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Hearing of this magnificent feat of the two brothers, the demigods and other elevated living beings rained down flowers and offered music and prayers in glorification.



O King, as the demons attacked, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma easily seized them one after another by their hind legs and threw them all into the tops of the palm trees.


|| 10.15.38 ||

phala-prakara-saṅkīrṇaṁ daitya-dehair gatāsubhiḥ

rarāja bhūḥ sa-tālāgrair ghanair iva nabhas-talam


The earth then appeared beautifully covered with heaps of fruits and with the dead bodies of the demons, which were entangled in the broken tops of the palm trees. Indeed, the earth shone like the sky decorated with clouds.


The earth appeared splendid with the piles of dark blue tāla fruits spread out everywhere. The bodies of the dead demons looked like dark blue clouds resting in the broken branches of the tāla trees, which appeared as splendid as red clouds covering the sky at sunset due to being tinged with the red blood of the demons.


|| 10.15.39 ||

tayos tat su-mahat karma niśamya vibudhādayaḥ

mumucuḥ puṣpa-varṣāṇi cakrur vādyāni tuṣṭuvuḥ


Hearing of this magnificent feat of the two brothers, the demigods and other elevated living beings rained down flowers and offered music and prayers in glorification.


|| 10.15.40 ||

atha tāla-phalāny ādan manuṣyā gata-sādhvasāḥ

tṛṇaṁ ca paśavaś cerur hata-dhenuka-kānane


People now felt free to return to the forest where Dhenuka had been killed, and without fear they ate the fruits of the palm trees. Also, the cows could now graze freely upon the grass there.


The Pulindas and other low-class people of Vṛndāvana ate the tāla fruits. Kṛṣṇa’s cowherd boys, however, considered the fruits detestable, since they had been contaminated with the blood of the asses.


|| 10.15.41 ||

kṛṣṇaḥ kamala-patrākṣaḥ puṇya-śravaṇa-kīrtanaḥ

stūyamāno ’nugair gopaiḥ sāgrajo vrajam āvrajat


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