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Exercise 3. Translate Ukrainian sentences into English. Then match the two columns.

1. У них є багато зарубіжних конкурентов. 2. Вони наголошують на важливості освіти на Bcіx рівнях. 3. Професійна освіта допоможе вам пристосуватися до нових умов. 4. Внески (інвестиції) у науку дають велику соціальну віддачу. 5. Які показники результативности науково-дослідної роботи? A. Investments in science generate high rates of social return. В. What are the output indicators of R&D?   С. They emphasize education at all levels.   D. Vocational education will help you to adjust to new industrial context. Е. They have a lot of foreign competitors.


Exercise 4. Discuss the following point with your colleagues.


Scientists think globally and act competitively. International competition is the norm. But scientists also have a tradition of global cooperation, just as corporations now seek global alliances and share the costs of research and development to reach new markets. By blending competition and collaboration, the international scientific system works. As many Asian nations have shown, the patient building of national base of technology and education flourishes when linked to global networks of research.


Chapter 3



Simple Present (Present Indefinite) (Present Indefinite) «now»     Present Progressive (Present Continuous) «already in progress now»  
1. General realtionships and timeless truths Time changes everything. Час змінює усе.   1. Actions in progress:    
    He is studying for an exam now at the moment  
Зараз він готується до іспиту. This device is becoming more and more popular. Цей прилад набуває (зараз) все більшої популярності.  
2. Permanent states: Ann likes mathematics. Енн любить математику. 2. Uncompleted actions: She is still looking for a job. Вона все ще шукає роботу. John is making dinner. Джон готує вечерю.  
3. Habitual and recurring actions: John jogs every morning. Джон бiгaє щоранку. 3. Repetition and duration, temporary states and activities: He is taking English classes this year. Цього року він відвідує заняття з англійської мови. She is living with her parents this month. Цього місяця вона мешкає разом з батьками.  
4. Mental perception and emotions: He never worries. Biн ніколи не хвилюється. 4. Emotional comment on present habit: She is always cracking jokes! Завжди вона шуткує!  
5. Definite future plans or schedules She completes her studies in a month. Через місяць вона закінчить навчання. 5. Future events: I'm leaving at 7 a.m. tomorrow. Я їду завтра о 7 годині ранку. The deleaation is coming tomorrow. Завтра прибуває делегація.  
6. Events with future time adverbials: After she completes her studies, she plans to stay here for good. Після закінчення навчання вона планує залишитись тут назавжди.    
7. Future events with verbs open/close, beam/end, come/leave: The class begins at 8 a.m. Заняття починаються о 8 годині ранку. The store closes at 10 p.m. Крамниця зачиняється о 10 годині вечора. Не comes tomorrow. Він прибуває завтра.    


Chapter 1 43

    Tense markers    
usually/generally/as a rule sometimes/from time to time rarely/seldom/hardly ever never/almost never often/ frequently always now/right now/at the moment still today this year/week these days always
every day morning other day  
Use ONLY Simple Present with stative verbs: BUT: I'm looking at you. He's tasting food. We're having a party next Sunday.
Understand Know Believe Like Remember Need want/wish mean prefer appear seem sound smell look taste have   I know it. Я знаю це. I understand what you mean. Я розумiю, що ви маєте на увазi. This idea sounds nice. Ця iдея звучить непогано.
Projects look OK on paper. Food tastes delicious. I have two dictionaries.


Exercise 5. Choose the correct form of the verbs from the parentheses:


1. I (understand / am understanding) now.


2. This melody (is sounding / sounds) nice.


3. Barbara always (goes / is going) to work at 7 a.m.


4. Coffee (is smelling / smells) good.


5. She usually (phones / is phoning) in the evening.


Chapter 3


(Future Indefinite)

«at a certain time in the future»

1. probable future events:


I will call you* Я подзвоню тoбi     I will help you Я допоможу тo6i I'll get the phone Я підійду до телефона       ←Тense markers
later tomorrow in 2 hours next month tonight soon one of these days (цими)днями (по відношенню до майбутнього) 5 years from now the day after tomorrow



I/we s/he they will (American English) I/we s/he they shall will (British English)


2. mental perception and emotions:


You'll like it! Toбi це обов'язково сподобається! love


NOTE DO NOT use Future Tense in a sentence where there are two clauses, one of which is time clause beginning with when; before; until; after/as soon as; unless; should (as equivalent of if).  
I will do it іf when before after as soon as you come.
Unless it rains, the competition will be held outside. Якщо не буде дощу, змагання будуть проведені надворі. Should you come, I will meet you. Якщо ти приїдеш, я тебе зустріну.  


Chapter 3 45

3. to be going to future:

a. future plans, intentions:

She is going to study at the university.

Вона збирається навчатися в університеті

I'm going to do it no matter what!

Я збираюся це зробити (зроблю це) будь-що!

b. probable and immediate future events:

The class is going to start in a minute.

За хвилину почнуться заняття.

Also: The laboratory is (just) about to close. Лабораторію вже майже зачинили.

NOTE Talking about the future you may well use the following expressions: * in the long run — in the distant future, укр. у далекому майбутньому, на перспективу. * in the short run—in the near future, soon, укр. незабаром —Why are you learning Spanish? — I think it will be useful in the long run.


Past Progressive (Past Continuous) Future Progressive (Future Continuous)  
«in progress at a time in the past» «in progress at a certain time in the future»  
l. events in progress at a specific time: He was studying at 10 p.m. Вчора о 10 годині вечора він вчився. 1. events that will be in progress at a time in the future; will last for a period of time in the future: I will be delivering a lecture on philosophy from 9 a.m. till 11 a.m. tomorrow. She will be working on her paper for the next two weeks. Вона працюватиме над статтею два наступні тижні.  
2. interrupted actions: I was reading when she came. Я читав у той момент, коли вона прийшла.     Tense markers    
3. two actions in the past continued at the same time: He was reading while I was writing my esseay. Він читав у той час, коли я писав твір.  
from 5 a.m. till 7 a.m.  
4. repetition and iteration: I was reading all dav long. Я читав цілий день.   Tense markers   this time tomorrow next year  
10 years from now still  
for 2 hours days  
      at 8 a.m. tomorrow when X come(s)  
yesterday   at 5 p.m. from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m.    
all day long while  
NOTE Use while with Past Progressive, and when with Simple Past  


46 Chapter 3

Exercise 6. Choose the correct form of the verb from the parentheses:


1. When Melissa arrived everyone (was studying / studied),

2. At three o'clock she (was studying / studied).

3. At. this time tomorrow we (wi]l be taking / will take) the test.

4. I (will call / am calling) you one of these days.

5. John (was reading / read) while Mary (was watching / watched) TV.


Simple Past «at a certain time in the past» Present Perfect «in the past but related in some way to the present»
1. events that took place at a definite time in the past: We discussed it yesterday. Ми обговорили це учора.   tense markers 1. actions happened at an indefinite time in the past: We have already discussed it. Ми вже обговорили це (колись раніше).   tense markers
  in 1990 when X was 20 as a child yesterday last year / month the day before yesterday long ago once upon a time the other day (цими) днями (по відношенню до минулого) this morning (the morning is over) eventually / finally at that time 2 hours ago / later (for the) first / last time     lately / recently / of late / in recent years (останнім часом) up to now so far already never ever. since in the past yet during the past 2 days  
2. events that lasted for a time in continue to the present: He taught at Harvard for 10 years before he came here. Він викладав у Гарварді протягом 10 років перед тим, як переїхав сюди (він більше там не викладає). 2. situations that began in the past, the past: He has attended the university for 3 years. Він навчався в університеті протягом 3 років (i зараз продовжує навчатися там). Не has lived in Germany since 1992 (he still lives there). Biн проживає у Германії з 1992 року (i зараз також). MIND: since is used to indicate the beginning of the time period; for is used to indicate duration of time.
3. habitual or repeated events: She studied English every day until she passed the test. Вона вчила англійську щодня, доки не склала іспит. 3. actions completed in the past but related to the present: John has applied for several job openings and now he's waiting for the results. Джон подав заявку на кілька вакансій i зараз очікує на результати.


Chapter 3 47

4. past mental perceptions or emotions: She always knew what she wanted. Вона завжди знала, чого прагне.  
NOTE used to and be used to...ing/noun
*used to describes habits, regular activities, states in the past that no longer exist now; *be used to...ing/noun means «be accustomed to», «have a habit» He used to work at the university. Раніше він працював в університеті. He is used to working at the university. Biн звик працювати в утверситеті. Or: He is used to his present job. Biн звик до своєї теперішньої роботи.


Еxercise 7. Choose the correct form of the verb from the parentheses:


1. They (bought / have bought) a dictionary the other day.

2. Laura (has taken / took) the test.

3. During the last week I (read / have read) 2 books.

4. They (have translated / translated) the article already.

5. We (didn't finish / haven't finished) the project yet.

6. He (arrived / has arrived) the day before yesterday.

7. I (haven't seen / didn't see) him recently.



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