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The sinful Pralamba having been killed, the demigods felt extremely happy, and they showered flower garlands upon Lord Balarāma and praised the excellence of His deed.
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- The boys said: Dear friends, is this creature dead, or is it actually a living python with its mouth spread wide just to swallow us all? Kindly clear up this doubt.
- On the left and right, the two depressions resembling mountain caves are the corners of its mouth, and the high mountain peaks are its teeth.
- The hot fiery wind is the breath coming out of his mouth, which is giving off the bad smell of burning flesh because of all the dead bodies he has eaten.
- Brahmā Stealing the Boys and Calves
- I think we should take our lunch here, since we are already hungry because the time is very late. Here the calves may drink water and go slowly here and there and eat the grass.
- One day, five or six nights before the completion of the year, Kṛṣṇa, tending the calves, entered the forest along with Balarāma.
- Thereafter, while pasturing atop Govardhana Hill, the cows looked down to find some green grass and saw their calves pasturing near Vṛndāvana, not very far away.
- Brahmā’s Prayers to Lord Kṛṣṇa
- Since you inquired from me, I have fully described to you those activities of Lord Hari that were performed in His fifth year but not celebrated until His sixth.
- The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon
- Some of the cowherd boys, who were all great souls, would then massage His lotus feet, and others, qualified by being free of all sin, would expertly fan the Supreme Lord.
- My dear King, other boys would sing enchanting songs appropriate to the occasion, and their hearts would melt out of love for the Lord.
- In that Tālavana forest many fruits are falling from the trees, and many are already lying on the ground. But all the fruits are being guarded by the evil Dhenuka.
- In the Tāla forest are sweet-smelling fruits no one has ever tasted. Indeed, even now we can smell the fragrance of the tāla fruits spreading all about.
- Hearing the sound of the falling fruits, the ass demon Dhenuka ran forward to attack, making the earth and trees tremble.
- The other ass demons, close friends of Dhenukāsura, were enraged upon seeing his death, and thus they all immediately ran to attack Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma.
- Hearing of this magnificent feat of the two brothers, the demigods and other elevated living beings rained down flowers and offered music and prayers in glorification.
- Regaining their full consciousness, the cows and boys stood up out of the water and began to look at one another in great astonishment.
- Kṛṣṇa Chastises the Serpent Kāliya
- Now please tell us, Your maidservants, what we should do. Certainly anyone who faithfully executes Your order is automatically freed from all fear.
- If Garuḍa ever again enters this lake and eats the fish here, he will immediately lose his life. What I am saying is the truth.
- O Lord, we are Your true friends and devotees. Please protect us from this insurmountable fire of death. We can never give up Your lotus feet, which drive away all fear.
- Lord Balarāma Slays the Demon Pralamba
- They would sometimes jump around like frogs, sometimes play various jokes, sometimes ride in swings and sometimes imitate monarchs.
- The boys played various games involving carriers and passengers. In these games the winners would climb up on the backs of the losers, who would have to carry them.
- The sinful Pralamba having been killed, the demigods felt extremely happy, and they showered flower garlands upon Lord Balarāma and praised the excellence of His deed.
- The young gopīs took the greatest pleasure in seeing Govinda come home, since for them even a moment without His association seemed like a hundred ages.
- The Rainy Season and Autumn in Vṛndāvana
- Then the rainy season began, giving life and sustenance to all living beings. The sky began to rumble with thunder, and lightning flashed on the horizon.
- Flashing with lightning, great clouds were shaken and swept about by fierce winds. Just like merciful persons, the clouds gave their lives for the pleasure of this world.
- The Lord saw the joyful aborigine girls of the forest, the trees dripping sweet sap, and the mountain waterfalls, whose resounding indicated that there were caves nearby.
- When it rained, the Lord would sometimes enter a cave or the hollow of a tree to play and to eat roots and fruits.
- While Lord Rāma and Lord Keśava were thus dwelling in Vṛndāvana, the fall season arrived, when the sky is cloudless, the water clear and the wind gentle.
- The Gopīs Glorify the Song of Kṛṣṇa’s Flute (veṇu-gīta)
- Kṛṣṇa Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopīs
- One day they came to the riverbank and, putting aside their clothing as they had done before, happily played in the water while singing the glories of Kṛṣṇa.
- Taking the girls’ garments, He quickly climbed to the top of a kadamba tree. Then, as He laughed loudly and His companions also laughed, He addressed the girls jokingly.
- I have never before spoken a lie, and these boys know it. Therefore, O slender-waisted girls, please come forward, either one by one or all together, and pick out your clothes.
- Then, shivering from the painful cold, all the young girls rose up out of the water, covering their pubic area with their hands.
- Then the sun’s heat became intense, Lord Kṛṣṇa saw that the trees were acting as umbrellas by shading Him, and thus He spoke as follows to His boyfriends.
- These trees fulfill one’s desires with their leaves, flowers and fruits, their shade, roots, bark and wood, and also with their fragrance, sap, ashes, pulp and shoots.
- It is the duty of every living being to perform welfare activities for the benefit of others with his life, wealth, intelligence and words.
- He has come a long way with the cowherd boys and Lord Balarāma, tending the cows. Now He is hungry, so some food should be given for Him and His companions.
- Taking along in large vessels the four kinds of foods, full of fine tastes and aromas, all the ladies went forth to meet their beloved, just as rivers flow toward the sea.
- Certainly expert personalities, who can see their own true interest, render unmotivated and uninterrupted devotional service directly unto Me, for I am most dear to the soul.
- Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, fed the cowherd boys with that food of four varieties. Then the all-powerful Lord Himself partook of the preparations.
- One who is neutral may be avoided like an enemy, but a friend should be considered like one’s own self.
- Such being the case, this ritualistic endeavor of yours should be clearly explained to Me. Is it a ceremony based on scriptural injunction, or simply a custom of ordinary society?
- This religious principle is based on sound tradition. Anyone who rejects it out of lust, enmity, fear or greed will certainly fail to achieve good fortune.
- My dear father, our home is not in the cities or towns or villages. Being forest dwellers, we always live in the forest and on the hills.
The details of their apparent play are described here. One boy would hide, and upon being found would become the loser and have to carry the victor on his shoulders.
|| 10.18.22 ||
vahanto vāhyamānāś ca cārayantaś ca go-dhanam
bhāṇḍīrakaṁ nāma vaṭaṁ jagmuḥ kṛṣṇa-purogamāḥ
Thus carrying and being carried by one another, and at the same time tending the cows, the boys followed Kṛṣṇa to a banyan tree known as Bhāṇḍīraka.
They came to a place with a banyan tree called Bhāṇḍiraka. Although it was convenient to use the branches of this tree to mount the shoulders of the defeated boys, the boys chose not to and climbed up on each others’ shoulders near that place.
|| 10.18.23 ||
rāma-saṅghaṭṭino yarhi śrīdāma-vṛṣabhādayaḥ
krīḍāyāṁ jayinas tāṁs tān ūhuḥ kṛṣṇādayo nṛpa
My dear King Parīkṣit, when Śrīdāmā, Vṛṣabha and the other members of Lord Balarāma’s party were victorious in these games, Kṛṣṇa and His followers had to carry them.
|| 10.18.24 ||
uvāha kṛṣṇo bhagavān śrīdāmānaṁ parājitaḥ
vṛṣabhaṁ bhadrasenas tu pralambo rohiṇī-sutam
Defeated, the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa carried Śrīdāmā. Bhadrasena carried Vṛṣabha, and Pralamba carried Balarāma, the son of Rohiṇī.
|| 10.18.25 ||
aviṣahyaṁ manyamānaḥ kṛṣṇaṁ dānava-puṅgavaḥ
vahan drutataraṁ prāgād avarohaṇataḥ param
Considering Lord Kṛṣṇa invincible, that foremost demon [Pralamba] quickly carried Balarāma far beyond the spot where he was supposed to put his passenger down.
Thinking that Kṛṣṇa would be difficult to conquer, Pralamba went on Kṛṣṇa’s side in order to carry Balarāma away. Pralamba carried Balarāma far beyond the spot where he was supposed to carry Him so that he would be out of Kṛṣṇa’s sight.
|| 10.18.26 ||
tam udvahan dharaṇi-dharendra-gauravaṁ mahāsuro vigata-rayo nijaṁ vapuḥ
sa āsthitaḥ puraṭa-paricchado babhau
taḍid-dyumān uḍupati-vāḍ ivāmbudaḥ
As the great demon carried Balarāma, the Lord became as heavy as massive Mount Sumeru, and Pralamba had to slow down. He then resumed his actual form—an effulgent body that was covered with golden ornaments and that resembled a cloud flashing with lightning and carrying the moon.
Only with great difficulty was Pralamba able to carry Balarāma, who became heavier than Mount Sumeru upon realizing He was being kidnapped. Pralamba was forced to slow down. Giving up his disguise as a cowherd boy, Pralamba showed a huge body dressed in gold ornaments and that resembled a cloud flashing with lightning and carrying the moon.
|| 10.18.27 ||
nirīkṣya tad-vapur alam ambare carat pradīpta-dṛg bhru-kuṭi-taṭogra-daṁṣṭrakam
jvalac-chikhaṁ kaṭaka-kirīṭa-kuṇḍala-
tviṣādbhutaṁ haladhara īṣad atrasat
When Lord Balarāma, who carries the plow weapon, saw the gigantic body of the demon as he moved swiftly in the sky—with his blazing eyes, fiery hair, terrible teeth reaching toward his scowling brows, and an amazing effulgence generated by his armlets, crown and earrings—the Lord seemed to become a little frightened.
|| 10.18.28 ||
athāgata-smṛtir abhayo ripuṁ balo
vihāya sārtham iva harantam ātmanaḥ
ruṣāhanac chirasi dṛḍhena muṣṭinā
surādhipo girim iva vajra-raṁhasā
Remembering the actual situation, the fearless Balarāma understood that the demon was tṛying to kidnap Him and take Him away from His companions. The Lord then became furious and struck the demon’s head with His hard fist, just as Indra, the king of the demigods, strikes a mountain with his thunderbolt weapon.
When Balarāma showed fear of the demon, Kṛṣṇa, who wanted to see some fun, injected knowledge of His godly powers into Balarāma. Thus Balarāma remembered (athāgata-smṛtir) His Lordship. In the Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Kṛṣṇa helps Balarāma recollect His powers by saying, “O soul of all, secret of all secrets, why are You acting like a human now?”
The words vihāya sārtham can be read as vihāyasa artham, meaning that the demon was kidnapping Balarāma by flying into the heavens (vihāyas) as if stealing some wealth (artham). Balarāma’s powerful fist cracked the demon’s head, just like lndra’s thunderbolt smashes a mountain peak into pieces.
|| 10.18.29 ||
sa āhataḥ sapadi viśīrṇa-mastako mukhād vaman rudhiram apasmṛto ’suraḥ
mahā-ravaṁ vyasur apatat samīrayan girir yathā maghavata āyudhāhataḥ
Thus smashed by Balarāma’s fist, Pralamba’s head immediately cracked open. The demon vomited blood from his mouth and lost all consciousness, and then with a great noise he fell lifeless on the ground, like a mountain devastated by Indra.
|| 10.18.30 ||
dṛṣṭvā pralambaṁ nihataṁ balena bala-śālinā
gopāḥ su-vismitā āsan sādhu sādhv iti vādinaḥ
The cowherd boys were most astonished to see how the powerful Balarāma had killed the demon Pralamba, and they exclaimed, “Excellent! Excellent!”
|| 10.18.31 ||
āśiṣo ’bhigṛṇantas taṁ praśaśaṁsus tad-arhaṇam
pretyāgatam ivāliṅgya prema-vihvala-cetasaḥ
They offered Balarāma profuse benedictions and then glorified Him, who deserves all glorification. Their minds overwhelmed with ecstatic love, they embraced Him as if He had come back from the dead.
|| 10.18.32 ||
pāpe pralambe nihate devāḥ parama-nirvṛtāḥ
abhyavarṣan balaṁ mālyaiḥ śaśaṁsuḥ sādhu sādhv iti
Thus ends the commentary on the Eighteenth Chapter of the Tenth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.