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Flashing with lightning, great clouds were shaken and swept about by fierce winds. Just like merciful persons, the clouds gave their lives for the pleasure of this world.



With its rays, the sun had for eight months drunk up the earth’s wealth in the form of water. Now that the proper time had arrived, the sun began releasing this accumulated wealth.


By its rays (svagobhiḥ) the sun (parjanya) draws water from the earth for eight months. When the proper time (kāle) arrives the sun returns the water. The sun’s evaporating the earth’s wealth of water resembles a king’s collecting taxes. The sun is compared to a king because it takes and gives water just as the king takes taxes and returns benefits to the taxpaying citizens.


|| 10.20.6 ||

taḍidvanto mahā-meghāś caṇḍa -śvasana -vepitāḥ

prīṇanaṁ jīvanaṁ hy asya mumucuḥ karuṇā iva


Flashing with lightning, great clouds were shaken and swept about by fierce winds. Just like merciful persons, the clouds gave their lives for the pleasure of this world.


Agitated by the winds (śvasana), the clouds released their water (Jīvanam) on the parched earth [jīvanam also means water]. The clouds are compared to merciful persons (karuṇā). As clouds are agitated (vepitāḥ) by the wind, kind-hearted persons are moved by the misery of others. Seeing that suffering, compassionate persons such as Rantideva sacrifice (mumucuḥ) their lives (jīvanam), or the water (jīvanam) that keeps them alive and give it to others. This is how the cloud is compared with a compassionate person.


|| 10.20.7 ||

tapaḥ-kṛśā deva-mīḍhā āsīd varṣīyasī mahī

yathaiva kāmya-tapasas tanuḥ samprāpya tat-phalam


The earth had been emaciated by the summer heat, but she became fully nourished again when moistened by the god of rain. Thus the earth was like a person whose body has been emaciated by austerities undergone for a material purpose, but who again becomes fully nourished when he achieves the fruit of those austerities.


In this verse, the earth, being dried up by the sun, is compared to a tapasvī, a person doing austerities. A tapasvī is rewarded (mīḍhā) by the demigods (devas). The earth becomes sprinkled (māḍhā) with showers of rain just as the body of a tapasvī becomes nourished (varṣīyasī) by the demigods (devas). As the body of a person desiring material results becomes healthy on fulfilling his desires, so the earth becomes nourished by the rains. This example, however, is repugnant to the devotee striving for the ultimate goal, because austerities should be performed only for realizing the Supreme Lord.


|| 10.20.8 ||

niśā-mukheṣu khadyotās tamasā bhānti na grahāḥ

yathā pāpena pāṣaṇḍā na hi vedāḥ kalau yuge


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