Such being the case, this ritualistic endeavor of yours should be clearly explained to Me. Is it a ceremony based on scriptural injunction, or simply a custom of ordinary society? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Such being the case, this ritualistic endeavor of yours should be clearly explained to Me. Is it a ceremony based on scriptural injunction, or simply a custom of ordinary society?



Anticipating that one of the cowherd men may say, “As this is a private affair, we should not tell a small boy with little intelligence,” Kṛṣṇa utters statements that reveal He is very learned.


Kṛṣṇa said, “Those who are of good character see all other people on the same level as themselves. They do not distinguish between friends, enemies and neutral parties. Therefore, you should trust Me and reveal the entire purpose of the sacrifice.”


Nanda Mahārāja: “But we are householders and cannot follow such standards of saintly behavior.”


To answer that objection Kṛṣṇa says, “One who is indifferent may be avoided like an enemy.”


Ujjvala-nīlamaṇī defines the taṭastha or neutral person as “a friend of the opposing group.” The neutral person is not an enemy or a friend, and should not be avoided nor accepted. Therefore he is included among those to be avoided.


Kṛṣṇa continues, “But one should have faith in the friend as one’s very own self. I am more than a friend; I am an intimate family member.”


|| 10.24.6 ||

jñatvājñātvā ca karmāṇi jano ’yam anutiṣṭhati

viduṣaḥ karma-siddhiḥ syād yathā nāviduṣo bhavet


When people in this world perform activities, sometimes they understand what they are doing and sometimes they don’t. Those who know what they are doing achieve success in their work, whereas ignorant people do not.


Kṛṣṇa said, “People should perform a particular ceremony or activity only after thoroughly understanding it through discussion with friends. We should not be blind followers of tradition.”


Activities refers to the worship and sacrifices that vaiśyas [farmers] should perform, as well the present and future results.


|| 10.24.7 ||

tatra tāvat kriyā-yogo bhavatāṁ kiṁ vicāritaḥ

atha vā laukikas tan me pṛcchataḥ sādhu bhaṇyatām



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