М) Письмо-подтверждение заказа 

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М) Письмо-подтверждение заказа


14th Jun,1990 Dear Sir,

Your Order for Harvesters

We are very happy to have your trial order for 3 Harvesters to be delivered in the second half of August. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity of supply­ing you and we are quite sure you will be satisfied both with the quality of our machines and our service.

Your choice of method of payment is quite acceptable to us, and we note that this will be by Irrevocable Letter of Credit, valid till 15 th September.

We assure you that this trial order and all further orders shall be carefully fulfilled.

Yours faithfully,

18th July, 1990 Dear Sir,


We thank you for your Order of 13th July and confirm delivery of 5,000 tons of Wheat, Sample No 350 in August.

We would like to let you know that if you increase your order to 10,000 tons of Wheat, we can grant you an 8 per cent discount.

We hope that we shall be doing business to the mutual benefit of both countries.

Yours faithfully,

m) A Letter of Guarantee и) Гарантийное письмо

This is to certify the first class quality of the materials used for the manufac­ture of the machines and their high quality and reliable operation for the period of 18 months from the date of delivery or 12 months after putting them' into operation, whichever comes earlier.

Should the machines within the guarantee period prove defective or not conform to the terms and conditions of the present Contract, the Sellers shall eliminate the defects or replace the defective parts in the shortest possible time

and at their own expense or the Sellers are to compensate the Buyers expendi­ture for their repairing.

n) Letters of Complains & Claims Письмо-жалоба (письмо-рекламация)

Complaints and claims usually arise from the delivery of wrong goods, damaged goods or not enough goods; there is also the matter of the goods not being of the kind expected, i.e. not being according to the sample or descrip­tion. Delay in delivery is another cause for complaints.

Replies to letters of complaints should open with an apology, or at least an expression of regret, when an apology is inappropriate. Then the circumstances, which caused the trouble, should be explained. It will then be advisable to express the hope that the party making the complaint has not been unduly in­convenienced.

Then the writer should state what is proposed to be done to set things right. In most cases the Sellers can do no more than offer to take the goods back or allow a special reduction in the price.

,lb. Finally the writer should state that every effort will be made to prevent the recurrence of this kind of trouble, and express hope that the good relations between the two parties will continue.

Any complaint should be dealt with promptly, otherwise delay will cause mpre trouble. If an investigation is required which is likely to take sometime, the complaint should be acknowledged, with an explanation that it is being attended to and a promise of a full reply as soon as everything is cleared up.

13th July, 1990

Mr Simpson, Simpson & Co PLC, SHEFFIELD, England

Dear Sir,


We are sorry to have to inform you that in the consignment of equipment we have received against the above Contract there are several broken cases and some machines are damaged.

We are sending you the report signed by our inspectors from which you will see the extent of the damage.

Also, we would like to draw your attention to a fortnight's delay in shipp­ing the machines. This is an infringement of Clause 4 of the Contract which, you may well see, also stipulates payment by the Supplier of damages in case of delay in delivery.

So we ask you to transfer to our account the sum of the penalty and to strictly observe the terms of the Contract in future.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours fainthfully, V/O Techmashimport



Useful phrases and sentences

a) In connection withpoor qualityor damaged goods

We regret to inform you that you have supplied goods below the standard we expected from the samples.

The bulk of the goods delivered is not up to sample (is inferior to sample). Unfortunately, we find that you have sent usthewrong goods. We have had an analysis made and the report says that the chemical content is... % less than guaranteed.


We cannot accept these containers as they are not the size and shape we or­dered.


Although the quality of the goods is not up to sample, we are prepared to accept them if you reduce the price by 12 %.

We much regret that we have to com­plain about the insufficient (inade­quate) packing (or carelessness in packing, or packing of the wrong type, i.e. unsuitable to local conditions).


The packing inside the case was too loose with the result that there was some shifting of the contents and several things have been broken; the attached list will give you all the de­tails.

The cartons must have been very roughly handled during loading or discharging and the contents appear to have been slightly damaged. There­fore wereserve the right to call on you for compensation.


We hope you will pay more attention to packing to avoid any breakage in future.


A number of cases arrived in a badly damaged condition, the lids were bro-

C сожалением сообщаем Вам, что Вы поставили товар, качество ко­торого ниже стандарта, ожидав­шегося нами судя по образцам. Большая часть поставленного Вами товара по качеству ниже образца. -К сожалению мы обнаружили, что В.ы поставили нам не тот товар. Мы произвели анализ, и из акта, видно, что ее (напр, руды) хими­ческое содержание на... % хуже, чем гарантировано. Мы не можем принять эти контей­неры, так как и по размеру и по форме они отличаются от заказан­ных нами.


Хотя качество товара не соответ­ствует образцу, мы готовы принять его, если Вы снизите цену на 12 %.


Мы очень сожалеем, что нам при­ходится заявлять Вам жалобу о не­достаточной упаковке (или о не­брежности при упаковке, или об упаковке, не соответствующей местным условиям). Упаковка внутри ящика была не совсем жесткой, в результате чего содержимое ящика перемещалось, и часть его была сломана. Из прила­гаемого списка Вы можете узнать все подробности.


С коробками, очевидно, очень гру­бо обращались во время погрузки или разгрузки, и содержимое, по-видимому, слегка повреждено. Поэтому мы оставляем за собой право обратиться к Вам за компен­сацией.


Мы надеемся, что впредь Вы бу­дете уделять больше внимания упаковке, с тем чтобы избегать каких-либо поломок. Ряд ящиков прибыли в сильно врежденном состоянии, были сло-

ken and the contents were crushed.

The goods shipped by you against our Order do not correspond to the sample on the basis of which our order was placed.

As the period of guarantee has not expired yet, we ask you to replace the machine by another one. We have examined the goods in the damaged cases and find that we can­not use them.

We cannot make use of the goods and are very sorry to have to return them to you.

We must ask you to carry out our or­ders more carefully in future.

We regret that unless we hear from you soon, we shall have to cancel our order.

b) in connection with delay in delivery

If you cannot deliver the goods within the next month, we shall have to can­cel the order and get the goods else­where.

The delay in delivery against our Or­der is causing us considerable inconve­nience.

This is not the first time we have to complain of delay in delivery.

Please ship the Spare Parts by the first boat available.

You will remember that it was agreed the goods would arrive here by the end of the month, otherwise the instal­lation of the machinery cannot be car­ried out in the time planned.

If the goods have not been shipped

yet, we must ask you to send them by


Aft explanation of this delay will be


маны крышки и попорчено (помя­то) содержимое. Товар, отгруженный Вами в счет нашего заказа, не соответствует образцу, на базе которого мы раз­местили свой заказ. Поскольку еще не истек срок га­рантии, просим Вас заменить дан­ную машину другой. Мы осмотрели товар в поврежден­ных ящиках и сочли, что мы не можем его использовать. Мы не можем использовать этот товар и, к сожалению, должны вер­нуть его Вам.

Мы должны просить Вас более тща­тельно впредь выполнять наши за­казы.

Мы сожалеем, но если в ближай­шем будущем мы не получим от Вас известий, нам придется аннули­ровать наш заказ.

Если Вы не сможете поставить то­вар в течение следующего месяца, нам придется аннулировать заказ и купить товар в другом месте. Задержка поставки товара в счет нашего заказа создает для нас большие неудобства. Не в первый раз нам приходится заявлять Вам жалобу о задержке в поставке товара.

Просим Вас отгрузить запчасти пер­вым пароходом (имеющимся в на­личии).

Вы, очевидно, помните, что было согласовано, что товар должен при­быть сюда в конце месяца, в про­тивном случае не может быть про­ведена установка оборудования в запланированные сроки. Если товар еще не отгружен, мы вынуждены просить Вас отправить его самолетом.

Мы будем благодарны за объясне­ние данной задержки.



ков вместо 35 ящиков, указанных в коносаменте. Проверив полученный товар, мы обнаружили, что не хватает нес­кольких позиций, включенных в Ваш счет-фактуру. Прилагаем спи­сок недостающих позиций. К сожалению Вы не прислали нам все заказанные нами товары, не хватает следующего... Между упаковочным листом ящика № 3 и Вашим счетом-фактурой имеется несоответствие: число по­зиций, занесенных в счет-фактуру, не соответствует тому, что содер­жится в ящике. С сожалением нам приходится сооб­щить Вам, что последняя партия то­вара недогружена на 1 центнер. п) Письмо-соболезнование
Please accept our deepest sympathy and condolences on the sad death of... On learning of the death of your... we would like to express our deepest sympathy for the loss this will be to you and your company.
We must ask you to despatch the con­signment immediately, if you have not already done so, anyway please inform us by telex what the position is. We hope to hear from you by telex that the consignment is on its way. As the delay in delivery has lasted over six weeks, in accordance with clause 4 of the Contract you will have to pay us damages. Our Import Licence is due to expire on the 30th of this month. We there­fore urge you to do everything possible to hasten the despatch.

Мы вынуждены просить Вас отпра­вить эту партию немедленно, в слу­чае, если Вы этого еще не сделали, во всяком случае просим Вас ин­формировать нас телексом, каково положение с отгрузкой. Надеемся получить от Вас сообще­ние телексом о том, что эта партия товара уже в пути. Поскольку задержка в поставке превысила 6 недель, то в соответ­ствии со статьей 4 Контракта Вам придется уплатить нам штраф. Срок нашей импортной лицензии истекает ЗО-го этого месяца. По­этому мы настаиваем, чтобы Вы сделали все возможное, чтобы ус­корить поставку.

с) in connection with missing or short-shipped goods

The consignment contains опту 30 ca- В партии содержится лишь 30 ящи

ses instead of 35 cases stated (entered) —-------- " '

on the Bill of Lading.

On checking the goods received we

find that several items on your Invoice

have not been included; we enclose a list of the missing articles.

Unfortunately, you have not sent us all the goods we ordered; the follow­ing are missing...

There is a discrepancy between the. packing list of case 3 and your invoice: the number of items entered on the invoice and that in the case do not coincide.

We regret to have to tell you that the last consignment was short-shipped by 1 cwt. (hundredweight).

o) Letlcrs-condolences


those who knew the -priate column of such pap

Letters of condolence are written on the death of an executive of another firm. They should be brief, tactful and sincere.

A letter of condolence has only one purpose - to give comfort tactfully and sincerely.

Replies to letters of condolence (their acknowledgements) usually contain thanks for the expressed sympathy.

11th March, 1990 Dear Mr Ivanov,

On behalf of my colleagues on the Board of ICI, I should like to offer to you and to other executives of the Trade Delegation of the USSR our sincere condo­lences at the news of the untimely death of the President of your association Mr...

Yours sincerely, Philip G. Harvey

18th Apr, 1990 Dear Mr Ivanov,

On behalf of Sir John Cuckney, myself and all the employees of John Brown, please accept our expression of deepest sympathy and regret to you and your colleagues on the death of...

Allan Gormly John Brown PLC

Some other possible ways of expressingsympathy: We were deeply grieved to hear (to learn) of the sudden death of the Director of your company... We are writing immediately to express our sincere sympathy on the death of... On the sadoccasion of the decease of... it is our wish to offer our condo­lences in sympathy with you and your association in your great loss.

Мы были глубоко огорчены, услы­шав (узнав) о внезапной смерти ди­ректора Вашей фирмы... Мы пишем сразу же, чтобы выра­зить наше искреннее сочувствие по поводу смерти... По поводу этого грустного собы­тия - смерти... мы хотим передать наши соболезнования, сочувствуя Вам и Вашей организации в Вашей большой утере.

Просим Вас принять наше глубо­чайшее сочувствие и соболезнование по случаю смерти... Узнав о смерти Вашего... мы хоте­ли бы выразить наше глубочайшее сочувствие по случаю потери, кото­рую его смерть будет означать для Вас и Вашей фирмы.



I am writing to send you my sincere condolences and those of all of us at the Trade Delegation, on the sad death of... We hold his memory in deep res­pect. We have just heard (learned) with pro­found sorrow (regret) the sad news of the death of... Please accept our sin­cere condolences on this sad occasion. Would you please convey (express) our sympathy also to his family.

Я пишу, чтобы передать Вам искрен­ние соболезнования мои, а также всех других из Советского Торг­предства по случаю смерти... Мы глубоко чтим его память.

Мы только что услышали (узнали) с глубоким прискорбием (сожале­нием) грустное известие о смерти... Просим Вас принять наши искрен­ние соболезнования по поводу это­го печального события, а также пе­редать наше сочувствие его семье.

In replies to letters of condolence (their acknowledgements) the following phrases can be used:

письмо с выражением сочувствия.
Ваше письмо, выражающее сочув­ствие, было большим утешением в постигшем меня (нас) горе.

Thank you very much for your kind Благодарю Вас за Ваше любезное letter of sympathy, (or We thank you most sincerely for your kind expres­sion of sympathy.) Your letter of sympathy brought me considerable comfort in my great bere­avement... (or We thank you for your very kind letter of condolence on the occasion of our bereavement, or We have all been greatly comforted by the kindness and sympathy of those around us (by the kindness and sym­pathy shown by his business associa­tes.)

Yours sincerely,

Ещераз благодарю Вас за выражен­ное понимание и сочувствие, С искренним уважением, Ваше любезное письмо с выражени­ем сочувствия тронуло меня на­столько, что мне трудно выразить это словами. Большое спасибо за Ваше трогатель­ное сочувствие, Ваш друг...

With my renewed thanks for your un­derstanding and sympathy,

Yours sincerely,

Your kind, sympathetic letter touched me more than I can say...

With many, many thanks for all your tender sympathy,

Your friend,

§ 4.TELEXES * Раздел 4.ТЕ ЛЕКСЫ

Telegrams sent with the help of teleprinters (teletypes) are called telexes. Telexes are mostly used for information which it is urgent for you to have or to pass. The Telex network is world-wide and links over 400,000 subscribers in over fifty different countries. How wide is the Telex network nowadays can be seen just from one example: only one Japanese company "Mitsubisi Serdzi" has got 125 teleprinters all over the world and 60 teleprinters in Japan itself. They are all linked with the Central Computer Exchange of the company in To­kyo by communication lines of 450,000 km long, which is 11 times longer than the circumference of the Earth. In the Soviet Union there are over 67,000 sub­scribers.

All telex numbers are published in the Telex Directory. Company telex numbers) is (are) given on printed company-forms (company letter-paper) in the letterhead or at the bottom of the page: e.g. TLX No 783290, Telex 86286 Allman G, Telex: 667844 Simcar G. The telex system provides a 24 -hour service, and messages may be sent to a subscriber even when his teleprin­ter is unattended, if it has not been switched off. So it is possible to send messa­ges at night ready to be dealt with first thing next morning. All calls are charged on a time-and-distance basis.

In addition to standard telex equipment, which transmits messages as they are typed, there is special equipment for the transmission of messages automa­tically at high speed. This equipment may be fitted to the teleprinter and transmit messages on perforated tape at a continuous speed of 400 characters (or 66 words) a minute.

The advantages of automatic transmission are obvious.

Here ate Some/

International Telex Abbreviations which may be useful to remember:

ABS = absent, office closed

ATTN ■ for the attention of

FIN = end of message

NC = lines engaged

OCC = customer engaged

OK. = agreed

PLS/SVP = please

RPT = please repeat message

RYT * reference your telex

TX/TLX = telex

EEE/XXXX = an error, the next word replaces the last word

Telexes should be short, exact and clear. They are often written without the Opening Salutation or the Complimentary Closing and without paragraphs. Very often conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns and punctuation marks may


You can see that these replies are mostly of individual nature, i.e. probably written by the members of the family who have received these letters of con­dolence.

* В данном разделе даются образцы телексов, а как упражнения, телексы будут использованы в Главах II и III на конкретном коммерческом материале работы над контрактом или соглашением.


be omitted if it does not impair the meaning of the message. To mark the end of the sentence the word "stop" or full stop may be used. As a rule no capital letter^ are used in telex messages.


attn: vice general director petrov

pis confirm our understanding that your requirements will be the purchase of equipment in western countries in accordance with your own specifications and thus our company will not be required to carry out any engineering design work.

regards hatton

411194a tmisu 667844 simcar g

attn: deputy director "techmashkhimapparat"

informing you that our sales manager and myself will be in Moscow again 15-22 november inclusive, we wish to discuss delivery progress of current contract and your recent further enquiries to which quotations were mailed to you lately, pis advise as soon as possible by telex suitable firm date and time of our appointment. Wednesday or thursday would be more convenient for us if that is ok with you.

best regards bottomley

411194tmisu 848296 ihferm g

attn: dr grover

re: agreement no i-73/79

reference is made to our letter dated 10.10.91 about submitting an invoice to

us every year to the amount as stated in para. 3.2. of the licence agreement

stop we would ask you to send us respective invoice in august this year.

regards licensintorg 7256545 sel d 411246 lit su


Messages transmitted by telegraph are called telegrams if they are sent by means of wire and cables (cablegrams) if they are sent by means of cable (laid underground or on the ocean bottom). Nowadays in Britain, and in most other English-speaking countries, however, the word "cable" is used for any telegrams which are sent out of the country. It is even applicable to wireless communica­tion (to radiograms). Telegrams are usually typed out in capital letters without

any punctuation, the word "stop" may be used if necessary to make the mean­ing clear.

Since telegrams are charged according to the number of words, they must be economically worded, i.e. kept short:

1. By means of omitting nonessential words such as articles, link words, pro­
nouns as subjects, some prepositions (not "within" or "without") and other
auxiliary parts of the sentence. But the message to be sent must not be cut
down so far as to make it ambiguous.

2. By leaving out the Opening Salutation and Complimentary Closing. Such
courtesy-words, however, as "thanks (thank you-TU), please (PLS), kindly,
appreciate, regards (RGDS) and some others are widely used.

о, относительно как можно скорее переводный вексель, тратта до свидания коносамент просим Вас подтвердить долларов дюжина информация, сведения аккредитив согласны просим (Вас) Согласны ли Вы? относительно, ссылаясь ссылаясь на с уважением (конец телеграммы, те­лекса) Просим Вас повторить, повторяем телекс Ваш

3. By using abbreviations such as:
ABT = about

ASAP = as soon as possible B/F = Bill of exchange BIBI = bye-bye

B/L(blading) = Bill of Lading CFM = please confirm

DLRS = dollars

DOZ = dozen

INFO - information

LC = Letter of credit

OK = okay, agree

PLS = please

QOK = question OK, do you agree?

RE (Lat.) = relating to

REF = referring to

RGDS = regards

RPT = repeat TLX = telex YR = your

4. By joining parts of words and whole words: OURLET = our letter, YOUR-LET = your letter, OURTEL = our telegram (telex), YOURTEL = your telegram (telex), RELET = relating (referring) to letter, RECABLE = relat­ing (referring) to cable REPHONE - referring to telephone conversation, REURLET = referring to your letter/REYRLET/ REURTEL = referring to your telegram (telex)/REYRTEL/, PRODOC = project document, PER-DAY = per day, PERTON = per ton, FIVEPERCENT = five per cent (%). To avoid mistakes numbers in cables are written in words, and certain num­bers e.g. double figures (cardinal and ordinal) from twenty one (twenty first) and on — twentyone, thirtyfirst, fortyfive — are written in one word. Num­bers "one hundred (thousand), etc." are written in one word as well: nine-hundred, seventhousand, fivethousand and fiftyfive (- 5 055). e.g. "REYRTEL TENTH MAY QUOTING LOWEST TWOHUNDRED PERUNIT INCLUDING FIVEPERCENT TRADE DISCOUNT RGDS"


5. By preferring to use single words to phrases: cannot instead of are unable to

не можем» не в состо­янии

try concernin during to
make an effort having regard to in the course of with the object of

Стремиться, пытаться

в отношении, относи­тельно


С целью

6. By using "cable language" ("telegrafic English")» which is not always correct in ordinary writing, for example:

"PLS QUOTE LOWEST AND SOONEST TWO MACHINETOOLS CIF CAL­CUTTA RGDS" (The words "Lowest" and "soonest"are understood to mean: *4he lowest price" and "the soonest (earliest) delivery time") "CONFIRMING SHIPMENT EARLY MAY TWO MACHINETOOLS PLS ADVISE SHIPMENT TIME SECOND LOT ASAP RGDS" ("confirming" = we are confirming)

"REGRET PRICE UNACCEPTABLE" (= we regret we cannot accept your price)

"REGRET POOR DEMAND COMPETITORS POSITION VERY STRONG" (= we regret that there is poor demand for your equipment. Our competi­tors are in a very strong position.) For the sake of economy and occasionally of secrecy instead of writing


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