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Hearing the sound of the falling fruits, the ass demon Dhenuka ran forward to attack, making the earth and trees tremble.



Lord Balarāma entered the Tāla forest first. Then with His two arms He began forcefully shaking the trees with the power of a maddened elephant, causing the tāla fruits to fall to the ground.


|| 10.15.29 ||

phalānāṁ patatāṁ śabdaṁ niśamyāsura-rāsabhaḥ

abhyadhāvat kṣiti-talaṁ sa-nagaṁ parikampayan


Hearing the sound of the falling fruits, the ass demon Dhenuka ran forward to attack, making the earth and trees tremble.


The earth shook along with the trees (sa-nagaṁ) as Dhenukasura ran towards Balarāma.


|| 10.15.30 ||

sametya tarasā pratyag dvābhyāṁ padbhyāṁ balaṁ balī

nihatyorasi kā-śabdaṁ muñcan paryasarat khalaḥ


The powerful demon rushed up to Lord Baladeva and sharply struck the Lord’s chest with the hooves of his hind legs. Then Dhenuka began to run about, braying loudly.


After kicking Balarāma in the chest with His hind legs, Dhenuka ran around (paryasarat) making ugly braying sounds (kā-śabda).


|| 10.15.31 ||

punar āsādya saṁrabdha upakroṣṭā parāk sthitaḥ

caraṇāv aparau rājan balāya prākṣipad ruṣā


Moving again toward Lord Balarāma, O King, the furious ass situated himself with his back toward the Lord. Then, screaming in rage, the demon hurled his two hind legs at Him.


The furious (saṁrabdhaḥ) ass showed his back toward Balarāma and screamed in rage.


|| 10.15.32 ||

sa taṁ gṛhītvā prapador bhrāmayitvaika-pāṇinā

cikṣepa tṛṇa-rājāgre bhrāmaṇa-tyakta-jīvitam


Lord Balarāma seized Dhenuka by his hooves, whirled him about with one hand and threw him into the top of a palm tree. The violent wheeling motion killed the demon.


Balarāma seized Dhenukasura (tam) by his hooves (prapadayoḥ), whirled him around, and threw him in the top of a tāla tree (tṛṇa rājaḥ).


|| 10.15.33 ||

tenāhato mahā-tālo vepamāno bṛhac-chirāḥ

pārśva-sthaṁ kampayan bhagnaḥ sa cānyaṁ so ’pi cāparam


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