedia applications important?

4. Why is multimedia repository called «library without walls»?

5. What are the obvious merits of interactive multimedia as far as learning is concerned?

6. Would you like to have access to various multimedia resources? State the reasons why.


Exercise 1. Give English equivalents of:

розвага; управляти; поєднувати графічне зображення та звук; технологія, що швидко розвивається; довідники; бібліотека майбутнього; сховище; мультфільм; покращувати;

всебічне дослідження; твердити; зворотній зв'язок; бентежити; деякі дослідження наводять на думку; приносити користь; пропозиція; так звані новаторські технології; швидкоплинне захоплення; впливати на загальні результати тестування; початківці; анкета; віддавати перевагу комп'ютеру над іншими засобами; випробувати.


Exercise 2 Sometimes the words to solve and to decide are misused.


To solve means to find a solution to; укр. розв'язувати (вирииувати).

To decide means to reach a decision about; укр. вирішувати.


Translate Ukrainian sentences, then match the two columns:

1. Ви можете розв'язати це рівняння? 2. Ми вирішили погодитися з вами. 3. Цю проблему буде нелегко вирішити (розв'язати). 4. Вони вирішили перенести збори. 5. Ось вирішення ycix наших проблем. 6. Це наше остаточне рішення. A. It will be no easy matter to solve this problem. B. They've decided to postpone the meeting. C. This is the solution to all our problems. D. Can you solve this equation? E. This is our final decision. F. We've decided to agree with you.

Chapter 7



The English passive is by far the most frequent in scientific writings, and least frequent in conversation.

Passive formation:


Samuel Morse invented the electric telegraph in 1835.

Subject object


to b e + Participle II

The electric telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse.


Note that the majority of passive sentences that occur in speech and writing (about 85 percent) are agentless (do not have an explicit agent): Many people are employed in manufacturing.


We denote an agent or instrument the following way:

The poem was written by John. (agent, doer)

Вірш написаний Джоном.

The poem was written with pencil, (instrument)

Вірш написаний олівцем.

The results were obtained by professor Smith with the help of new equipment.

Результати були отримані професором Смітом на новому обладнанні (за допомоги нового обладнання).



Sometimes there is significant difference between the active and passive voice. Compare:

Few people read many books. (Meaning: there are few people in the world who read lots of books.)

Many books are read by few people. (Meaning: there are many books that are read by very few people.)


Some passive sentences in English have no active voice variant:

John was born in England.


Do NOT use passive with the following words: lack, resemble, fit, have.




1. When the agent is unknown:

The book was stolen.

2. When the agent is redundant:

French is spoken in France.

3. When the writer wants the statement to sound objective (the agent or the source of information are not mentioned):


It is thought/believed/assumed (Вважають, що...) It is rumored... (Ходять чутки, що...) It used to be thought... (Раніше вважали, що...) that this is a promising method.


Chapter7 121

They discuss the issue The issue is discussed
They are discussing the issue The issue is being discussed
They discussed the issue The issue was discussed
They had discussed the issue The issue had been discussed
They have discussed the issue The issue has been discussed
They were discussing the issue The issue was being discussed
They will discuss the issue The issue will be discussed
They must discuss the issue The issue must be discussed


Mind specific passive constructions and the ways of translating them into Ukrainian:


1. Indirect Passive:


a. She gave her sister a book.

object 1 object 2

(indirect) (direct)

A book was given to her sister, (direct passive) Her sister was given a book. (indirect passive)

Scientists were invited to the conference.

Вчених запросили на конференцію.

They were shown brand-new equipment.

Їм показали найновіше обладнання.


Prepositional Passive


a. The terms were insisted on.

На строках наполягали.

The lecture was followed by a discussion.

За лекціею йшла дискусія.

The lecture was Sue-ceded by another one.

За однією лекщею йшла інша.

The conference was preceded by preliminary arrangements.

Конференції передувала попередня підготовка (або: перед конференцією було проведено підготовку).

All manufacturing processes are subject/subjected to change.

Усі технологічні процеси зазнають змін.

The resolution was objected to by almost everyone.

Проти резолюції були майже yci.



They make use object of a device object


Use is made of a device. A device is made use of. Прилад використовують.


They take steps object to improve the situation. Вживають заходів для поліпшення ситуації.
Steps are taken to improve the situation.


Chapter 7

Other ways of expressing passive:


Suffixes -able. -ibie:


Much of our work is predicted in theory, which is demonstrable but not provable.

Значну частину нашоії роботи було передбачено у теорії, яку можна продемонструвати, але не довести.


Suffix -ее:

nominee — той, кого призначають

attendee — той, хто мае бути присутнім



to be exposed to — зазнавати   The issue under consideration - питання, що розглядаеться
under consideration in question — (те), що розглядаеться The problemsin question — проблеми, що розглядаються


The passive is usually found with the following verbs and set phrases:

to answer to promise to offer to invite to affect відповідати обіцяти пропонувати запрошувати впливати (на)


to follow to succeed іти слідом (за)


to allow to permit дозволяти


to join to connect to link з'єднувати, поєднувати


to influence to tell to speak to report to watch to precede впливати казати говорити повідомляти спостерігати передувати


to ask to ask a question to pose a question питати, ставити питання


to depend on to rely on покладатися на


to object to to think of/about to call for to agree upon to comment on to insist on/upon заперечувати думати (про) вимагати погоджуватися коментувати наполягати (на)


Chapter 7 123

to do away with to get rid of   покінчити (з)   посилати (за) пояснювати, ураховувати (зважати)   використовувати посилатися (на) згадувати (про) робити внесок розглядати приділяти увагу звертати увагу робити спробу робити зусилля наголошувати (на)   скористатися (перевагою) скористатися (можливістю) вживати заходів турбуватися (про), вживати застережних (запобіжних) заходів
to send for to account for   to use — to make use of to refer — to make reference to to mention — to make mention of to contribute — to make contribution to consider — to give consideration to to pay/give/draw/call attention to to take notice/note of to make attempt to make effort to lay/place emphasis (on)   to take advantage of to take opportunity of to take steps to take care of

The Get-Passive is used in spoken and informal English. The get-passive is used with verbs denoting ONLY actions and processes, NOT states. The get-passive is more common with animate subjects (usually actively involved in a process):

The President was elected last year. The President got elected last year.





They will get married next week. (action, process) They have been married for 7 years. (state)


Exercise 3. Translate Ukrainian sentences. Then match the two columns:

1. Цю проблему треба вирішити (розв'язати). 2. Bci спостереження зробила група відомих вчених. 3. Професору поставили багато запитань. 4. Експеримент провели минулого тижня. 5. Відвідувачів приймають щодня. 6. Проект критикувало багато людей. 7. Проблему вперше усвідомили декілька років тому. 8. Йому не треба казати двічі. 9. Фармацевтичній промисловості приділяють багато уваги. 10. Про цю нову теорію багато говорять та пишуть. 11. Пішли чутки, що йому запропонували фінансову підтримку. 12. У Канаді розмовляють англійською та французькою мовами. 13. Нас попросили прийти якомога раніше. A. English and French are spoken in Canada. B. Visitors are received every day. C. He doesn't need to be told twice. D. The problem was first recognized several years ago. E. Professor was asked a lot of questions. F. Pharmaceutical industry is paid great attention to. G. This new theory is much spoken and written about. H. The project was sharply criticized by many people. I. It was rumored that he was offered financial support. J. The problem must be solved. K. This experiment was made last week. L. We were asked to come as early as possible. M. All observations were made by a team of well-known scientists.



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