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If I were free, I should help you. Were I free, I should help you. If he had known about the lecture, he would have come. Had he known about the lecture, he would have come.


1. If it were possible, we should begin this work at once. 2. If he had had all the necessary books, he would have made his report in time. 3. If the books had been available in our library, we could have done this work much earlier. 4. If there were no computers, space flights would be impossible. 5. If drivers were more attentive while driving, there would be less accidents on the road.

В. Переведите бессоюзные условные придаточные предложения.

1. Had he used new materials, the device would have been more reliable. 2. Were electric motors used, cars would not pollute the air, would be practically noiseless and very easy to control. 3. Had they applied the new method, the result would have been much better. 4. Were the design of cars improved, the fuel consumption would be greatly reduced. 5. Had a less explosive gas been used in dirigibles at the beginning of the century, they would have been in operation since that time. 6. Were it possible to learn how birds find their way, people would use the principle to develop a naviga­tion system for aviation.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения и запомните значения глагола to provide и союза provided.

1. The experiments conducted provided very good results. 2. Rus­sian technological achievements that provided the launching of rockets are known all over the world. 3. A tire pressure display pro-

vides informatioii for front and back pairs of tires. 4. Provided new composite materials are used, it will be possible to reduce overall aircraft weight. 5^ Provided with a new vacuum-controlled carbure­tor this car model has several important advantages. 6. Superliners could develop a higher speed provided some special cooling mea­sures were used. 7. An aircraft pilot can get all the information he needs provided he contacts a radio navigation station. 8. The work done provided us with new data. 9. Having measured the distance between two points, it is possible to calculate the time during which a car can cover it provided we know the car's average speed. 10. Our laboratory has been provided with the latest equipment.

Упражнение 4. А. Дайте степени сравнения для прилагательных.

great, easy, good, far, many, difficult, possible.

B. Поставьте much перед прилагательным в сравнительной степени (го­
раздо, намного), переведите.

late, simple, important, valuable, quick, reliable, useful, com­plex.

C. Переведите словосочетания.

гораздо (намного) раньше, гораздо (намного) длиннее, на­много (гораздо) труднее, намного эффективнее, намного легче.

Упражнение 5. А. Найдите русские эквиваленты для словосочетаний.

as old as seagoing, a round container, the Swiss National Fair, as primitive as marine life, so-called, to take people deep into the lake, underwater tasks, around the ocean floor, wrist of the manipu­lator, to lift 120 pounds, marine life, the world's deepest vehicle, underwater helicopter.

швейцарская национальная ярмарка; подводные работы; опускать людей на большую глубину озера; по морскому дну; подводный вертолет; запястье манипулятора; морской живот­ный и растительный мир; самый глубоководный в мире аппа­рат; такая же примитивная, как и морская среда (жизнь); так же стары, как мореплавание; так называемый; круглый кон­тейнер; поднимать 120 фунтов.

В. Переведите словосочетания.

round glass container, marine life people watch around them, centuries before, to take people deeper than before, difficult under­water tasks, mounted on a metal platform, it looks like an underwa-

ter helicopter, move like a sport car, video cameras provide vision, to lift up to 120 pounds, work for up to nine hours.


Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие производные слова согласно об­разцу:

прилагательное + th = существительное, deepглубокийdepthглубина length, width, strength;

прилагательное + en = глагол light — легкийto lighten — облегчить deepen, brighten, lessen;

префиксы sub- (суб-у под-, до-), under- (под-, ниже, недо-) submerge — погружать(ся) -» submersible — подводный,

погружаемый estimateоцениватьunderestimateнедооценивать subsystem, subsonic, subcommittee, subdivision, subsurface, submarine, undersea, underground, undercooling, underproduc­tion, underdeveloped;

префикс поп- (не-) non-conductor — непроводник; non-military — невоенный non-effective, non-essential, non-standard, non-metal, non-stop.

Упражнение 7. Прочитайте и переведите интернациональные слова.

ocean ['eujen], container, apparatus [,aepe'reites], machine [me'Jrn], spherical ['sfenkel], plastic, metal platform, helicopter ['helikopte], manoeuvre [me'nu:ve], sport, mechanical [mi'kaenikel], manipulator [me'nipjuleite], system, miniature ['minjetje], microphone ['maikrefeun], to lift, minerals, battery, stereo ['stierieu], construct, cultivate, videocamera, titanium [tai'teinjem].

Упражнение 8. Прочитайте и запомните произношение слов.

descend [di'send], legend ['ledjend], submerge [seb'meids], submersible [seb'me:sibl], da Vinci [Vintfi], national ['пае Jen I], Geneva [d3i'ni:ve], Japanese [,c|3aepe'ni:z], technician [tek'nijen], extreme [iks'tri:m], precision [pn'si3en], essentially [i/senfeli],

cycloid ['saikloid], particular [pa'tikjula], wrist [rist], provide [pra'vaid], sample ['sa:mpl], image ['iimcfe], scale [skeil], join [cfeoin], politician! [,poli'tiJan].


accurate а — точный almost adv — почти advanced p.p. — новейший, пере­довой

collect v — собирать construct v — строить, сооружать crew п — экипаж depth п — глубина descend v — спускаться, опус­каться

due to prp — благодаря, из-за explore v — исследовать find out v — выяснить, узнать image п — изображение instead of adv — вместо join v — соединять, объединять lift v — поднимать(ся) mankind п — человечество operate v — работать, действовать

particular а — данный, особенный, отдельный penetrate v — проникать precision п — точность promise v — обещать provided cj — при условии что; в том случае, если realize v — осуществлять, реализовывать resist v — сопротивляться, выдерживать sample п — образец submerge v — погружаться, опускаться вглубь test v — проверять, под­вергать испытанию transparent а — прозрач­ный

try v — пытаться, пробо­вать

battery-operated p.p. — работающий на батареях

Text 9А

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