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When it rained, the Lord would sometimes enter a cave or the hollow of a tree to play and to eat roots and fruits.



In the monsoon forests Kṛṣṇa saw the joyful Pulinda women, the honey pouring down the trees, the waterfalls flowing from the mountains, and far off caves, which appeared to be nearby from the echoing sound.

|| 10.20.28 ||

kvacid vanaspati-kroḍe guhāyāṁ cābhivarṣati

nirviśya bhagavān reme kanda-mūla-phalāśanaḥ


When it rained, the Lord would sometimes enter a cave or the hollow of a tree to play and to eat roots and fruits.


When it rained (abhi varṣati) Kṛṣṇa would run and enter the hollow of a tree or a cave and amuse Himself by eating radish. There are two types of radish: round ones and long ones.


|| 10.20.29 ||

dadhy-odanaṁ samānītaṁ śilāyāṁ salilāntike

sambhojanīyair bubhuje gopaiḥ saṅkarṣaṇānvitaḥ


Lord Kṛṣṇa would take His meal of boiled rice and yogurt, sent from home, in the company of Lord Saṅkarṣaṇa and the cowherd boys who regularly ate with Him. They would all sit down to eat on a large stone near the water.


Servants would bring food from Kṛṣṇa’s house to a place called “Chak.” Kṛṣṇa sat on a stone slab near the water. Even today people can see that eating place on the bank of a kuṇḍa.


|| 10.20.30-31 ||

śādvalopari saṁviśya carvato mīlitekṣaṇān

tṛptān vṛṣān vatsatarān gāś ca svodho-bhara-śramāḥ

prāvṛṭ-śriyaṁ ca tāṁ vīkṣya sarva-kāla-sukhāvahām

bhagavān pūjayāṁ cakre ātma-śakty-upabṛṁhitām


Lord Kṛṣṇa watched the contented bulls, calves and cows sitting on the green grass and grazing with closed eyes, and He saw that the cows were tired from the burden of their heavy milk bags. Thus observing the beauty and opulence of Vṛndāvana’s rainy season, a perennial source of great happiness, the Lord offered all respect to that season, which was expanded from His own internal potency.


|| 10.20.32 ||

evaṁ nivasatos tasmin rāma-keśavayor vraje

śarat samabhavad vyabhrā svacchāmbv-aparuṣānilā



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