Purpose and Objectives of ACS TP SS 

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Purpose and Objectives of ACS TP SS


Purpose of ACS TP of the Substation

The automated process control system of substation has been designed for:

· automation of substation process control and diagnostics functions with necessary information allocation at all the levels of operating hierarchy in normal, emergency and post emergency substation operation modes;

· improvement of substation operation reliability;

· prevention of personnel’s errors;

· reduction of operating costs.

Objectives of the ACS TP of the Substation

The objectives of the ACS TP are as follows:

· Increasing the reliability of the SS control system and on this basis to increase the reliability of electricity supply to consumers.


· Creation of reliable providing of personnel with information about substation technological process in normal, repair, emergency and post emergency modes.

· Creation of united complex of technical and software aids for monitoring, diagnostics and control of substation equipment with integration of RP & SA and measurement system.

· Expanding the functionality of SS control system by taking advantage of microprocessor technology.

· Reduce the accident rate of SS main equipment.

· SS operating personnel errors minimization.

· Reduce the costs of repair and restoration works and routine maintenance of SS main equipment.

· Adequate analysis of SS equipment failures.

· Lower operating costs, reduction of quantity of SS operating personnel.

· Automation of SS equipment mode control process.

· Less time of switching operation.

· Higher quality and efficiency of centralized dispatcher control of SS.

· Creation of conditions for safe operation of SS main equipment and improvement of operating personnel’s labor safety level.

· Longer service life and higher operation reliability of SS main equipment, RP & SA and measuring devices due to optimization of operating modes and use of up-to-date diagnostics methods.


Functions Performed by the ACS TP SS

Process Functions

Monitoring of the Substation Current Mode and the Key Diagram Status

The supplied ACS TP should provide position control of the following switching units:

· Key diagram of SS (all voltage classes).

· Auxiliary subsystem.

· Operating current subsystem.

Measurement of the current mode shall be provided:

· from all the major measuring current and voltage transformers of main circuit

· from AC/DC auxiliary subsystem

Equipment status and operation readiness monitoring

It should monitor the status and availability of the following equipment and related technological systems:

· Autotransformers (transformers), current and voltage transformers.

· RP & SA equipment.

· Measurement system.

· Auxiliary and operating current system.

· Batteries, chargers and uninterruptible power supply units.

· Electric energy metering systems.

· Supervisory Control System and access control system.

· Fire extinguishing system.

· Air-conditioning and ventilation subsystems of GIS premises.

Equipment operating modes monitorin

Equipment operating modes monitoring shall be provided:

· Synchronized measurement of current, voltage, power, temperature, pressure and other operating parameters of equipment in normal, pre-fault and emergency modes.

· Control output modes of the equipment over fixed limits with the issuance of the alarm.

Automated substation equipment control

Remote automated control from the following levels should be provided:

From upper (substation) level by means of operating personnel WS or WS of upper control level:

· By remote control of SU of 110\330kV of principal electrical scheme (circuit-breakers, disconnectors, earthing blades and etc.) taking into account logical interlocks.

· Automated control of equipment using algorithms of operative switching blank forms (in the framework of process regulations and regulatory documents).

· By circuit-breakers 10\35kV


· By input and sectional automates of Auxiliary and DC boards.

From connection level:

· From built-in mimic bay controller, or a group of bays, or mimic bay, which is controlled by bay controller

From lower level (process level):

· From SU control cabinet.

Note: in order to improve the control system’s reliability, the following SU control hierarchy shall be provided:

In normal operating mode of the ACS TP:

· Circuit-breakers, disconnectors and earthing blades with electric operating mechanism 110/330kV shall be controlled by control elements, which are part of the bay controller (from mnemonic diagram on the sensor panel of the bay controller or bay mnemonic diagram, controlled by bay controller) ensuring all technological locks. Control commands are recorded in the event log of the bay controller.

· Circuit-breakers 10/35 kV, OLTC, input and sectional circuit-breakers 0,4 kV, fire extinguishing pumps and gate valves shall be controlled by buttons (key) in the cubicles of RP & SA, OLTC, AuxBoard, DC board at the SS. Control commands are recorded in the event log of the bay controller.

When bay controllers (of connection level) are out of order:

· Circuit-breakers, disconnectors, eathing blades 110/330 kV, fire extinguishing pumps and gate valves shall be controlled at the SU locations (SU control cabinets are installed in the area where it is safe to operate and maintain them).

For equipment control (local, remote), software or hardware interlocking shall be provided, to prevent simultaneous control from different workstations, and process interlocking logic shall be implemented (against open-phase mode, against “jumping”, against asynchronous closing, against control operations desequencing and so on.).

All actions of operating personnel regarding equipment control from WS or on spot shall be recorded in the ACS TP archives, indicating time, character and control method.

The ACS TP shall also record operations on SU control mode (“local” – “remote”), with identification of control level.

Control commands shall be transmitted from the ACS TP to the operation mechanisms SU via solid wire copper control cable.

It is allowed to transmit control commands from the ACS TP controllers to the operating mechanism via MP-based relay protection devices using discrete outputs of these devices.

Warning and alarm system organization

Must be ensured warning and alarm system.

Division signaling alarm and warning should be carried out by assigning each signal a particular class or level.

Alarm and warning operation must be accompanied by a difference of beeps, and displays different colors.


The appearance of these events and their disappearance should be recorded in the archives of ACS TP time-stamped and with the signs of signal nature (alarm, warning).


At signal acknowledgment should be recorded a specific WS OP from which receipting. Signal acknowledgement must be carried out from WS OP, at the same time it should stop flashing alarm tags of the object.

It must be possible to form group alarm, generalizing predetermined set of signals related to one connection, one switchgear etc.

Warning system

Warning system should provide operating personnel:

· at rejecting the established limits and return to the normal state of technological parameters

· when the state of automatic devices is changed

· when technological devices of AT triggered,

· at action of blocking, ASA (automatic standby activation) of power supplies,

· when an error occurs ACS TP hardware (including monitoring system of transformer equipment),

· when a power failure, etc. Alarm system:

· at deviations in emergency response setting of RP & SA.

Registration of emergencies

Registration and recording of process information into historic data base in specified format and within specified time intervals shall be provided:

· Values of measured analogue signals.

· Any variation of digital signals.

· Parameters going beyond alarm and warning setting and returning to normal values.

· Control commands.

· Diagnostic information.

· Results of fault location identification (FLI) on TL.

· Operation of process alarm system’s devices.

· Actuation and reset of relay protection and emergency automation devices, oscillograms of emergency processes.

· Switch-over of equipment operation modes and automatic devices using on-line control system.

· System events, generated inside the ACS TP (including self-diagnostics data via soft- and hardware).

· Messages on operator’s actions and systems messages.

At recording parameters in a database, the registration of technological parameter should be recorded:

a) At appearance of this information in the actual source of information in accordance with the protocol of information exchange

b) In the absence of assigning timestamp information source – the database records the time of registration of information in its entry in the archive database


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