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Terms of Payment for Foreign TradeСодержание книги
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Поиск на нашем сайте When doing business with companies abroad, it is not always possible to use the terms of payment customary in domestic trade. This is because the seller needs to have more control over payment. If company A in England sells goods to company B in the same country, it is relatively easy to recover the debt if company B doesn’t pay. Company A just sends three reminders to company B, and if this doesn’t work, they can start legal proceedings. However, if company A exports goods to company C in China (for example) and company C doesn’t pay; this way of recovering the debt isn’t practical. Therefore, company A has to make sure that the Chinese company only gets the goods if they pay in China. In order to do this, both companies work in close collaboration with their banks and carriers. The three terms of payment commonly used in foreign trade are: Cash against documents (CAD). This term is also known as documents against payment (D/P). The buyer needs the transport documents before he can take possession of the goods he has purchased, but is only given them after paying a sight bill drawn by the seller. Cad holds a certain risk for the buyer, because he doesn’t have the chance to examine the goods before he has paid for them. However, this risk can be minimized by asking the seller to arrange examination of the goods by an inspection company before they are dispatched. The inspection company will then seal the goods and issue an inspection certificate, which has to be sent to the collecting bank with the transport documents and the sight draft. Documents against acceptance. This term of payment is very similar to CAD. However instead of sending a sign draft to his bank, the seller sends a time draft. In order to get the transport documents, the buyer only has to accept the draft. At maturity, he goes back to his bank and pays for the goods. Obviously this is more favorable for the buyer than Cad, as he can take possession of the goods before paying. However, D/A carries a considerable risk for the seller: if the buyer fails to honor the bill of exchange, the seller probably won’t able to recover the goods (two or three months may elapse between the time the draft is accepted and the time is matures, in which time the buyer may for example have sold the goods on). Moreover taking legal action to recover the money is far more difficult on an international basis. Letters of Credit A letter of credit is a promise made by the buyer’s bank (the opening or issuing bank (to send a certain sum of money to the seller’s bank (the advising bank), to be credited to the seller, known as the beneficiary, provided he fulfils his part of the sales contract. It is also known as a documentary credit. There are some types of letter of credit: 1. A revocable letter of credit can be cancelled or changed without the seller’s agreement. As this doesn’t offer the seller much control over payment, this type of letter of credit is rarely used. 2. An irrevocable letter of credit can be cancelled or changed, but only with the agreement of all parties. All letters of credit are irrevocable unless expressly stated otherwise. (Based on: Heather Ferlicchia. Commercial English)
IV. Translate the following texts from Russian into English and be ready for their discussion on the basis of active vocabulary, key terms quiz, review and discussion questions. БАНКОВСКИЕ СЧЕТА Текущая версия (не проверялась) Расчетный счет - счёт, используемый банком или иным расчётным учреждением для учёта денежных операций клиентов. Текущее состояние расчётного счёта, как правило, соответствует сумме денежных средств, принадлежащих клиенту, которыми распоряжается банк. В одном банке может быть открыто много расчётных счетов для одного клиента, различающихся валютой счёта и целевым назначением денежных средств, аккумулируемых на них. Корреспондентский счёт — счёт, открываемый кредитной организации (банку) в подразделении центрального банка или в иной кредитной организации. Он предназначен для отражения расчётов, производимых одной кредитной организацией по поручению и за счёт другой на основании заключённого между ними корреспондентского договора. В платёжных документах, отправляемых через расчётную сеть Банка России, указываются не только расчётные счета отправителя и получателя средств, но и корреспондентские счета кредитных учреждений, в которых эти расчётные счета открыты.
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