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Почему Австралия так отличается от других стран?


Миллионы лет назад Австралия была частью огромного конти­нента, который назывался Гондвана. Затем Гондвана медленно дви­галась и распалась на несколько частей. Таким образом Австралия оказалась отрезанной от остального мира. Поэтому мир живой при­роды острова так уникален сегодня. Возможно, из-за своего геогра­фического положения Австралия была последним континентом, за­селенным белыми людьми.

2) Какие факторы объясняют следующие особенности Авст­
ралии? Найди объяснение в описании Австралии в упражнении
2 на странице 4.

The seasons are the other way round in Australia because Australia is to the south of the equator.

Thanks to the fact that Australia is to the south of the equator, Austra­lia is sometimes called Land Down Under

Because the population is too small for such a huge country, people have to send a radio message to the flying doctor service if they become ill.

Because much of the land is a desert and there are severe draughts in Australia, the few rivers play an especially important role in people’s life

Most of the continent is sunny most of the year, that’s why Austra­lians suffer one of the world’s highest rates of skin cancer from too much sun exposure.

Severe draughts, floods and cyclones happen very often. So life is not easy in Australia.

2. Из-за того что Соединенное Королевство — островное госу­
дарство, его географическое положение влияет на жизнь страны и
людей, ее населяющих.

Найди причины следующих фактов в описании Соединенно­го Королевства в упражнении 2 на странице 4.

People go for their holidays on a day trip to the seaside because in Britain you are never too far from the coast.

Fishing has always been an important industry. That’s why Britain is one of the richest countries in the world.

When you travel to England by sea or air, it is very likely that you’ll arrive in the Southeast, so the main ports are situated there.

Britain has a rich, fertile countryside which is famous for its deep green colour so there are many seaside resorts.

No place in Britain is more than 75 miles from the sea because it is an island state.

Fish and sea food are very popular in Britain becuase the coast is more than 6000 miles long.

3. Как географическое положение США объясняет следую­
щие факты из жизни ее населения? Найди причины в упражне­
нии 2 на странице 4.

When it’s 9 am in Los Angeles, it’s already midday in New York due to the fact that people live within four time zones.

Millions of Americans participate in water sports, such as swimming, surfing, fishing, sailing and water skiing because ¾ of the country are washed by the ocean.

Fresh grapefruts, oranges, lemons, melons, cherries and peaches are not imported. Low-cost high-quality fruits, juices and vegetables are available any time of the year thanks to the fact that in southern parts of the country have warm temperatures all year round.

A fast railroаd train, travelling 96 kilometres an hour, takes more than 45 hours to cross the country, because the USA cover 4500 kilometres.

Americans who prefer various landscapes can easily spend interesting vacations within the country due to the fact that landscape varies very much.

4. Географическое положение Соединенного Королевства, США
и Австралии различается, но есть вещи, общие для этих стран.
чем эти страны похожи и в чем различаются?

• Great Britain and Australia are washed by the ocean and seas from all sides. ¾ of the territory of the USA is washed by the ocean.

• Severe draughts happen in Australia and it’s sunny most of the year. In Britain the climate is mild and there is a steady rainfall throughout

most of the year. In the USA southern parts have warm temperatures year round and northern have very cold winters. • Much of the land is a desert in Australia. Britain consists for the most part of plains and hills; in the north and west mountaineous areas are found. In the USA almost every type of landscape is pre­sented.


Рельеф Южной Калифорнии меняется от места к месту. Ис­ходя из ее положения на карте, объясни, почему в Калифорнии самый лучший отдых для людей с разными вкусами.

Thanks to the nearby Pacific Ocean and warm climate some people can spend time swimming and lying in the sun on the beach. Because there are high Rocky Mountains, some others can go mounteneering.


Национальные символы часто отражают географические осо­бенности страны. Как ты думаешь, почему эти символы выгля­дят таким образом?

Canada: the two red strips simbolize the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The white strip simbolizes the arctic snow and the maple leaf — the forests.

Australia: Australia’s native animals and plants are found on the coat of arms: the kangaroo, the emu and the twig of wattle.

Lyipetsk’s coat of arms simbolizes the green forests and fields.


Как географическое положение России влияет на жизнь людей?


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