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In the Tāla forest are sweet-smelling fruits no one has ever tasted. Indeed, even now we can smell the fragrance of the tāla fruits spreading all about.


The demon Dhenuka has eaten men alive, and therefore all people and animals are terrified of going to the Tāla forest. O killer of the enemy, even the birds are afraid to fly there.


The cowherd boys incite Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma’s fighting spirit by describing the demon’s strength: “But in front of You two, the bravery of the demon and His cohorts will become like flowers in the sky. Let us go, relieve the residents of their fear, and shower Your blessings upon those who want to enjoy the tāla fruits.” This is the intention of this verse.


|| 10.15.25 ||

vidyante ’bhukta-pūrvāṇi phalāni surabhīṇi ca

eṣa vai surabhir gandho viṣūcīno ’vagṛhyate


In the Tāla forest are sweet-smelling fruits no one has ever tasted. Indeed, even now we can smell the fragrance of the tāla fruits spreading all about.


“In which direction is the Tālavana forest?” This verse answers: “The sweet fragrance of the tāla fruits was carried by the easterly winds of the month of Bhādra [August-September]. Thus the forest is east of here.”


|| 10.15.26 ||

prayaccha tāni naḥ kṛṣṇa gandha-lobhita-cetasām

vāñchāsti mahatī rāma gamyatāṁ yadi rocate


O Kṛṣṇa! Please get those fruits for us. Our minds are so attracted by their aroma! Dear Balarāma, our desire to have those fruits is very great. If You think it’s a good idea, let’s go to that Tāla forest.


“O Kṛṣṇa! Give the fruits to us, because we have a great desire for them.”


|| 10.15.27 ||

evaṁ suhṛd-vacaḥ śrutvā suhṛt-priya-cikīrṣayā

prahasya jagmatur gopair vṛtau tālavanaṁ prabhū


Hearing the words of Their dear companions, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma laughed and, desiring to please them, set off for the Tālavana surrounded by Their cowherd boyfriends.


“How can a donkey be so strong? That is impossible.” Therefore Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma laughed loudly, thinking Their friends must be telling a lie.


|| 10.15.28 ||

balaḥ praviśya bāhubhyāṁ tālān samparikampayan

phalāni pātayām āsa mataṅ-gaja ivaujasā


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