Sanitary Engineering Solutions 

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Sanitary Engineering Solutions


Sanitary engineering apartments


Sanitary engineering apartments for workers, инженерно, auxiliary personnel of existent SS suffice and answer the requirements of SNiP II 92 -76 part 11.

To provide for a project gasket of plumbing in the sanitary-domestic apartments of (PPM - ОПУ перевод?).




The use of existent cleansing buildings of sullage flows is foreseen. Sewer water must pass the complete cycle of bioscrubbing, frequent airing and interfusion.

To foresee the gasket of the sewage system in the sanitary-domestic apartments of (PPM- ОПУ перевод?).


Heating, ventilation and conditioning

The project of heating, ventilation and conditioning must be executed in obedience to the requirements of SNiP a 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and climatization".

Heating of apartments of SS is foreseen from electric (конвекторов перевод?).


In buildings of (КРУЭ перевод?) heating for maintenance of temperature is foreseen not below plus 8 °С, during finding of personnel plus 22 °С.


Requirements to materials, equipment, structures, systems, conductors and cables

Special requirements

All equipment supplied by the Contractor, materials, structures, systems and cables used for work implementation, as well as special accessories, tools and instruments necessary for operation and maintenance of the newly installed equipment at the SS, shall be certified in Ukraine according to Ukrainian national requirements.


The measuring instruments shall be registered in the State Register of measuring devices approved for use in Ukraine.


All supplied equipment, structures, fittings, measuring instruments and materials shall be new, unused, have standard manufacturer's design. They shall be designed taking into account the latest the codes and standards, and manufactured using state-of-the-art technologies.


The Contractor shall confirm quality and origin of the goods by the corresponding type test certificates.


During construction, transportation, storage at the Employer's warehouse, as well as during assembly, installation, acceptance testing, commissioning and trial operation, the Contractor shall comply with all requirements specified in the latest editions of Ukrainian normative documents regarding the following aspects:

а) labour protection;

b) fire safety;

c) environment protection safety.


The Contractor shall own or have guaranteed access (by means of rent, leasing, sales contract, availability of production facilities or otherwise) in the Employer's country to all load-lifting mechanisms and accessories), machines, mechanisms, equipment and accessories, which shall be fully functional and capable of performing all kinds of works.


The Contractor shall have all the tools, materials and equipment needed for temporary operations, such as de-energization, dismantling, disconnection, connection, transfer, which may be required during installation.


All equipment supplied by the Contractor shall:


a) be designed in such a way, in order to ensure reliable and continuous operation in the climatic conditions of the substation`s location;

b) guarantee reliable operation;

c) have the required insulation level;

d) withstand possible mechanical impacts (load and voltage variations) that may occur during this substation`s operation.


The Contractor shall provide sufficient amount of operation and maintenance instructions or manuals in Russian or Ukrainian language for the supplied equipment, as-built drawings, supply of all mandatory spare parts, special tools and repair equipment.


All supplied high-voltage equipment, AC and DC auxiliary equipment shall have possibility of integration into the APCS of the substation.


The detailed technical characteristics of the supplied equipment are given in the corresponding Sheets of Volume III "Technical Data Sheets"



GIS – 330 кВ и GIS – 110 кВ


GIS must be supplied with all necessary terminal boxes, priming of insulating gas, power wiring and management, grounding, device of monitoring of closeness of insulating gas and support structure. Size of supplied with the preliminary collected sections must be so large, as far as it is practical possibly for transporting.

A capacity, tests and estimation of GIS, must correspond the versions of next editions of IEC:


Description Norms and standards
General descriptions for switchgears and switching substation of high tension. IEC 62271-1
GIS of nominal tension of 52kV and higher IEC 62271-203
High-voltage switches of alternating current IEC 62271-100
Isolating switch and ground-wire of alternating current IEC 62271-102
High-voltage isolating switch of alternating current IEC 62271-108
Current transformers IEC 61869-1 / -2
Inductive transformers of tension IEC 61869-1 / -3
Metal-oxide terminators of overstrain without spark intervals for the systems of alternating current IEC 60099-4
Isolated input`s for variable tensions higher 1000V IEC 60137
Insulating gas SF6 IEC60376
Partial charge IEC 60270
Direct connection of transformers of high tension IEC/TR2 61639
High-voltage cable connection IEC 62271-209
Carcass under constraint CENELEC EN50052 und EN 50064


Nominal parameters of completed GIS must be in accordance with Table of technical requirements.

All current-conduction components of equipment must be expected for the protracted work at nominal currents without exceeding of maximal temperature, marked in the proper standards of IEC.

GIS supplier must have at least 20 years of experience in planning, production, setting and putting into the operation of insulating gas equipment for the use in networks 110 kV and higher.

A period of free technical service for any external component GIS must be no less than 5 years. For internal components, including the gas refuelling, this term must be no less than 10 years. A supplier must offer the recommended period of service.



A distributive device must be a free-standing, free-standing construction with all high-voltage equipment, set inwardly GIS, in the metallic earthed corps it parts on separate gas compartments, at least for:

- sections of tires with proper isolating switch;

- switch;

- line isolating switch.

Location of separate cells of distributive devices must be executed so that to attain the optimum economy of place, exact and logical location.

Every extreme area of tires must be projected taking into account future expansion of distributive device. Bus end connectors must be accordingly projected.

All blocking, potentially preventing wrong operations, must be constructed so that they can not it was be easily gone round.

Access to any component must be possible enough. Real position of isolating switch and ground knives must be expressly represented facilities of reliable indication.

All components of identical face values and constructions which will demand replacement possibly must be interchangeable.

The supplied with components, tested at the plant, must be united in place of setting only through screw-bolt impermeable connection. Welding of components is in place shut out.

A distributive device must have separate gas compartments, with gas dense barriers between every compartment. A gas compartment must be projected:

– to minimize the operating disconnecting, when pressure of gas goes down in investigation of loss or operating reasons;

– to minimize a gas amount which it is needed to pump out and recharge after maintenance of any part of equipment.

Every gas compartment must be equipped necessary valves, to provide pumping and gas refuelling without pumping from any other compartment. To reduce possibility of loss, connection pipes between gas compartments is shut out.

Every gas compartment must be equipped a static filter. These filters must be in a position to absorb any aquatic steam which can penetrate into a construction, and must be effective on an extent at least between basic conclusions in repair.

Transformers of current preferably must be with mandrels, located outside insulating gas shells.

Every gas area must be equipped the system of monitoring of insulating gas, consisting of device of the permanent monitoring of closeness of insulating gas.

Gas-proof barriers and supporting insulators must be projected so that to keep a high reserve after durability of construction and electric dielectric properties.

Gas-proof barriers must be projected so that to maintain the maximal overfall of pressure, which can arise up on all barrier, I.e. maximal working pressure from one side and vacuum with other.




Insulating gas, necessary for the first priming, must be put together with a distributive device, together with a connecting tube and accessories.

Insulatig gas, tucked in GIS, must conform to the proper requirements of IEC.

At handing over in exploitation of GIS, the point of dew of insulating gas must be measured and documented.

For transporting components can be filled nitrogen and serviced insulating gas in place.

All gas seals must be projected so that a norm of loss of IG (insulating gas) was on an absolute minimum. The possible loss of IG must not exceed 0.5% in a year for mounted GIS.

All gas seals must be with protecting of seals from dirt and corrosion and must be central type.

The device of monitoring of closeness of IG with temperature indemnification must be set on every IG component. Any connection of pipes between different gas compartments and centralized measuring device is shut out.

A device must provide the permanent and automatic monitoring of closeness of IG.

The system of monitoring of IG must have two emergency setpoints:
-before warning, when the closeness of IG approaches a low level;
-level of alarm, when the closeness of IG arrives at the minimum level of isolation and blocking of wearing-out of switch is initiated.

The device of automatic depressurization must be set on every IG component as a preventive measure against the break of construction.

The devices of automatic depressurization must be placed so that to guarantee safety of personnel in the case of unexpected depressurization gas.



Every shell filled under constraint must be projected and made in accordance with a standard and must be based on a project temperature and project pressure as it is certain in IEC 62271-203.

For shells the alloy of aluminium must be exceptionally used, to prevent external and internal corrosion, and also necessity of the periodic cleaning and painting.

Shells must be projected so that to eliminate, as far as it is possible, all influences are the fields, created normal and by the current of s.g. The losses of energy in the system must be taken to to minimum and pointed tensions on shells must not exceed the possible redistribution of safety. A supplier must give accompanying calculations on the pointed tension and losses.

Project calculations or reports of verification tests, demonstrating durability of shell at project pressure and project temperature must be given.

Increase of temperature of current wire parts must be limited values, marked in IEC 62271-1, at a nominal current and climatic terms on a ground.

The explorers of tires must be made from a copper or alloy of aluminium.

The proper measures must be undertaken for indemnification of temperature expansion of explorers and differential temperature expansion between explorers and shells.

Where it is necessary, the metallic scrapes of silphon type must be well-to-do with the managed pull.

Compensating joints, flexible connections and managed fastenings, must be foreseen, to compensate possible production and construction admittances in the proper equipment, which GIS it can be connected to.

All entablature, necessary for setting of equipment of GIS, must be put, including concomitant parts.

To all equipment GIS must be carefully thought out access. To all valves of priming access must be well-to-do through a light cart.

After a production, all metallic parts of construction must be treated the hot zincking. All assembling connections must be bolted. Welding in place of setting is shut out.

For screw-bolts and nuts must be used not corrosion metal.

For editing of cells to the floor it is recommended to use wall screws. Organization of grounding of GIS must guarantee that foot-pace tension and tension of touch will be in safe values. The shells of GIS must be earthed so that there was an earthing contour round all feeding parts.

The wires of grounding must be counted on damages with the current of short circuit. Wires can be done from a copper or aluminum. The closets of local government and distributive boxes must be earthed a separate wire.

All troughings and shells of management cables must be connected to the tires of grounding of closet of management or distributive box. All metallic parts must be earthed.




Every module of cell of distributive device must be supplied a management closet set either on the floor or mounted on a distributive device. A closet must be with the locked doors.

A closet must provide next basic functions:

- symbolic circuit;

- functions of management of distributive device;

- mode of local/remote management;

- local reflection and management;

- indication of position;

- notification about the decline of pressure of IG;

- built-in blocking of cell;

All chains managements and conclusions, connecting a distributive device with the closet of management of module cell, must be given a producer.

All cables of management must be screened.

All cables of management must be set and backfilled so that to limit the effect of the pointed tension at possible level.

A producer must give the special devices, necessary for normal exploitation of distributive device, such as:

- handle for a hand management isolating switch and ground knives;

- handle for the mechanism of switch;

- portable system of refuelling IG with accessories for priming.

Any special instruments, necessary only on the period of setting and putting into an operation must be delivered a producer and must remain the propert of producer after completion of setting and putting into an operation.

A producer is under an obligation to put the list of the recommended spare parts, on a term at least five years for normal exploitation.




Every switch must contain one compression arc extinguishing chamber. It must use IG both for an isolation and for extinguishing of arc.

A mechanism of switch must be modern standard and reliable technology, without the use of some hydraulic mixtures or symbolic system.

A switch must have stocked energies, necessary for implementation of duty cycle about at losses of feed of the basic systems of energy supply.

A switch must be with the mechanism of the free unlinking and have protecting from discrepancy of phases.

Every switch must be supplied the local mechanical indicator of position of the closed type, together with the remote indicator of position on the module cell of management closet. Coloring and description of mechanical indicator must be following:

-there must be a meter of amount of operations on every switch;

-shells of switches must be the cast type.




Isolating switch must be three-pole type, set in a distributive device, serving for an isolation switch from a transformer, tires and PLC. Isolating switch must be managed an electric engine and must be supplied hand control unit for the use in emergency cases.

Isolating switch on the side of tire must have next possibilities of disconnecting:

- ability of breaking of chains between the tires of GIS;

- ability of breaking of capacity current of tires of GIS.

Contact coverage must be projected so that to prevent restrikes and high local loadings, caused transitional evocative tension in case of setting off foregoing currents.

The working mechanism of isolating switch must be supplied all by necessary connections, clamps, connections, push rod, supporting brackets and ground`s. All bearings must be smeared or must be such type, that greasing or service was not required.

Including and disconnecting of isolating switch must be executed either at the place or remotely.

Isolating Switch must be electric blocked the proper switch so that a management Isolating Switch was impossible, if a switch is included.

Activating of emergency hand management must block an electric management.

Isolating switch and contiguous service ground knives must have the electric blocking,

Isolating switch must be supplied a device with a lock for locking in the included, power-off position.

Every switch must have the expressly determined mechanical indicator of position, together with the remote indicator of position on the closet of management of module cell.

Isolating switch with joinings high-speed ground knives must be blocked so that high-speed contactor was included the first, to discharge the charge current of line.

Every contactor must be supplied 4 normally opened and 4 by the normally closed auxiliary contacts, besides those which are used for the aims of blocking of distributive device.



Projects the given for isolating switch, combined with official grounded knives, it admits for application on 145 kV.

Grounded knives must be three-pole, with a group management. Grounded knives must be managed an electric engine and must be supplied hand control unit for the use in emergency cases.

In order that to provide the test of equipment, certain grounded knives must be isolated from a shell and to have the easily taken off ground connection.

Every ground knife must be electric blocked with proper isolating switch and switch so that he could be included, only if a switch and isolating switch power-offs.

An ground knife must be managed remotely or locally from the closet of management of module cell.

Every ground knife must have the expressly determined local mechanical indicator of position, together with the remote indicator of position on the closet of management of module cell.

Every ground knife must be supplied 4 normally opened and 4 by the normally closed auxiliary switches, necessary for using for the local blocking and indication of position.

A lock must be foreseen for locking of ground knife in broken a secret or in the included position.




Grounded knives, located on tires at the beginning VL, must be high-speed type and must be used for the digit of the proper charge currents, in adding to their function of grounding.

Every group of three-pole high-speed grounded knives must have one electric engine. There must be possibility of hand management in emergency cases.

A management a high-speed ground knife must executed locally from the closet of management of module cell or remotely.

Grounded knives must be electric blocked the proper switch, so that grounded knives could not be included, if a switch is included.

To disperse charges at the conclusion of line in repair, it is necessary that grounded knives were included before disconnecting of insulating switch.

Blocking must be well-to-do so that activating of hand control units blocked the electric chain of management.

Every high-speed knife must be supplied 4 normally opened and 4 by the normally closed switches, necessary for using for local blocking and for the aims of indication of position.

A lock must be foreseen for locking of grouned knife in the broken a secret, or included position.




The transformers of current, computer-integrated in GIS, must be used for RP and measuring and must be ring-type, external setting. Transformers of current must be multiple-windings with a multicoefficient which it is possible to change through taking on the second puttee. The second conclusions must be shown out in the second distributive box.

The transformers of current must correspond the last standards of IEC.

Basic values must correspond such as in the «Technical requirements».




The transformers of tension must be disposed how it is indicated on an unilinear chart and must be used for defence, measurings and synchronization.

Basic values must be such as in the «Technical requirements».

Transformers of tension must be inductive type and must effectively protected from electromagnetic high-frequency jumps.

The transformers of tension must correspond the last standards of IEC.

Measures must be accepted for protecting of transformers of tension from shorting and overloads.

The transformers of tension must be equipped hand insulating switch with possibility of disconnecting from a basic chain at service and tests of SS.



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