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The sinful Pralamba having been killed, the demigods felt extremely happy, and they showered flower garlands upon Lord Balarāma and praised the excellence of His deed.



The details of their apparent play are described here. One boy would hide, and upon being found would become the loser and have to carry the victor on his shoulders.


|| 10.18.22 ||

vahanto vāhyamānāś ca cārayantaś ca go-dhanam

bhāṇḍīrakaṁ nāma vaṭaṁ jagmuḥ kṛṣṇa-purogamāḥ


Thus carrying and being carried by one another, and at the same time tending the cows, the boys followed Kṛṣṇa to a banyan tree known as Bhāṇḍīraka.


They came to a place with a banyan tree called Bhāṇḍiraka. Although it was convenient to use the branches of this tree to mount the shoulders of the defeated boys, the boys chose not to and climbed up on each others’ shoulders near that place.


|| 10.18.23 ||

rāma-saṅghaṭṭino yarhi śrīdāma-vṛṣabhādayaḥ

krīḍāyāṁ jayinas tāṁs tān ūhuḥ kṛṣṇādayo nṛpa


My dear King Parīkṣit, when Śrīdāmā, Vṛṣabha and the other members of Lord Balarāma’s party were victorious in these games, Kṛṣṇa and His followers had to carry them.


|| 10.18.24 ||

uvāha kṛṣṇo bhagavān śrīdāmānaṁ parājitaḥ

vṛṣabhaṁ bhadrasenas tu pralambo rohiṇī-sutam


Defeated, the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa carried Śrīdāmā. Bhadrasena carried Vṛṣabha, and Pralamba carried Balarāma, the son of Rohiṇī.


|| 10.18.25 ||

aviṣahyaṁ manyamānaḥ kṛṣṇaṁ dānava-puṅgavaḥ

vahan drutataraṁ prāgād avarohaṇataḥ param


Considering Lord Kṛṣṇa invincible, that foremost demon [Pralamba] quickly carried Balarāma far beyond the spot where he was supposed to put his passenger down.


Thinking that Kṛṣṇa would be difficult to conquer, Pralamba went on Kṛṣṇa’s side in order to carry Balarāma away. Pralamba carried Balarāma far beyond the spot where he was supposed to carry Him so that he would be out of Kṛṣṇa’s sight.


|| 10.18.26 ||

tam udvahan dharaṇi-dharendra-gauravaṁ
mahāsuro vigata-rayo nijaṁ vapuḥ

sa āsthitaḥ puraṭa-paricchado babhau

taḍid-dyumān uḍupati-vāḍ ivāmbudaḥ


As the great demon carried Balarāma, the Lord became as heavy as massive Mount Sumeru, and Pralamba had to slow down. He then resumed his actual form—an effulgent body that was covered with golden ornaments and that resembled a cloud flashing with lightning and carrying the moon.


Only with great difficulty was Pralamba able to carry Balarāma, who became heavier than Mount Sumeru upon realizing He was being kidnapped. Pralamba was forced to slow down. Giving up his disguise as a cowherd boy, Pralamba showed a huge body dressed in gold ornaments and that resembled a cloud flashing with lightning and carrying the moon.


|| 10.18.27 ||

nirīkṣya tad-vapur alam ambare carat
pradīpta-dṛg bhru-kuṭi-taṭogra-daṁṣṭrakam

jvalac-chikhaṁ kaṭaka-kirīṭa-kuṇḍala-

tviṣādbhutaṁ haladhara īṣad atrasat


When Lord Balarāma, who carries the plow weapon, saw the gigantic body of the demon as he moved swiftly in the sky—with his blazing eyes, fiery hair, terrible teeth reaching toward his scowling brows, and an amazing effulgence generated by his armlets, crown and earrings—the Lord seemed to become a little frightened.


|| 10.18.28 ||

athāgata-smṛtir abhayo ripuṁ balo

vihāya sārtham iva harantam ātmanaḥ

ruṣāhanac chirasi dṛḍhena muṣṭinā

surādhipo girim iva vajra-raṁhasā


Remembering the actual situation, the fearless Balarāma understood that the demon was tṛying to kidnap Him and take Him away from His companions. The Lord then became furious and struck the demon’s head with His hard fist, just as Indra, the king of the demigods, strikes a mountain with his thunderbolt weapon.


When Balarāma showed fear of the demon, Kṛṣṇa, who wanted to see some fun, injected knowledge of His godly powers into Balarāma. Thus Balarāma remembered (athāgata-smṛtir) His Lordship. In the Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Kṛṣṇa helps Balarāma recollect His powers by saying, “O soul of all, secret of all secrets, why are You acting like a human now?”


The words vihāya sārtham can be read as vihāyasa artham, meaning that the demon was kidnapping Balarāma by flying into the heavens (vihāyas) as if stealing some wealth (artham). Balarāma’s powerful fist cracked the demon’s head, just like lndra’s thunderbolt smashes a mountain peak into pieces.


|| 10.18.29 ||

sa āhataḥ sapadi viśīrṇa-mastako mukhād vaman rudhiram apasmṛto ’suraḥ

mahā-ravaṁ vyasur apatat samīrayan girir yathā maghavata āyudhāhataḥ


Thus smashed by Balarāma’s fist, Pralamba’s head immediately cracked open. The demon vomited blood from his mouth and lost all consciousness, and then with a great noise he fell lifeless on the ground, like a mountain devastated by Indra.


|| 10.18.30 ||

dṛṣṭvā pralambaṁ nihataṁ balena bala-śālinā

gopāḥ su-vismitā āsan sādhu sādhv iti vādinaḥ


The cowherd boys were most astonished to see how the powerful Balarāma had killed the demon Pralamba, and they exclaimed, “Excellent! Excellent!”


|| 10.18.31 ||

āśiṣo ’bhigṛṇantas taṁ praśaśaṁsus tad-arhaṇam

pretyāgatam ivāliṅgya prema-vihvala-cetasaḥ


They offered Balarāma profuse benedictions and then glorified Him, who deserves all glorification. Their minds overwhelmed with ecstatic love, they embraced Him as if He had come back from the dead.


|| 10.18.32 ||

pāpe pralambe nihate devāḥ parama-nirvṛtāḥ

abhyavarṣan balaṁ mālyaiḥ śaśaṁsuḥ sādhu sādhv iti



Thus ends the commentary on the Eighteenth Chapter of the Tenth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.



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