Power supply consumers during construction 

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Power supply consumers during construction



Purchasing power of consumers object to the construction period of the construction, installation and commissioning works performed by the existing network of their own needs Substation.



Monitoring of existing AT

The project of reconstruction of the SS does not provide for the replacement of the AT. It is necessary to lay down a system of pre-monitringa AT provides the following functions:

- generation of signals and warning syngaling for all monitored parameters;

- formation of expert estimates and projections of a technical condition of the transformer on the basis of settlement patterns in real time;

- computation resource waste and predicting the life of the transformer in real time;

- mathematical and software support for data analysis;

- visualization in the display device characterizing the state of the transformer;

- creating and storing a database of technical condition of transformers, emergency response and sygnaling, the results of calculation models and the issuance of recommendations;

- Data Visualization;

- transmission of information in ACS;

- mode control of cooling.

It is necessary to ensure control of the following options::

- control the aging of the winding insulation;

- oil gas content control;

- Control moisture content of oil;

- temperature control of the upper and lower layers of oil;

- temperature control the most heated point of the winding;

- Checking the oil level in the conservator;

- control over the termination of the oil circulation;

- control bit activity within the tank;

- control of explosive bushings (tangent capacity).



Requirements to works, services, materials,

Structures and main electrical equipment

Overvoltage protection, external insulation, grounding system, lighting system, beacons mounted on top of high structures, biological protection

Lightning protection system


Protection from direct lightning strokes shall be provided by lightning rods located on the structures of the Switchgear 330 kV, Switchgear 110 kV and individual lightning rods. Protection from lightning is designed according to the requirements of DSTU B V.2.5-38: 2008 "Arrangement of lightning protection of buildings and structures" and chapter 4.2 of PUE: 2008.


The protection of the equipment from surge waves incoming from OHL 330 and 110 kV and internal overvoltages shall be provided by non-linear surge arresters (SURS). The quantity and locations of the SURS have been selected on the basis of the number of lines, to be connected when the SS is put into operation, as well as on the basis of the distance between the SURS and the equipment under protection.


External insulation


In a direct closeness to substation of sources contaminating an isolation it is not. Taking into account DSTU (GOST) 9929-89, external isolation for an equipment, accepted the suspended and supporting isolation 2-ouch categories with a specific pathlength currents of loss for tensions 110 and 330 kV no less than 2,25 sm/kV.


Requirements grounding system implementation


Grounding of constructions and buildings of SS must be executed taking into account the requirements of «Rules of devices of elektroustanovok» - PUE-2006 (chapter 1.7 «Grounding and protective measures of safety»). The new contour of grounding must be added to the existent general contour of grounding of SS. All metallic parts of electrical equipment, which can appear under tension in the case of damage of isolation, must be earthed.

Every element of electrical installation, which is subject grounding, must be added to the earthing connector or main earthing point a separate earthing or zero protective explorer. Successive connection of a few metallically unrelated elements of setting earthings or zero explorers is forbidden.


Tacking of earthings explorers to ground-wire and to the constructions which are earthed, it is necessary to execute by lap-welding, and to the corps of vehicles - by screw-bolt connection.


Near every earthing clamp there must be a sign of grounding, GOST executed taking into account requirements 21130-75.


The earthings lowerings from an equipment with tacking to the contour of grounding must be executed a steel bar by a section 40x4 mm, executed from flatiron for GOST 103-76.


Horizontal ground must be laid along the axes of electrical equipment from the side of service on a depth no less than a 0,7 m from a terrene in the distance 0,8-1,0 m from foundation of equipment.


An external protection does not join in with the general contour of grounding. Internal fence joins in with an earthing contour. In the places of joining of internal fence to the external protection the isolated insertions are executed.



The horizontal contour of grounding must be executed a steel bar by a section 50x5 mm, laid on a depth 0,7 m from a terrene. Vertical ground are steel electrodes by a diameter 16,0 mm, long for 5,0 m.

Calculation resistance of spreading of earthing contour of substation must not exceed 0,5 Ohm. The calculation of earthing device must be executed on the criterion of requirements to his resistance of spreading (concordantly PUE-2006 gl.1.7 "Grounding and protective measures of electrical safety ").


A contractor must execute the gasket of network of grounding around and into buildings of GIS-330 kV with SCH and GIS-110 kV, which must be connected with the general contour of grounding of substation. An earthing contour, laid into building, must be added no less what in two places to the external earthing contour, to laid round building. After editing before backfilling soil Contractor must check earthings devices for their conforming to the requirements of project with drafting of act of verification.

Metallic inconductor parts of equipment, and also the armature of foundations must be connected (during building) with the earthing contour of substation.


Feed of electrical installation of SS by tension to 1 kV foreseen with the use of the system of grounding of TN-CS. On tension 0,4 kV on the shields of SCHSN combination of protective and neutral explorers is foreseen. On distributive corymbs on territory of settings 0.4 kV protective and neutral explorers part. The basic system of equalization of potentials must be executed in buildings (concordantly DBN V.2.5-27-2006).

On the objects of SS it is necessary to provide protecting of hardwares of telecommunication and electronic systems from direct electromagnetic influence, and also harmful effect of tension and current, which arise up in the linear devices of telecommunication and informative networks and can cause the damages of telecommunication equipment and electronic systems, linear buildings and to threaten life and health of operating personnel.


Handing over in exploitation of the earth system


During handing over in exploitation of the system of grounding Contractor must give Customer the followings documents:


a) executive charts of earthings devices;

b) information of elements of earthings devices;

c) acts on implementation of the hidden works;

d) including protocols of acceptance tests measurings of foot-pace tension and tension touches which must be executed during starting-up and adjustment works.


All metallic parts of electric equipment and power settings which can appear under tension in the case of damage of isolation must be earthed in accordance with the requirements of national standards and IEEE 80 - 2000/din-vde 0101.


Lighting system


The lighting system of the outdoor part of the substation shall be implemented using floodlights with halogen bulbs. The floodlights shall be installed on floodlight platforms of individual lightning rods.

The quantity of the floodlights is based on the requirement of necessary minimum illumination for the disconnectors and power transformers (10 lux), for the circuit-breakers, current and voltage transformers (5 lux). The minimum illumination level in the horizontal plane for the main passage is 1 lux, for other passages 0.5 lux.


Into buildings the working and emergency system of illumination is assumed with switching on the system of direct-current at disappearance of supply pressure. Illumination of apartments of buildings is assumed lamps with economic lamps. Tension of working network of illumination 380/220 In alternating current, by an emergency - 220 In direct-current, evacuation - 220 In direct-current. Illumination of apartments is executed concordantly DBN V.2.5-28-2006.


Biological protection


As per the "Engineering design standards of AC SS with highest voltage of 6-750 kV" GKD 341.004.001-94, item 8.14, and GOST 12.4.154-85 "Screening devices for protection against electrical fields of industrial frequency", the system of biological protection of the substation's personnel against impact of electromagnetic field at the Switchgear 330 kV and Switchgear 110 kV. Asper GOST 12.4.154-85, the screens shall be installed near the work stations (work places), if the electrical field intensity exceeds 5 kV/m, and canopy-type screens shall be installed over pedestrianpaths if the electrical field intensity exceeds 15 kV/m.



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