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The hot fiery wind is the breath coming out of his mouth, which is giving off the bad smell of burning flesh because of all the dead bodies he has eaten.



The hot fiery wind is the breath coming out of his mouth, which is giving off the bad smell of burning flesh because of all the dead bodies he has eaten.


“The hot fiery wind is the breath from his mouth, which is giving off the bad smell of burning flesh because of all the animals he has eaten.”


|| 10.12.24 ||

asmān kim atra grasitā niviṣṭān ayaṁ tathā ced bakavad vinaṅkṣyati

kṣaṇād aneneti bakāry-uśan-mukhaṁ vīkṣyoddhasantaḥ kara-tāḍanair yayuḥ


Then the boys said, “Has this living creature come to swallow us? If he does so, he will immediately be killed like Bakāsura, without delay.” Thus they looked at the beautiful face of Kṛṣṇa, the enemy of Bakāsura, and, laughing loudly and clapping their hands, they entered the mouth of the python.


Some of the boys spoke with a little fear: “If this creature is really a snake, he may swallow us if we enter his mouth.”


One boy replied to pacify them: “If that is so, then in an instant (kṣaṇād) Kṛṣṇa (aneneti) will kill him just as He vanquished Baka. Kṛṣṇa is right here, so why should we worry?” Saying this, the boy smiled and looked toward Kṛṣṇa, who was standing some distance away.


Getting this confirmation, all the cowherd boys began to laugh loudly while speaking, “Hey sakhas! Let’s find out what is in that mouth.” Then they entered the demon’s mouth out of boyish curiosity. Clapping their hands to show their courage and fearlessness, or to dismiss the snake, the boys ran inside the snake’s gaping mouth. The calves ran after them with their tails raised.


|| 10.12.25 ||

itthaṁ mitho ’tathyam ataj-jña-bhāṣitaṁ
śrutvā vicintyety amṛṣā mṛṣāyate

rakṣo viditvākhila-bhūta-hṛt-sthitaḥ
svānāṁ niroddhuṁ bhagavān mano dadhe


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