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B1.2 Modifications and RepairsСодержание книги
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B1.2.1 Once the vehicle has been presented for judging in the Cost or Design Events, or submitted for Technical Inspection, and until the vehicle is approved to compete in the dynamic events, i.e. all the inspection stickers are awarded, the only modifications permitted to the vehicle are those directed by the Inspector(s) and noted on the Inspection Form. B1.2.2 Once the vehicle is approved to compete in the dynamic events, the ONLY modifications permitted to the vehicle are those listed below. They are also referenced in Part C of the Formula SAE Rules – Static Event Regulations. a. Adjustment of belts, chains and clutches b. Adjustment of brake bias c. Adjustment of the driver restraint system, head restraint, seat and pedal assembly d. Substitution of the head restraint or seat insert for different drivers e. Adjustment to engine operating parameters, e.g. fuel mixture and ignition timing f. Adjustment of mirrors g. Adjustment of the suspension where no part substitution is required, (except that springs, sway bars and shims may be changed) h. Adjustment of tire pressure i. Adjustment of wing angle, but not the location j. Replenishment of fluids k. Replacement of worn tires or brake pads l. The changing of wheels and tires for “wet” or “damp” conditions as allowed in Part D of the FSAE Rules – Dynamic Event Regulations. B1.2.3 The vehicle must maintain all required specifications, e.g. ride height, suspension travel, braking capacity, sound level and wing location throughout the competition. B1.2.4 Once the vehicle is approved for competition, any damage to the vehicle that requires repair, e.g. crash damage, electrical or mechanical damage will void the Inspection Approval. Upon the completion of the repair and before re-entering into any dynamic competition, the vehicle MUST be re-submitted to Technical Inspection for re-approval. ARTICLE 2: GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS B2.1 Vehicle Configuration The vehicle must be open-wheeled and open-cockpit (a formula style body) with four (4) wheels that are not in a straight line. 22 © 2010 SAE International. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. 2011 Formula SAE Rules B2.2 Bodywork There must be no openings through the bodywork into the driver compartment from the front of the vehicle back to the roll bar main hoop or firewall other than that required for the cockpit opening. Minimal openings around the front suspension components are allowed. B2.3 Wheelbase The car must have a wheelbase of at least 1525 mm (60 inches). The wheelbase is measured from the center of ground contact of the front and rear tires with the wheels pointed straight ahead. B2.4 Vehicle Track The smaller track of the vehicle (front or rear) must be no less than 75% of the larger track. B2.5 Visible Access All items on the Inspection Form must be clearly visible to the technical inspectors without using instruments such as endoscopes or mirrors. Visible access can be provided by removing body panels or by providing removable access panels. ARTICLE 3: DRIVER’S CELL B3.0 Vehicle Structure - 2 Options Teams may, at their option, design their vehicle to comply with either of two (2) separate, but related, sets of requirements and restrictions. Specifically, teams may elect to comply with either: (1) Part B Article 3 “Drivers Cell” as defined below or (2) Part AF “Alternate Frame Rules” as found in Appendix AF and on the FSAE website. B3.0.1 Notice Requirement – Teams planning to use the Part AF “Alternate Frame Rules” must notify the Rules Committee of their intent by November 1, 2010. The instructions for notification appear in Part AF. The Rules Committee will review the submission and notify the team if the request is granted. Part AF has significant analytical requirements and as it is still in development this application process will insure that the Committee can handle the workload and give teams the support they may require to show certification as well as insure the teams have the technical capability to analyze their design and prove compliance with the AF Rules. B3.0.2 Alternate Frame Rules use requires the submission of the “Structural Requirements Certification Form (SRCF)” which supersedes the Rule B3.8 “Structural Equivalency Form”. Teams submitting a Structural Requirements Certification Form (SRCF) do not have to submit a Structural Equivalency Form (SEC). B3.1 General Requirements Among other requirements, the vehicle’s structure must include two roll hoops that are braced, a front bulkhead with support system and Impact Attenuator, and side impact structures. B3.2 Definitions The following definitions apply throughout the Rules document: • Main Hoop - A roll bar located alongside or just behind the driver’s torso. • Front Hoop - A roll bar located above the driver’s legs, in proximity to the steering wheel. © 2010 SAE International. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. 2011 Formula SAE Rules • Roll Hoops – Both the Front Hoop and the Main Hoop are classified as “Roll Hoops”(обручи катания –это и передний и главный обручи – вместе они классифицируются как «обручи катания») • Roll Hoop Bracing Supports – The structure from the lower end of the Roll Hoop Bracing back to the Roll Hoop(s)(обруч катания укрепляющий опоры – структура с нижнего конца обруча катания). • Frame Member - A minimum representative single piece of uncut, continuous tubing(стойка каркаса – это минимальный типичный отдельный кусок неразрезанной непрерывной трубы.). • Frame - The “Frame” is the fabricated structural assembly that supports all functional vehicle systems. This assembly may be a single welded structure, multiple welded structures or a combination of composite and welded structures(каркас – каркас это изготовленная структурная сборка которая поддерживает все функциональные системы ТС. Данная сборка может быть отдельной сварной структурой, составной сварной структурой или комбинацией смешанной и сварной структур.). • Primary Structure – The Primary Structure is comprised of the following Frame components: 1) Main Hoop, 2) Front Hoop, 3) Roll Hoop Braces and Supports, 4) Side Impact Structure, 5) Front Bulkhead, 6) Front Bulkhead Support System and 7) all Frame Members, guides and supports that transfer load from the Driver’s Restraint System into items 1 through 6.(главная конструкция – состоит из следующих компонентов каркаса: главный обруч, передний обруч, скобы и опоры обруча катания, конструкция бокового удара, передняя перегородка, система обеспечения переднего отсека, а также все стойки каркаса, передаточные рычаги и опоры которые переносят нагрузку с система устройств пассивной безопасности водителя в вещи 1 и 6 (главный обруч и систему обеспечения переднего отсека). • Major Structure of the Frame – The portion of the Frame that lies within the envelope defined by the Primary Structure. The upper portion of the Main Hoop and the Main Hoop Bracing are not included in defining this envelope.(основная структура каркаса – часть каркаса которая лежит в чехле определенной главной структурой) • Front Bulkhead – A planar structure that defines the forward plane of the Major Structure of the Frame and functions to provide protection for the driver’s feet.(передняя перегородка – плоская конструкция которая определяет переднюю поверхность основной структуры каркаса и функции чтобы обеспечить безопасность ступней водителя). • Impact Attenuator – A deformable, energy absorbing device located forward of the Front Bulkhead. (ударный аттенюатор – деформируемый энергопоглощающее устройство находящееся впереди передней перегородки). • Side Impact Zone – The area of the side of the car extending from the top of the floor to 350 mm (13.8 inches) above the ground and from the Front Hoop back to the Main Hoop.(зона бокового удара – площадь стороны автомобиля простирающаяся от верхушки пола до 350 мм над землей и от переднего обруча до главного обруча.) B3.3 Minimum Material Requirements (минимальные требования по материалу.) B3.3.1 Baseline Steel Material (основной материал состоящий из стали) The Primary Structure of the car must be constructed of: (главная конструкция авто должна состоять из) Either: Round, mild or alloy, steel tubing (minimum 0.1% carbon) of the minimum dimensions specified in the following table,(либо круглых, мягких или легированных стальных труб (минимум 0.1 % углерода) минимальных размеров которые указаны в следующей таблице) Or: Approved alternatives per Rules B.3.4, B.3.5, B.3.6 and B.3.7. ITEM or APPLICATION OUTSIDE DIMENSION X WALL THICKNESS Main & Front Hoops, Round 1.0 inch (25.4 mm) x 0.095 inch (2.4 mm) Shoulder Harness Mounting Bar(монтажная планка ремней безопаснойстей) or Round 25.0 mm x 2.50 mm metric Side Impact Structure, Front Bulkhead, Round 1.0 inch (25.4 mm) x 0.065 inch (1.65 mm) Roll Hoop Bracing (крепление либо скобы обруча катания), or Round 25.0 mm x 1.75 mm metric Driver’s Restraint Harness Attachment (насадка привязных ремней водителя) or Round 25.4 mm x 1.60 mm metric (except as noted above) or Square 1.00 inch x 1.00 inch x 0.049 inch or Square 25.0 mm x 25.0 mm x 1.25 mm metric or Square 26.0 mm x 26.0 mm x 1.2 mm metric Front Bulkhead Support, Main Hoop Bracing Supports Round 1.0 inch (25.4 mm) x 0.049 inch (1.25 mm) or Round 25.0 mm x 1.5 mm metric or Round 26.0 mm x 1.2 mm metric Note 1: The use of alloy steel does not allow the wall thickness to be thinner than that used for mild steel.(использование легированной стали не разрешает толщине стенки быть тоньше чем при использовании мягкой стали.) Note 2: For a specific application: - Using tubing of the specified outside diameter but with greater wall thickness,(использование труб определенного наружного диаметра но более значительной толщиной стенки) - OR of the specified wall thickness and a greater outside diameter, (или определенной толщины стенки и большего наружного диаметра) - Or replacing round tubing with square tubing of the same or larger size to those listed above, (или замена круглых труб на квадратные одинакового или большего размера на те которые указаны выше) Are NOT rules deviation requiring approval. (не являются правилами отклонения требующими одобрения) Note 3: Except for inspection holes, any holes drilled in any regulated tubing require the submission of an SEF. (помимо отверстий для осмотра, любые другие отверстия просверленные в любых регулируемых трубах требуют представления SEF) Note 4:Baseline steel properties used for calculations to be submitted in an SEF may not be lower than the following: (основные свойства стали используемые для вычисления которые представляются SEF не должны быть нижеследующих) Bending and buckling strength calculations: (пределы прочности при изгибе и прочность на продольный изгиб Young’s Modulus (E) = 200 GPa (29,000 ksi) – модуль Юнга Yield Strength (Sy) = 305 MPa (44.2 ksi)- предел текучести Ultimate Strength (Su) = 365 MPa (52.9 ksi) – предел прочности Welded monocoque attachment points or welded tube joint calculations: (точки прикрепления сплавного монокока или расчеты по суставу сварных труб) Yield Strength (Sy) = 180 MPa (26ksi) Ultimate Strength (Su) = 300 MPa (43.5 ksi) Where welded tubing reinforcements are required (e.g. inserts for bolt holes or material to support suspension cutouts) the tubing must retain the baseline cold rolled strength while using the welded strength for the additional reinforcement material.(там где требует укрепление сварных труб например втулки для отверстий болтов/шурупов или материал чтобы поддержать cutouts подвески, трубы должны удерживать холоднокатаную силу во время использования прочности сварного соединения для дополнительного укрепляющего материала)
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