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B4.2 Cockpit Internal Cross Section: - проходное сечение кабины водителя.


B4.2.1 A free vertical cross section, which allows the template shown in Figure 9 to be passed horizontally through the cockpit to a point 100 mm (4 inches) rearwards of the face of the rearmost pedal when in the inoperative position, must be maintained over its entire length. If the pedals are adjustable, they will be put in their most forward position. – свободное вертикальное проходное сечение, которое позволяет пример показанный на рисунке 9 должен быть пропущен горизонтально через КВ в точку 100 мм сзади лицевой стороны самой задней педали когда она в нерабочем положении, должна поддерживаться по всей длине. Если педали регулируемые, они будут поставлены в самую переднюю позицию.

B4.2.2 The template, with maximum thickness of 7mm (0.275 inch), will be held vertically and inserted into the cockpit opening rearward of the Front Roll Hoop, as close to the Front Roll Hoop as the car’s

design will allow. – образец, с максимальной толщиной в 7 мм будет установлен вертикально и будет вставлен в КВ открывающуюся назад от переднего обруча катания, настолько близко в переднему обручу катания насколько это позволяет сделать модель автомобиля.

B4.2.3 The only items that may be removed for this test are the steering wheel, and any padding required by Rule B5.7 “Driver’s Leg Protection” that can be easily removed without the use of tools with the

driver in the seat. The seat may NOT be removed. – единственные вещи которые могут быть убраны для этого теста это руль, и любые уплотнения требуемые правилом Б.5.7 которые могут легко сниматься без использования каких-либо инструментов с водителем в сиденье.

B4.2.4 Teams whose cars do not comply with B4.1 or B4.2 will not be given a Technical Inspection Sticker and will NOT be allowed to compete in the dynamic events. Командам, чьи машины не удовлетворяют Б.4.1 или Б.4.2, не будет дан стикер прохождения технического осмотра и они будут недопущены к соревнованиям.

Note: Cables, wires, hoses, tubes, etc. must not impede the passage of the templates required by B4.1

and B4.2.примечание: кабели, провода, шланги, трубы и тд не должны мешать прохождению образца требуемого правилом Б.4.1 и Б4.2

B4.3 Driver’s Seat – сиденье водителя

B.4.3.1 The lowest point of the driver’s seat must be no lower than the bottom surface of the lower frame rails or by having a longitudinal tube (or tubes) that meets the requirements for Side Impact tubing, passing underneath the lowest point of the seat. – низшая точка сиденья водителя должна быть не ниже чем поверхность дна поручня нижнего каркаса или имея продольную трубу(ы) которые удовлетворяют требованиям для труб бокового удара, проходящих под низшей точки сиденья.

B.4.3.2 When seated in the normal driving position, adequate heat insulation must be provided to ensure that the driver will not contact any metal or other materials which may become heated to a surface

temperature above sixty degrees C (60°C). The insulation may be external to the cockpit or

incorporated with the driver’s seat or firewall. The design must show evidence of addressing all three

(3) types of heat transfer, namely conduction, convection and radiation, with the following between

the heat source, e.g. an exhaust pipe or coolant hose/tube and the panel that the driver could contact,

e.g. the seat or floor: - в нормальном сидячем положении для вождения, соответствующая теплоизоляция должна быть обеспечена чтобы гарантировать что водитель не коснется какого-либо металла или других материалов температура поверхности которых могла бы быть более 60 градусов по цельсию. Изоляция может быть внешней для КВ или объединена с водительским сиденьем или брандмауэром. Модель должна предоставлять доказательство адресации всех трех типов теплопроводности, а именно проводимость, конвекция и излучение, со следующими источниками тепла, то есть выпускной трубопровод или шланг охлаждающей жидкости/труба и панель чтобы водитель имел контакт, то есть сиденье или пол:

a. Conduction Isolation by: - изоляции проводимости путем:

i. No direct contact between the heat source and the panel, or

ii. A heat resistant, conduction isolation material with a minimum thickness of 8 mm (0.3

in) between the heat source and the panel. – отсутствия прямого контакте между источниками тепла и панелью, или теплостойким изоляционным материалом с минимальной толщиной в 8 мм между источником тепла и панелью.

b. Convection Isolation by a minimum air gap of 25 mm (1 inch) between the heat source and

the panel - изоляция теплоотдачи путем минимального воздушного просвета в 25 мм между источником тепла и панелью

c. Radiation Isolation by: - изоляция излучения путем:

i. A solid metal heat shield with a minimum thickness of 0.4 mm (0.015 in) or

ii. Reflective foil or tape when combined with a.ii above. – крепкого металлического теплостойкого щита с минимальной толщиной 0,4 мм или с помощью отражающей фольги или ленты совместимой с а.ii сверху.

B4.4 Floor Close-out – закрытие полов

All vehicles must have a floor closeout made of one or more panels, which separate the driver from

the pavement. If multiple panels are used, gaps between panels are not to exceed 3 mm (1/8 inch). The

closeout must extend from the foot area to the firewall and prevent track debris from entering the car.

The panels must be made of a solid, non-brittle material. – все ТС должны иметь закрытые полы с одной или несколькими панелями, которые отделяли бы водителя от тротуара. Если используются разнообразные панели, щель между панелями не должны превышать 3 мм. Покрытие должно протягиваться от зоны где находятся ступни до брандмауэра и должно предотвращать выпад развалившихся частей из машины. Панели должны быть сделаны из крепкого, нехрупкого материала.

B4.5 Firewall - брандмауэр

B4.5.1 A firewall must separate the driver compartment from all components of the fuel supply, the engine oil and the liquid cooling systems. It must protect the neck of the tallest driver. It must extend

sufficiently far upwards and/or rearwards such that any point less than 100 mm (4 ins.) above the

bottom of the helmet of the tallest driver shall not be in direct line of sight with any part of the fuel

system, the cooling system or the engine oil system.

B4.5.2 The firewall must be a non-permeable surface made from a rigid, fire resistant material.

B4.5.3 Any firewall must seal completely against the passage of fluids, especially at the sides and the floor of the cockpit, i.e. there can be no holes in a firewall through which seat belts pass.

B4.5.4 Pass-throughs for wiring, cables, etc. are allowable if grommets are used to seal the pass-throughs.

Also, multiple panels may be used to form the firewall but must be sealed at the joints.

B4.6 Accessibility of Controls

All vehicle controls, including the shifter, must be operated from inside the cockpit without any part

of the driver, e.g. hands, arms or elbows, being outside the planes of the Side Impact Structure defined

in Rule B3.24 and B3.31.

B4.7 Driver Visibility

B4.7.1 General Requirement

The driver must have adequate visibility to the front and sides of the car. With the driver seated in a

normal driving position he/she must have a minimum field of vision of two hundred degrees (200°) (a

minimum one hundred degrees (100°) to either side of the driver). The required visibility may be

obtained by the driver turning his/her head and/or the use of mirrors.

B4.7.2 Mirrors

If mirrors are required to meet Rule B4.7.1, they must remain in place and adjusted to enable the

required visibility throughout all dynamic events.

B4.8 Driver Egress

All drivers must be able to exit to the side of the vehicle in no more than 5 seconds. Egress time

begins with the driver in the fully seated position, hands in driving position on the connected steering

wheel and wearing the required driver equipment. Egress time will stop when the driver has both feet

on the pavement.


B5.1 Belts - General

B5.1.1 Definitions

a. A 5-point system – consists of a 76 mm (3 inch) wide lap belt, approximately 76 mm (3

inch) wide shoulder straps and a single approximately 51 mm (2 inch) wide anti-submarine

strap. The single anti-submarine strap must have a metal-to-metal connection with the single

release common to the lap belt and shoulder harness.

b. A 6-point system – consists of a 76 mm (3 inch) wide lap belt, approximately 76 mm (3

inch) wide shoulder straps and two (2) approximately 51 mm (2 inch) wide leg or antisubmarine


© 2010 SAE International. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. 2011 Formula SAE Rules

c. A 7-point system – system is the same as the 6-point except it has three (3) anti-submarine

straps, two (2) from the 6-point system and one (1) from the 5-point system.

Note: 6 and 7-point harnesses to FIA specification 8853/98 and SFI Specification 16.5 with

approximately 51 mm (2 inch) lap belts are acceptable.

d. An “upright driving position” is defined as one with a seat back angled at thirty degrees (30°)

or less from the vertical as measured along the line joining the two 200 mm circles of the

template of the 95th percentile male as defined in Rule B.3.9.3 and positioned per B.3.9.4.

e. A “reclined driving position” is defined as one with a seat back angled at more than thirty

degrees (30°) from the vertical as measured along the line joining the two 200 mm circles of

the template of the 95th percentile male as defined in Rule B.3.9.3 and positioned per B.3.9.4.

f. The “chest-groin line” is the straight line that in side view follows the line of the shoulder

belts from the chest to the release buckle.

B5.1.2 Harness Requirements

All drivers must use a 5, 6 or 7 point restraint harness meeting the following specifications:

a. All driver restraint systems must meet SFI Specification 16.1, SFI Specification 16.5, or FIA

specification 8853/98.

b. The belts must bear the appropriate dated labels.

c. The material of all straps must be in perfect condition.

d. There must be a single release common to the lap belt and shoulder harness using a metal-tometal

quick release type latch.

e. To accommodate drivers of differing builds, all lap belts must have a “quick adjuster”

feature. Lap belts with “pull-up” adjusters are recommended over “pull-down” adjusters.

f. Cars with a “reclined driving position” (see B.5.1.1.e above) must have either a 6 point or 7-

point harness, AND have either anti-submarine belts with “quick adjusters” or have two (2)

sets of anti-submarine belts installed.

g. The shoulder harness must be the over-the-shoulder type. Only separate shoulder straps are

permitted (i.e. “y”-type shoulder straps are not allowed). The “H”-type configuration is


h. It is mandatory that the shoulder harness, where it passes over the shoulders, be 76 mm (3

inch) wide, except as noted below. The shoulder harness straps must be threaded through the

three bar adjusters in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

i. When the HANS device is used by the driver, FIA certified 51 mm (2 inch) wide shoulder

harnesses are allowed. Should a driver, at anytime not utilize the HANS device, then 76 mm

(3 inch) wide shoulder harnesses are required.

B5.1.3 Harness Replacement

SFI spec harnesses must be replaced following December 31st of the 2nd year after the date of

manufacture as indicated by the label. FIA spec harnesses must be replaced following December 31st

of the year marked on the label. (Note: FIA belts are normally certified for five (5) years from the date

of manufacture.)

B5.1.4 The restraint system must be worn tightly at all times.


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