Design coordination procedure 

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Design coordination procedure


Number of required copies:


а) Four (4) copies of each drawing shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Employer for approval.

b) One (1) copy will be returned to the Contractor marked "Approved," "Approved with corrections", "Not approved" with comments. The revised drawing shall be resubmitted for approval.

c) The Contractor shall provide the Employer with two (2) copies of each corrected drawing marked "Approved with corrections" or "not approved" for re-approval.

d) Identification of the re-submitted drawings shall include the date of revision, review letter and brief description of each revision. Any revised drawing shall have a number marked "amended" after revision. It is also necessary to update the list of drawings taking into account the numbers of corrected drawings.

e) Two (2) copies of all approved drawings shall be made in printed format by the Contractor and sent to the Employer. These drawings shall have a marked column of review with the number and date of approval, including "Approved" stamp.

f) It is not allowed to make any changes without written consent of the Employer, if the drawing has been marked as "Approved”.


Documents study and approval:


а) The Contractor shall leave a blank area of 100 mm x 70 mm on all drawings for the Employer's approval stamp.

б) Drawings stamped "Approved" and "Approved with corrections" oblige the Contractor to continue construction or manufacturing of the structures taking into account the remarks. The approved drawings shall be submitted before commencement of construction at the site.

в) An error detected in the Contractor's drawings during the erection or equipment installation, as well as noted necessary corrections, including any design project changes, shall be marked on the drawings and shall be resubmitted to the Employer for approval.


Documents examination period:


The drawings and calculation submitted by the Contractor to the Employer for examination and approval shall be returned to the Contractor with revision stamp of the Employer, within fourteen (14) days upon their receipt.



Responsibility for errors in data and drawings

The Contractor bears all responsibility for any errors or omissions in its drawings and other such details, as well as for checking all drawings and information submitted to the Employer in written format.



Design alteration procedures

If it becomes necessary to introduce alterations during the works implementation at any stage of the project, the Contractor shall contact the Employer in writing requesting to consider the possibility to make alterations. Such written request for alterations shall be made in Ukrainian/Russian language and indicate the following:


а) the reason for alterations;

b) grounds of the alterations proposed, which shall be aimed at improvement of characteristics, quality, efficiency or safety of the facility;

c) methods, which will be used by the Contractor when making any design (construction) alterations;

d) drawings (diagrams) with introduced alterations.


Information to be included in any request of the Contractor to change the approved design, is defined by the Contract.

Any alteration is unacceptable until the Employer's written approval is received.

Coordination of the design alteration by the Employer does not reduce the Contractor's responsibility.



Works implementation program and schedule

In its Tender, the Tenderer shall submit the Works Implementation Program and Works Implementation Schedule.

The Works Implementation Program and Works Implementation Schedule shall include different work stages, from the beginning of the Contract till its completion, for example: designing, coordination of the project, procurement of materials, manufacturing, factory testing, supply, installation, construction, tests and commissioning, in accordance with the Works Implementation Schedule required by the Employer.


The Works Implementation Program shall contain, but not limited, at least the following:


а) description of the main work stages;

b) the sequence in which the works shall be performed, including the planned duration for each stage, as well as information about prepared special technical documents, date of purchase,manufacture, inspection, supply, construction, installation, testing and commissioning;

c) the list of technical documents, date of submission to the Employer's review, approvals and coordination;

d) the list and description of the inspections and tests to be performed;

e) the general description of the methods to be applied at the basic stages of works, indicating the required level of skills of workers and type of equipment required at the site for each stage of works;

f) duration of the work stages (in calendar days), as well as sequence numbers of days of their beginning and ending, counted from the Contract's effective date.



Project for Organization of Construction

By the date to be determined by the Contract, the Contractor shall develop and submit for approval and endorsement by the Employer the Project for Organization of Construction (POC), which along with the general requirements of DBN A.3.1-5-96 "Organization of construction production" shall provide:


а) actions to ensure the structures installation accuracy, acceptable spatial accuracies of structures during their assembly and installation at their designed positions;

б) structural stability calculation;

в) safe working conditions.


The Project for Organization of Construction shall take into account the requirements of the Rules of Operation of Electrical Equipment (PUE).

The POC shall include the requirements of the works implementation program and schedule. No substantial deviations from the POC are allowed without informing the Employer in writing. If the progress of works does not meet the POC, the Employer may propose to the Contractor to review the POC to reflect any necessary changes in order to complete the works by the guaranteed dates



Reports on works performed

During the entire period of the Contract execution, on the monthly basis, but not later than the 5th day of the next month, the Contractor shall provide to the Employer three (3) copies of the detailed report on works performed, in Russian (Ukrainian) language..



The report shall include the following information:


General introduction, presenting actual progress of the works under the Contract (contains the summary table of basic stages, indicating the planned targets and actual status);


а) progress of design (delivery of the documents and drawings);

b) progress of manufacturing (tests of equipment, factory visits and delivery of equipment);

c) progress of works at the site;

d) status of supplies;

e) achieved results and forecasts;

f) tables of the progress of works and diagrams, comments regarding the presented information;

g) alterations in the design at any stage (both proposed and implemented);

h) tests and commissioning;

i) correlation and consistency with other reconstruction activities;

j) applications for de-energization, required for operational withdrawal of the equipment to be dismantled or obstructing performance of works next month;

k) commercial and financial status of the contract, including the Contractor's obligations, payments (applied and received);

l) contractual disputes;

m) Health and safety report of accidents.


The report shall be approved with the Employer's representative at the location of the works implementation.

Each copy of the report on works performed shall include a summary in English and Ukrainian language.



Progress meetings reports

For on-line monitoring of the quality assurance of works, confirmation of their compliance with the design requirements, as well as for overall coordination between the Employer and design (construction) personnel of the Contractor, the progress meetings shall be held systematically. Two types of meetings can be arranged: design (construction) meetings to review the progress of works and technical discussion meetings.

The design (construction) meetings for reviewing of works progress shall be held by the Contractor each month.

The technical discussion meeting shall be held as required by the Employer and/or by the Contractor. These meetings can be initiated by any party.

The Contractor shall record the minutes of each meeting and submit copies of these minutes for approval within five working days after the meeting. Resolving of disputes regarding the previous meeting shall be recorded at the subsequent meeting, and shall become the official part subject of that meeting.




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